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11/29 Server Update

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  • [Patch Notes] 11/29 Server Update

    • Gold Exchange
    • Mysterious Man
    • Costume Free Trial
    • Quest Reaper
    • Lost Kitten

    • Daily First Recharge Pack
    • It Pays to Consume
    • Consumer Points
    • Accumulative Recharge Bonus

  • #2
    [Promotion] Daily First Recharge Pack
    Duration: 11/29 - 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level requirement: None
    Description: During the promotion, receive a Daily First Recharge Pack each day you purchase 500 or more Crystals.
    Daily First Recharge Pack contains Greater Mount Upgrade Token x12

    [Promotion] It Pays to Consume
    Duration: 11/29 - 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level requirement: None
    Description: During this promotion, use your Crystal to purchase items in the Item Shop and receive a number of unique rewards! Rewards are based on total Crystal spent during this promotion – NOT total Crystal purchased. Once you reach the requirements below, visit the Quartermaster in Starglade to receive your extra reward.
    Note: Each level can only be redeemed once!
    Crystals Spent Rewards
    500 Mount Upgrade Token x12
    2000 Mount Upgrade Token x48
    6000 Greater Mount Upgrade Token x58
    10000 Greater Mount Upgrade Token x96
    20000 Black Dragon Coins x24, Greater Mount Upgrade Token x48
    Ethereal Wings x120
    30000 Black Dragon Coins x48, Greater Mount Upgrade Token x48
    Super Title Shard x72, Therion x1
    60000 Enchanted Skill Dust x2, Superior Gems Coupon x12, Morph Crystal x600

    [Promotion] Consumer Points
    Duration: 11/29 - 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level requirement: None
    Description: During the event, spend 1 Crystal = 16 Consumer Points (CP). Players can use the Consumer Points to purchase items in the Consumer Points Shop. All Consumer Points will be cleared when the event ends.

    [Promotion] Accumulative Recharge Bonus
    Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
    Server: All Servers
    Level requirement: None
    Description: During this promotion, recharge certain total amounts of Crystal and be rewarded with Gift Packs!
    Note: Each level can only be redeemed once!
    Recharge Total Rewards
    500 Gift Pack A: Black Dragon Coin x4
    2000 Gift Pack B: Soul Print x20
    6000 Gift Pack C: Greater Pearl of Wisdom x3
    10000 Gift Pack D: Superior Gems Coupon x3
    20000 Gift Pack E: Therion x2
    30000 Gift Pack E: Enchanted Skill Dust x3


    • #3
      [Activity] Gold Exchange
      Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: 30+
      Description: During the event, players may visit the Quartermaster in Starglade to exchange 1 Gold for Heroic Wings (Bound) x2. Each player may do this exchange once per day.

      [Activity] Mysterious Man
      Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: 30+
      Description: For the following week, a Mysterious Man will appear in Starglade (L1) every day.
      a. Find him to get a Lucky Pack once per day. The Lucky Pack may or may not contain Quartermaster Token x1. Wish you luck!
      b. You can also spend 6 Gold to purchase Torch x1 up to 3 times per day from him.

      [Activity] Costume Free Trial
      Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: 30+
      During the event, players can receive a free set of costume from the Quartermaster, available once per day. The costume set lasts 2 hours.

      [Activity] Quest Reaper
      Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: 30+
      Description: For the following week, complete 10 hunting quests for Quartermaster Token x1 from the Quartermaster, available once per day.

      [Activity] Lost Kitten
      Duration: 11/29 – 12/5 11:59 PM (Server Time)
      Server: All Servers
      Level Requirement: 30+
      During the event, kittens will start appearing every hour on the hour form 10:00 - 22:00 in Starglade. Use Capturer to capture 5 of them to receive Quartermaster Token x1 from the Quartermaster. Once per day.


      • #4
        the consume events kinda pointless tbh shoulda had that during the spender event and then had this one on points for recharge woulda made more sense but oh well hopefully you guys are updating the lvl 120 stuff or is it gonna be left glitched for another week or few?


        • #5
          Yeah. Only thing that will make this update good is increasing the level cap. Otherwise it's just another disappointment.


          • #6
            They finally added new mounts! Guess what though, its cash only! Good job R2... you guys obviously don't think before you do. Next wings will probably be cash only too lol.

            Edit: Not only is it cash only, but it is the EXACT same look as the serpopard mount you can buy in fate shop for 1500 crystal... what a joke.
            Last edited by risengaw; 11-29-2017, 04:06 AM.
            What are bugs?


            • #7
              Yep. R2 just loves to disappoint it's players. We thought they were going to make a good maint for once and put in new dungeons and increase the level cap. Instead they remove them and give us this ****.
              Last edited by fhifhi1995; 11-29-2017, 04:06 AM.


              • #8
                R2 you guys are the biggest pieces of garbage in the gaming community, you people should lose your job your company and be thrown out into the street, you are no better than common criminals 3200 xtal per click on new mount, get lost u bums i wont cash ur garbage, keep it
                Defending the Undefendable is a form of insanity. This world has gone crazy.


                • #9
                  How odd. There are some people who complain about how badly designed a system is or how much R2/devs fail on running this game (CS2), or how dead this game is, yet, by the end of the day, they top up anyway and recharge to max out game systems.


                  • #10
                    Total of 4 new mounts, Amber Manticore, Azure Kirin, Obsidian Wyvern, and The Undying. Total amount of tries for each was 38,43,46,55. So on average about 40+ tries per mount.
                    What are bugs?


                    • #11
                      I hope you got this info somewhere and you seriously didnt pay for this garbage. If i was sitting on a billion.dollars i wouldnt give these clowns all that money.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by brian.greening1981 View Post
                        I hope you got this info somewhere and you seriously didnt pay for this garbage. If i was sitting on a billion.dollars i wouldnt give these clowns all that money.
                        he payed lmao shujinko is s3


                        • #13
                          -Mount full cash shop...
                          -Fragarach (equipment drop in dg)

                          Last edited by Vendeuse; 11-29-2017, 03:16 PM.


                          • #14
                            For the sake of the purpose of the announcement, please keep all finger-pointing private or in a support ticket. As of late, R2 has had a recent epiphany about crystal mallers, so they are cracking down and deleting reported and confirmed abusers who partake in receiving illegally purchased (and very traceable) crystals. Have a go.
                            Last edited by Reverie; 11-30-2017, 11:30 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Reverie View Post
                              For the sake of the purpose of the announcement, please keep all finger-pointing private or in a support ticket. As of late, R2 has had a recent epiphany about crystal mallers, so they are cracking down and deleting reported and confirmed abusers who partake in receiving illegally purchased (and very traceable) crystals. Have a go.
                              Can you guarantee that they will take action, or this is a joke? They did nothing in the past and hard to believe that they will do something now.

