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Question for mods about process of recommending things to developers.

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  • Question for mods about process of recommending things to developers.

    I'm curious as to if the R2 developers ever ask you what the players are recommending and or if you guys send them random recommendations. If this does happen how often if ever have you guys suggested to them about adding things like new super titles, wings, mounts, ect. Ya know, the things people can upgrade without gettn ripped off. I'm seeing more and more people complaining about these things being ignored. And I'm sure all the players would appreciate if you guys made this a priority as far as your communication with them. Otherwise this game has really reached its end as there is nothing to do now besides stash junk in a vault that is already too small as is. Whats the point of running dungeons for items that you cant use lol.

    (S4) ThaDevil
    Guild: BunnyOutlaws
    Defending the Undefendable is a form of insanity. This world has gone crazy.

  • #2
    When the devs ask for player suggestions, we prompt a forum thread like such: Suggestions are then combed through and reasonable/doable ideas make it through for further contemplation by the devs. From the Suggestions subforum itself, ideas are forwarded only with unanimous player support. R2 will otherwise ignore forwards that have little to no support.

