Hey Every one Am posting some friendly suggestions came in my mind hope they will approve it (;
1) Safe points in enchanting : Weapon enchanting in CS2 is much more harder than that of CS1. And i really love Enchanting weapons they glow
its too hard to make it to even 7+ in CS2, But adding some safe points in Enchanting is a big help for all.
My suggested safe points are at glowing lvls, 7,9,12 etc idk i never reached more than 8+
2)Improve AFK radius : Improving AFk radius is a good thing a slight invress will help clear quest real faster (;
3)Bound Gem exchange : At overlord u have a chance to get high lvl gems. But usually they are bound can u add an option in event master to change bound gem to
gem coupon. Its really a sad When a mage get bound shining Emarald
and it will also help those misfortunate ppl who have miss clicked in
gem exchange
4)Atribut reset and sot : I hope every one have showed a thumbs down on removing sot from guild exchange
. Bring Sot back at guild exchange its really importent
also if possible put Attribut reset card in guild exchange too
i will add more if i find any thing interesting ty
and sorry for my bad spelling
1) Safe points in enchanting : Weapon enchanting in CS2 is much more harder than that of CS1. And i really love Enchanting weapons they glow
its too hard to make it to even 7+ in CS2, But adding some safe points in Enchanting is a big help for all.
My suggested safe points are at glowing lvls, 7,9,12 etc idk i never reached more than 8+
2)Improve AFK radius : Improving AFk radius is a good thing a slight invress will help clear quest real faster (;
3)Bound Gem exchange : At overlord u have a chance to get high lvl gems. But usually they are bound can u add an option in event master to change bound gem to
gem coupon. Its really a sad When a mage get bound shining Emarald

gem exchange
4)Atribut reset and sot : I hope every one have showed a thumbs down on removing sot from guild exchange

also if possible put Attribut reset card in guild exchange too
i will add more if i find any thing interesting ty
and sorry for my bad spelling