Ive been playing crystal saga since 2012. I think Chi and Tenets are going to have the next levels anyways so Im just gonna suggest additional systems.
1. Blitz system - for dungeons and some events that can be missed by those players who have work day time. (rewards or amount/exp of an item that can be obtained can be your call ofc)
2. Retrieval system - retrieving certain amount of exp or items that we missed in a daily activity or event
3. Cross server pvps - can battle pvp with other servers like an arena 1v1, can have by class pvp too (with good rewards/exps)
4. Turf war cross server - can declare war, and can set allies and help each other in war (with good rewards/exps)
5. Make something like bound crystals as farm-able and stuffs(useful ones) that can be bought by it (all stuffs doesn't need to be recharged)
6. Make guild leader transferable again.
7. More benefits in owning the land (like have rare item rewards)
8. Have an event to farm guild food. And make guild boss drops good as rare items.
9. Put good stuffs in daily log in rewards (good rewards, such as bound crystals that i suggested)
10. Have an auto grinding system (can loot stuffs, gain exp) even its offline, lets say you will need offline token to make it happen (suggested additional item : 1 afk offline token = 1 hour)
I think adding some of that will make the game enjoyable again, for me.
Add additional bag space please too lol
1. Blitz system - for dungeons and some events that can be missed by those players who have work day time. (rewards or amount/exp of an item that can be obtained can be your call ofc)
2. Retrieval system - retrieving certain amount of exp or items that we missed in a daily activity or event
3. Cross server pvps - can battle pvp with other servers like an arena 1v1, can have by class pvp too (with good rewards/exps)
4. Turf war cross server - can declare war, and can set allies and help each other in war (with good rewards/exps)
5. Make something like bound crystals as farm-able and stuffs(useful ones) that can be bought by it (all stuffs doesn't need to be recharged)
6. Make guild leader transferable again.
7. More benefits in owning the land (like have rare item rewards)
8. Have an event to farm guild food. And make guild boss drops good as rare items.
9. Put good stuffs in daily log in rewards (good rewards, such as bound crystals that i suggested)
10. Have an auto grinding system (can loot stuffs, gain exp) even its offline, lets say you will need offline token to make it happen (suggested additional item : 1 afk offline token = 1 hour)
I think adding some of that will make the game enjoyable again, for me.

Add additional bag space please too lol