So there's a pretty big visual bug for chi right now. Also kind of an annoyance because you have to refresh. However the stat bonuses from chi still works. Anyways, no chi auras are showing up at all as the system states. Also the chi progression is bugged. After you finish an entire chi level you have to relog because it gets stuck. After relogging your progress meter goes down.
I'll try and get a picture later today but I'd much rather post a video, as it's a really strange bug. Anyways my main concern is that no auras are showing up and I'm at immortal chi.
Here's a screen shot if it helps.
I'll try and get a picture later today but I'd much rather post a video, as it's a really strange bug. Anyways my main concern is that no auras are showing up and I'm at immortal chi.
Here's a screen shot if it helps.