MONEY MONEY MONEY thats all you care about at r2 not its players hope you game burns robing bastards.
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[Promotion] Olympic Pack
Originally posted by Bobofet View PostIn great tradition of the olympics and you give us a bollocks event, £5 every day for a load of ****. you guys at rs are just riping every body off that spent time playing this game, im at the point where all i need is gems and gmuts and soul shards, i cant farm gmuts only buy them, i cant farm ewings only buy them i cant get more than 7 soul shards aday, why the hell arnt you doing events that give these items away, but no you all gready money *** grabing bastards and im giving up the game as im not spending 6 houres grinding gems. i want and need items above and im not give you my life savings, i hope you lose alot of players as i for one have quit you stupid money trap game, i hope trading standards shut you down, i understand the fact that you can buy these items but whats not fare is these items DONT drop in any dungeons only BUY them.Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs"
Originally posted by XxTaLoNxX View PostSorry we don't share even similar perspectives. But maybe because I have a different opinion than mindless lemmings.
Lately these events have been awful.
And new permanent events favor the stronger players so that it just keeps the "strong get stronger and the weak can suck it" type gameplay. Which again favors people who dump tons of money into the game.
Sorry, I don't like games like that. Skill over money, skill over money.
Originally posted by R2CS_Stormaggedon View PostDuration: 8/2(post-update) – 8/15 11:59 P.M. (Server Time)
Servers: All Servers
Description: The Olympics are here! In honor of this great tradition, you can get your own Olympic Pack to help you feel like a gold medal champion in your quest to fight evil! For two weeks only, players may purchase 1 Olympic Pack per day at the Quartermaster for only 499 crystals.
Olympic Pack - open to receive the following items:
Gold Honor Badge x 1
Silver Honor Badge x 10
Bronze Honor Badge x 100
Olympic Spirit x 2
Olympic Spirit - use to gain a 30 min buff:
Movement Speed +50
Attack Speed +10%
Cast Speed +10%
All Attributes +30
all of you people who complain about do realize you can earn 500 in less than an hours work doing free xtal offers. survey's pay the most for about 20 mins effort. in order for most payments to go through successfully, have all javascripts enabled and set browsers to accept all cookies. usually they pay upon successful completion. even those who don't live in the usa can complete some surveys and offers as well because many companies who pay for these surveys to be done are international corporations. even if it's something as simple as installing FB apps using a couple profiles over all the possible offers and sponsor should be able to get a pack or two. :/ i think working for your xtal makes these packs seem more rewarding.IGN: Missy
Class: Priest
Level: 100
Server: (S15)/Aquatic Crypts
thank u R2 for letting me have my character back..