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[New] Promethean Wings

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  • #16
    more important things need to be done to this game, yet they give us...wings....
    [S62] Bloodshed Hollow
    Defiance - Guild Master

    The original wording on this signature was changed by R2 without my knowledge, abuse of power perhaps?
    It was changed due to my comments about THIS topic:
    A hacker blatantly admitted his guilt, yet he is still on the person's account.


    • #17
      they look cool but what they need to do is make a set that is more of a change of looks like costumed. wings stats and rank looks the same ... how we supposed to catch up to the top brass if we cant touch them?


      • #18
        Yet again another r2 money grab. Casher get your credit cards out so you can fund more content for yourselves and lame events for the rest of us. We still have level 80 PvP gear and they release more wings, wth r2. To celebrate the new wings I'm going to make 10 more healer alts and afk them on L1. Lagg city here we come, lmao.
        "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"


        • #19
          Originally posted by MuZIKaH2142 View Post
          [ATTACH=CONFIG]54433[/ATTACH] btw its not hideous .... when its fully maxed
          Mod's please remove this Pic. Thx


          • #20
            hopeless i cant make it ........

            Server: (S62)Bloodshed Hollow
            Char Name: Nikaido
            Job: Hybrid knight
            Level: Still Progress~~~

            “Do a barrel roll!/Try a somersault!/Use the boost to get through!”
            -Peppy Hare, Star Fox 64 :cool:


            • #21
              you dont want the best picture to be deleted it shows all of the different stages are you nuts?!?! and yes we need events. why make it where cashers are the onlyones to benifit. again THINK FROM A PLAYERS PROSPECTIVE... not everyone is able to spend money just to have bad Bunny Wabbitsâ„¢ gear come on cs... a year ago you where a hell of alot better than this....
              Last edited by BrotherVT; 09-12-2013, 04:50 PM.


              • #22
                wel i like these wings... bu tomg.. 80xtal and you need a lot, jeeeezzss, in this game you need to be casher to have good things.. where is the honesty in that??
                Spouse:Yangin ♥ Femaso ~//~ StarFrost ♥ AngelOfWrath
                Guild: Yangin: Somnium,AGM ~//~Starfrost in SoR
                Lvl: 160 Eido Rogue ~//~ lvl 120 Bm Hybrid
                Pets: A Lot!!
                Sperion:Superior Eternal lvl 120
                Server: S59 Riggie, S68 Yangin, S64 StarFrost
                Wings: Divine Wings
                Weapon: Immortal Aug
                Pixie: Celestial Stage
                Mount: lvl 20 Jiyaori- lvl 20 kyuubi

                Spawn Off DeathDealer and AngelBlade

                Be yourself, Don't let them walk over yourself...
                Be Happy..Never give up..


                • #23
                  Not a huge casher.. Another thing i can't use. :I


                  • #24
                    i love the blue ones


                    • #25
                      YAY!!! wings that 99% of us will never get!!
                      IGN:: (S34)Skyrazor
                      Server:: (S34)Void Encampment
                      Class:: Rogue
                      Plane:: Eidolon
                      LVL:: 150 (I hope I never have to do that again >_>")
                      Honor rank:: Emperor


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by draco211 View Post
                        you dont want the best picture to be deleted it shows all of the different stages are you nuts?!?! and yes we need events. why make it where cashers are the onlyones to benifit. again THINK FROM A PLAYERS PROSPECTIVE... not everyone is able to spend money just to have bad *** gear come on cs... a year ago you where a hell of alot better than this....
                        Hey don't blame me, I've posted pics and game info before and mods shut me down for it. If they're gonna enforce on me then they have to enforce on the forums. They can't have double standards it wouldn't be fair to everyone.


                        • #27
                          New features like these, is the time when I decide whether I either dump 1000$ in the game and get what I want or just press the quite button or just ignore it all together and remind myself that it's not worth dumping money in a game where prices of items are costly and takes a whole lot to just get a simple upgrade......


                          • #28
                            I think the ares armor was here for way too short, need to make a more permanent way to earn that ares equipment especially for those of us who were too low during the event to get the lottery keys to win 20 ares shards just to get a single piece


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                              Mod's please remove this Pic. Thx
                              I smell irony, lol.

                              Originally posted by draco211 View Post
                              you dont want the best picture to be deleted it shows all of the different stages are you nuts?!?! and yes we need events. why make it where cashers are the onlyones to benifit. again THINK FROM A PLAYERS PROSPECTIVE... not everyone is able to spend money just to have bad *** gear come on cs... a year ago you where a hell of alot better than this....
                              All I can say that if I would be a multimillionaire .. like someones .. I would Bunny Wabbitsâ„¢ care about getting more money, would rather ensure that the game's enjoyable and players satisfied. >_> Oh well "Greedy people has Bunny Wabbitsâ„¢ end" they say, all hail karma!
                              Last edited by BrotherVT; 09-12-2013, 04:55 PM.
                              Stalkers OP.

                              Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                              • #30
                                REALLY?! Like SO many people have the divine wings right? Try making the flippin fail rate a lil lower and PERHAPS those of us that would spend cash would buy wing packs, while Im forced to go to 13 stars between upgrade forget it. WTG devs...idiots

