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[Patch Notes] Crystal Saga 1/31 Server Update

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  • allackuzha
    for guys who doent cash its never be achieved

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  • bichunmoo
    hellyo nice to meat you too

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  • smarandita1
    hello! nice to meet you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 0411asd
    nice events, but it would of been really nice if you FIXED THE LOADING ISSUES, AND THE LAG IN OUR 8 SERVER MERGE

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  • xx.Revontheus.xx
    Agreed with Sebastian. Haven't upgraded my Glowing Wings till the XMAS event. Make "Pre-Valentines" event next week. MAKE IT WITH HWINGS OR EWINGS. Our server (S5 and merged with abunch of servers) only had one player with Divine Wings +6.
    Last edited by xx.Revontheus.xx; 02-01-2013, 05:19 AM.

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  • sebastian1988
    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
    They just had an EW event and they'll probably have the divine wings event next week or the week after. They want the serious cashers who can't wait for the event to buy first. When sperion was released, we didn't get a SP event right away, but it came very soon after. Just wait a week or two, it'll be there.
    That would be events for Divine Wings which more than 99% of the people can't even use.
    It's disappointing that the events aren't based on the released content. The last ew exchange gave 21 ew per 60+ char, not even enough ew for 1 single upgrade if they made that exchange 10 weeks long.

    They really should consider giving out gmut/ew as a purgatory drop so that people will actually start doing that dungeon again.
    Not like people would be able to farm enough ew to max out right away, but they might max their demon lords in a few months while the top cashers can enjoy their divine wings until that day comes.

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  • (S14)Squintina
    Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
    Nah, the events suck compared to events that we had a year ago.
    I don't see why they release new wings but dont give a better way to actually obtain ethereal wings to get to the point that you need the divine wings.
    Seriously, all the event gift packs dont include ew LOL.

    Whoever is responsible for the updates should be fired o.O
    They just had an EW event and they'll probably have the divine wings event next week or the week after. They want the serious cashers who can't wait for the event to buy first. When sperion was released, we didn't get a SP event right away, but it came very soon after. Just wait a week or two, it'll be there.

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  • sebastian1988
    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
    These are actually good events. They can give good prizes and do not overly favor high levels because even a low level can get badges from grb, seng, and hellstorm. CoF and Seng both have low level requirements and those who are weak will still earn prizes despite how they fare in those events.

    If you think the game needs better events, then you are setting your expectations WAY too high. This is one of the best, and fairest, event we could have asked for.
    Nah, the events suck compared to events that we had a year ago.
    I don't see why they release new wings but dont give a better way to actually obtain ethereal wings to get to the point that you need the divine wings.
    Seriously, all the event gift packs dont include ew LOL.

    Whoever is responsible for the updates should be fired o.O

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  • sangofighter
    Originally posted by Helldemon83 View Post
    It's kind of bad when even 120 eidolons aren't willing to spend silvers on this event. The silver packs should not have had the pet orbs in them imo, it's not even worth it to try. Otherwise everything else is really nice.
    We need silver alternatives to seng(gets boring), Tama(CoF kinda killed it and time needed to get silver) & Crypt(1 silver is nice but not gonna help when u need 100)

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  • Helldemon83
    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
    These are actually good events. They can give good prizes and do not overly favor high levels because even a low level can get badges from grb, seng, and hellstorm. CoF and Seng both have low level requirements and those who are weak will still earn prizes despite how they fare in those events.

    If you think the game needs better events, then you are setting your expectations WAY too high. This is one of the best, and fairest, event we could have asked for.
    It's kind of bad when even 120 eidolons aren't willing to spend silvers on this event. The silver packs should not have had the pet orbs in them imo, it's not even worth it to try. Otherwise everything else is really nice.

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  • Nashir
    ^guy above Squinny is annoying
    stop whining

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  • (S14)Squintina
    Originally posted by stan436 View Post
    This game need better events
    These are actually good events. They can give good prizes and do not overly favor high levels because even a low level can get badges from grb, seng, and hellstorm. CoF and Seng both have low level requirements and those who are weak will still earn prizes despite how they fare in those events.

    If you think the game needs better events, then you are setting your expectations WAY too high. This is one of the best, and fairest, event we could have asked for.

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  • stan436
    This game need better events

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  • KageGosuto
    thanx for the patch,

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  • sebastian1988
    Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
    there'll be ways to get the stuff for the new wings, just be patient.

    And why so negative? The actual events are good. Bronze badges exchanged into packs that give you stuff? Free stuff for going into seng? Free soul shard for showing up to an event? All = good.
    I honestly dont care about Divine Wings, can be cash shop only forever, but there is no way to get enough ethereal wings to even get to the point that divine wings matter.
    The last ethereal wing event only gave 1 click on my wings, how can I be positive about this cash trap?

    And I'm really tired of these chance based events. They should have made this unlimited and/or let us directly exchange badges for the items that we want.
    Do you realize that none of the events include ethereal wings?

    Oh and the bug fixes.. KD buff fixed again, third time now. The immortal blade bug fixed. Why not fix all the other bugs ingame before releasing new stuff.
    Cash farm stays cash farm.

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