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  • #61
    Originally posted by wreomar View Post
    And BTW Sir Reverie as you can see, Any games,admins,etc; that will know that their game has a BUGs,GLITCH etc; They will automatically fix it, so that their own game will stay alive. They dont need someone to send a ticket, Because if you already know what is the problem and If youre an admin,mod, etc; You will automatically fix it. Its your game be RESPONSIBLE. This is not criticizing I just want you to wake up and be RESPONSIBLE. Thanks and GOD BLESS !
    You must not not have read any of my posts regarding why tickets need to be filed. Allow me to break it down for you in detail: All player reports need to be filed via ticket system. Why you ask? Because the team needs to thoroughly investigate a player before proceeding with bans. The support team also uses tickets for record-keeping. For example: If a player violates our chat rules and is reported via ticket, they will be muted for x amount of time. If they are reported again for the same offense, a longer mute will be implemented because they already hold a hard record of violations. Tickets also help all support members keep track of why a person was banned or muted. The banned or muted player can always file tickets asking why they were banned/muted and if there is no existing ticket (record) for the assigned support member, they may believe that it was an accident from our end and guess what follows? An immediate unban/unmute may occur sooner than timed. It has happened.

    Can all bugs and glitches be reported via forum? Yes! We have a Bug Reports subforum just for that purpose. We still require screenshots and/or videos demonstrating the bug because the devs need to be able to actually see it to understand as well as step-by-step instructions so they can recreate it in their test server and research what is causing the bug to trigger. Don't forget that R2 is based in China and text in itself may be difficult for them to understand, especially when they do not avidly play the game.

    Why aren't bugs immediately fixed? Some are and some are not due to how complicated the bug is. It also depends on whether or not we, moderators, acquire sufficient screenshots/videos for the devs to conduct research on. We do rely on the players for assistance in that area because we, like the devs, cannot always trigger a bug and if a bug cannot be triggered by the devs, its resolve will be stretched until they figure out how to do so.

    "Be responsible", you say? A moderators' responsibilities are as follows, and I can assure you that both MemoryLane and myself are responsible for ourselves. Here is a complete, official list of a moderators' duties:
    What is the purpose of a Moderator?

    To manage the forums and ensure forum rules are upheld and carry out typical forum tasks:

    -Delete inappropriate posts
    -Edit inappropriate content from posts
    -Merge multiple threads/posts of same topic
    -Close threads where necessary
    -Warn/Ban posters for inappropriate behaviour (forum only)

    Moderators are also available to assist players where possible:

    -Pointing players to specific threads to assist their query
    -Troubleshooting players through game issues
    I apologize if this explanation was ground-breakingly long, but I hope you are now able to better understand how things work.

    Originally posted by MinhZye View Post
    lack of knowledge, mods on forums only manage forums they dpnt do anything about game but act as bridge between players and developers
    ^^ This is very accurate.

    Originally posted by wreomar View Post
    MY GOD please read it clearly and understand it. Cant you see Im using etc,? "Admins,mod etc,? or you dnt know what is it?
    I think Im not the one who is lack of knowledge here. And BTW mod. can talk to game operator.
    Moderators do not have immediate communication to the developers/pros. Like all workplaces, there is a chain of command. We, moderators, report to our immediate CRMs/support team who then must forward our report to the developers/pros after they have conducted an initial scout of the matter reported. When reporting via forum, the pass-along goes like players > moderators > CRMs/support team > developers. Taking into account shifts and weekends as well as the many games and issues each CRM handles, you can begin to understand how drawn-out of a process we all go through.

    If you or any other players refuse to understand and follow the standard process on how things work, our hands are tied and you simply cannot be helped. We are here to give you some direction on how things must be approached, and as inconvenient, painstakingly long, and frustrating as it is, not going through the suggested steps will lead you, us, and the community as a whole nowhere.


    • #62
      Nonono you didnt understand what i mean sir Rev. i didnt say to band a player for using bugs or glitch, what I mean is that you guys already know the bugs but you diddnt take any actions to fix it. Someone already send a ticket of that bugs or even no one send you a ticket of that bugs as long as you know what the problem is you need to fix it so that your game will stay alive.


