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[Activity] Flying High
[Activity] Flying High
This Forum Admin is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone on to other work. He's a stiff. If R2 hadn't ignored him he'd still be employed. Bereft of work he lives in peace. His forum duties are now history. He's off the twig, he's kicked the bucket, he's shuffled off these forums, run down the thread count, and joined the ex-R2Games Employees Club. This is an ex-Forum Admin.Tags: None
Well...that's um...ok I'll just be skipping this oneThere will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.
Crystal SagaIGN: Codawg
Server: Celestial Haven
Guild: BrimStone
Class: Beastmaster
Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice)
Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v
And no mount extravaganca for Battle Stallion and Killin...
I mentioned this a few weeks ago. I was the 1st to get Killin on The Wilterlands... Still got nothing as a "WOW you got an xxx Mount!"...
Guess i'll just have to buy 100,000 xstal and get the wings - atleast those now give you something. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr