Read carefull what i have said, she is from S20 she is still a new player, we are not talking about a player who has been playing for years in here. She can tank better than those knights with 75% due to her dodge rating, find me a knight from that server who has such dodge rating. Look also at her patt plus the skills, better defence, better DPS, the knight have no point if this is not going to be fixed. I used that screen as an example, but this is going to happen. AND PAY ATTENTION, I SAID SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE FULL SET AND HER ITEMS ARE NOT MAXED, CAN YOU READ YOUR OWN LANGUAGE BEFORE TO POST? Regards.
No announcement yet.
Everybody can cap to 75% so what now.
Would be better if you can have these suggestions forwarded via ticket system, better chances of being noticed by CS2 devs. Personally, I had some of my suggestions put into effect in a game, only it was different game (another R2 title), but who knows. If you believe such changes have to be made, then its worth it being passed along to support. Good luck!Last edited by Kalaripayattu; 02-19-2018, 11:40 PM.
Originally posted by risengaw View PostThe only thing I've noticed that is a bit ridiculous is the dodge rate for the new set items. If anything is unbalanced it's that. 154% dodge and 75% reductions on a ranger... you gotta be kidding me. That or they need to add new systems to improve hit rate.
Originally posted by Kalaripayattu View PostWould be better if you can have these suggestions forwarded via ticket system, better chances of being noticed by CS2 devs. Personally, I had some of my suggestions put into effect in a game, only it was different game (another R2 title), but who knows. If you believe such changes have to be made, then its worth it being passed along to support. Good luck!
Indeeed, i posted a screen as well showing a rogue who has been playing not so long with 66%, she just need another 9% to max, and these trolls keep to post ridicule things. Regarding the bonus set, another waste for a knight because the knight can get 75% without it already.
Regardless, read risengaw and xPrototypeT, if you pay attentions they are spammers, there is not a single post from them where they don't disagree and troll the topic. Ask for an IP ban? I'm gonna ask your ISP or maybe your parents to cut your internet connection untill you are 18s. Regards.
Originally posted by xPrototypeT View Posthasn't even checked S1 lol, only mye has max dr and well she vip 9 so ofc she would, cashers r suppose to have everything, like how he thinks a full set of equip will give that rogue an extra 8% DR too, nice joke
Originally posted by adamsmith10010Indeeed, i posted a screen as well showing a rogue who has been playing not so long with 66%, she just need another 9% to max, and these trolls keep to post ridicule things. Regarding the bonus set, another waste for a knight because the knight can get 75% without it already.
Regardless, read risengaw and xPrototypeT, if you pay attentions they are spammers, there is not a single post from them where they don't disagree and troll the topic. Ask for an IP ban? I'm gonna ask your ISP or maybe your parents to cut your internet connection untill you are 18s. Regards.
This makes me feel how you guys sucks, here another screen from a priest on S20. Now i'm starting to belive that on S1 everybody was a noob cheater with no idea how this game works.
What are bugs?
Originally posted by adamsmith10010
I have done it, what do you belive that this forum is going to change anything? I do know who you are in game, go to make fun of someone else. See you, in game, indeed. Bye.
That's good coz you see only those suggestions that are supported by many are the ones getting forwarded by the mods to support/devs, its kind off R2's protocol. If you get a thread like this where people don't agree with you, this will not likely get forwarded, hence why I advised you to make a ticket. Also, please read my post again, nowhere did I make fun of you, I even wished you good luck lol. I'm assuming in your haste to post, you misquoted me? I hope that's the case. I'm not really sure what you hope to accomplish by saying you know me in-game, very weird..
Originally posted by adamsmith10010 View PostAsk for a merge, S1 and above to S10 and S20 and above to S30, you noobs will be finished. Cheating help, but don't make you learn how this game works.What are bugs?
This post has been made to prove that not only knights have useless skills, but the main stats of the knight any class can get it, and i did prove it with the screens from new servers. These users here are going OT and by going OT the poist is ruinined, a good point that has been provied with proofs. I ask to the moderator team to take action about those players and fix this post to was it was meant to be. Regards.
Originally posted by adamsmith10010Indeeed, i posted a screen as well showing a rogue who has been playing not so long with 66%, she just need another 9% to max, and these trolls keep to post ridicule things. Regarding the bonus set, another waste for a knight because the knight can get 75% without it already.
Regardless, read risengaw and xPrototypeT, if you pay attentions they are spammers, there is not a single post from them where they don't disagree and troll the topic. Ask for an IP ban? I'm gonna ask your ISP or maybe your parents to cut your internet connection untill you are 18s. Regards.
This makes me feel how you guys sucks, here another screen from a priest on S20. Now i'm starting to belive that on S1 everybody was a noob cheater with no idea how this game works.'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'
Originally posted by adamsmith10010 View PostThese users here are going OT and by going OT the poist is ruinined, a good point that has been provied with proofs. I ask to the moderator team to take action about those players and fix this post to was it was meant to be. Regards.
Originally posted by adamsmith10010 View PostDon't forget one thing, a priest can be a support, but it's also a DPS, a ranger it's still a DPS, a kngiht it's not a DPS. Rangers are good only against mages
Priest is not a dps class, makes me laught, i did post i point and i did post screens to show that any class can get the same demage reduction a knight can get. There is nothing to argue about, those are facts.
The users who disagree in here are not knights, they must be rogues or something, how a knight who is supposed to be tank to kill a rogues who has same defence and much highter dodge?
Camon quit the bullcrap.
We all know the knight is one of the weakest classes due to it's limitation. When you see a pries with more defence what do you say abou it? I posted facts not ridicule stuffs, show me a knight who has better stats than any other class.
Originally posted by adamsmith10010 View PostPriest is not a dps class, makes me laught, i did post i point and i did post screens to show that any class can get the same demage reduction a knight can get. There is nothing to argue about, those are facts.
The users who disagree in here are not knights, they must be rogues or something, how a knight who is supposed to be tank to kill a rogues who has same defence and much highter dodge?
Camon quit the bullcrap.
We all know the knight is one of the weakest classes due to it's limitation. When you see a pries with more defence what do you say abou it? I posted facts not ridicule stuffs, show me a knight who has better stats than any other class.
but the priest uses the KNIGHT SET so again, what's the problem if knight suppose to give high dr
well risenga is the strongest knight on cs2 lol and i have a knight on cs1 with 2mill patk, ik how pvp works and it's alot harder there cuz rogues have 130/155 skills for insane amount of dodge and can actually reach max dr unlike here
still easy to counter rogues, knights have a specific skill for rogues, not mine or anyone elses fault that you dont use it, it really is a forgotten skill to most people who use knight so it's funny watching them complain about pvp disadvantage when they dont use said skill at all xD
fyi holy priest is support, suppose to be tanky so it can survive to support, duh
Originally posted by csbeast2 View Post
Priest is NOT a DPS class, especially cause cs2 doesn't have the lvl 130+ skills. Knights way outdamages them. Also, Rangers are arguably the best class in the game in regards of PvP.
rangers only best in theory imo, sure those traps and extra range help assuming u got main nature tree or w/e it's called i forgot but rlly a knight can just drag and kill, no damion shield here to save them nor rapid cd for a stun, keep it mind ranger skills r 400 range which is in range for drag but eh maybe im wrong, never rlly pvp'd on a ranger, cs1 was too dead by the time i got my ranger decent statonly like 1 decent ranger on cs2 as well in s1 from that i seen and that simply cuz high stat, duno how good he actually is
'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'