      • #63
        Lol R2 dont care about anything. they are understaffed to the point they dont even reply to tickets anymore


        • #64
          Originally posted by wreomar View Post
          Nonono you didnt understand what i mean sir Rev. i didnt say to band a player for using bugs or glitch, what I mean is that you guys already know the bugs but you diddnt take any actions to fix it. Someone already send a ticket of that bugs or even no one send you a ticket of that bugs as long as you know what the problem is you need to fix it so that your game will stay alive.
          That bit was also addressed in my previous post; incase you missed it, here is the snippet:
          Originally posted by Reverie View Post
          Why aren't bugs immediately fixed? Some are and some are not due to how complicated the bug is. It also depends on whether or not we, moderators, acquire sufficient screenshots/videos for the devs to conduct research on.


          • #65
            ohhhh okay THANKS.


            • #66
              JUst to let you know i quit the game 2 many drama (s4) tulos out .. thank you r2 for not fixing the glitch or bugs only like to get more attending by helping drama or banned people


              • #67
                Originally posted by tulossosombra View Post
                JUst to let you know i quit the game 2 many drama (s4) tulos out .. thank you r2 for not fixing the glitch or bugs only like to get more attending by helping drama or banned people

                bye (S4)Tulos


                • #68
                  already reported some bugged abuser and send ticket still got no response ***


                  • #69
                    All submitted tickets have a 3-business day wait period for a response. If you have not received an initial response by then, you may send a PM with your e-mail to any designated moderator.


                    • #70
                      its a week already that passed still no response


                      • #71
                        drop it iphone this people dont care. this idiot people dont know how many casher player leave the game, well since they love proctecting glitechers n buggers good luck with your game. soon will be like 2 to 3 players per server


                        • #72
                          Firstly, welcome to the Crystal Saga 2 forums, Reverie. It is great to see that us of Crystal Saga 2 are in very capable hands.

                          Next, guys and girls. From experience from Crystal Saga 1, Reverie is one of the best Moderators on the forum, she always has time for us players. Now, Moderators are players with forum responsibilities, they aren't unfortunately DEVS, I wish they were, because then I'm sure things would be totally different. To all those flaming at the Moderators, flaming does no good, they can't do anything in-game, they are 'forum' moderators not 'in-game'. Just be polite, state your issue on the forum in a decent manner, they will respond and help players. I get players might be angry etc, but venting at someone who, out of the goodness of their own heart gives up their valuable time to try to help players achieves nothing, short of making them questioning why they are bothering. And trust me, if we had no Moderators then we would be totally stuck. (I have seen on another company when players flamed so much at the forum team that the forum team simply quit for a few weeks and consequently the forums went to hell)
                          Last edited by Slayor28; 12-14-2016, 03:59 AM.


                          • #73
                            yeah i know that they are only forum moderator...but come on...they can contact r2 faster...they can help players to report those bugged coz they see all the concern of the players here...

                            im playing a lot of online games and i cash...and some other online games can do action fast on their bugs and glitches but here....pfft...

                            S1 release for a long month ago..they receive lots of problem in d server like frag dungeon etc. but still nothing happens?? wheres d action?? action only receiving cash?? pfft

                            and btw u banned tulos that fast right?? why u dont request a screenshot of tulos character if she/he is the one who shouting?? remember L I look alike in game
                            Last edited by Reverie; 12-14-2016, 04:47 AM. Reason: Posts merged.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Slayor28 View Post
                              Firstly, welcome to the Crystal Saga 2 forums, Reverie. It is great to see that us of Crystal Saga 2 are in very capable hands.

                              Next, guys and girls. From experience from Crystal Saga 1, Reverie is one of the best Moderators on the forum, she always has time for us players. Now, Moderators are players with forum responsibilities, they aren't unfortunately DEVS, I wish they were, because then I'm sure things would be totally different. To all those flaming at the Moderators, flaming does no good, they can't do anything in-game, they are 'forum' moderators not 'in-game'. Just be polite, state your issue on the forum in a decent manner, they will respond and help players. I get players might be angry etc, but venting at someone who, out of the goodness of their own heart gives up their valuable time to try to help players achieves nothing, short of making them questioning why they are bothering. And trust me, if we had no Moderators then we would be totally stuck. (I have seen on another company when players flamed so much at the forum team that the forum team simply quit for a few weeks and consequently the forums went to hell)
                              Thank you kindly. I hope to meet up to my reputation here as back on CS.

                              Originally posted by iphone092091 View Post
                              and btw u banned tulos that fast right?? why u dont request a screenshot of tulos character if she/he is the one who shouting?? remember L I look alike in game
                              Moderators have no such power; it is the backend that handles all bans. Because you seem to be confused of what actually happened with the player originally reported in this thread, allow me to point out several things to clarify any misunderstanding:

                              1.) Thread starter:
                              Originally posted by andrewmika1992 View Post

                              These players need to be banned for advertising and using/supporting mall.
                              Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                              You will need to report all players advertising for Mall in a ticket here: Be sure to list their IGNs with the server marker along with any applicable screenshot(s).
                              2.) Several screenshots were then posted about one of the reported claiming association with R2 personnel:
                              Originally posted by truth View Post
                              [ATTACH=CONFIG]169877[/ATTACH] Found her just now lol. Is this her? and he was saying he works with r2 ? so r2 guys do tolerate advertising mall website ?? is this for real > O.O
                              Originally posted by MinhZye View Post
                              well i dont think this stats that tulos is r2 friend

                              this doesnt mean u get right to associate urself with r2 staff.
                              If you skim back, you will also notice that the player making such statements referred to the thread starter by their IGN, confirming the authenticity of these screenshots (not to be confused with the MallMMO advertisement screenshots which were addressed above).

                              Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                              I assure you that Tulos is not part of the R2 team. I will personally report him for impersonating staff as it is a violation of our Terms of Use.
                              Staff impersonation is taken incredibly seriously and must be handled immediately. Why? Because it puts the playerbase at great risk, for example: giving out their login information (which can lead to stolen accounts, deleted toons, and what have you), e-mails (privacy breach), negative emotions as a result of false claims (tickets being "denied" as claimed in one of the screenshots), etc.

                              On another note, yes, we do have a direct line of communication to the support team (not the devs), and we can readily report bugs, glitches, forward unanimously supported suggestions, and the likes, however we cannot report players for cases that will require logging and a backend investigation. See why here in a previous post:
                              Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                              All player reports need to be filed via ticket system. Why you ask? Because the team needs to thoroughly investigate a player before proceeding with bans. The support team also uses tickets for record-keeping. For example: If a player violates our chat rules and is reported via ticket, they will be muted for x amount of time. If they are reported again for the same offense, a longer mute will be implemented because they already hold a hard record of violations. Tickets also help all support members keep track of why a person was banned or muted. The banned or muted player can always file tickets asking why they were banned/muted and if there is no existing ticket (record) for the assigned support member, they may believe that it was an accident from our end and guess what follows? An immediate unban/unmute may occur sooner than timed. It has happened.
                              I hope this helps you better understand our position as moderators and what we can and cannot do to assist the community. Our reach is limited and standardized processes cannot simply be bypassed on the basis of flaring emotions.
                              Last edited by Reverie; 12-14-2016, 05:36 AM. Reason: Typo.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by iphone092091 View Post
                                yeah i know that they are only forum moderator...but come on...they can contact r2 faster...they can help players to report those bugged coz they see all the concern of the players here...

                                im playing a lot of online games and i cash...and some other online games can do action fast on their bugs and glitches but here....pfft...

                                S1 release for a long month ago..they receive lots of problem in d server like frag dungeon etc. but still nothing happens?? wheres d action?? action only receiving cash?? pfft

                                and btw u banned tulos that fast right?? why u dont request a screenshot of tulos character if she/he is the one who shouting?? remember L I look alike in game

                                lol . talking to this guy is pointless . talking to a dumb person makes you DUMB also. He dont understand at all. use you BRAIN bruh ot just your cash

