More Characters to Kill!! FUN!
No announcement yet.
[Annoucement] Server Merge Scheduled for Tuesday, August 28th
`oh my.... @_@
however, it sounds fun....
go go Tundara/Molten...`
(S24) Machie
Class: Hybrid Knight
Guild: (S24) GeneiRyodan
(Guild Master)
Server: Tundara
(S24)BladeEye's Wife
`the two most important days in your Life
are the day you are BORN, and the day you find out WHY... - Mark Twain`
absolutely amazing! in case you cant sense the sarcasm, let me tell you im not very happy right now. here we are working our butts off to try to get these stupid anniversary coupons which, you may get one if you kill like 10 of those thieves, and you go and merge our server making it next to impossible for anyone except a few select players to get these coupons thus having a very limited amount of ppl to participate. i really hope you guys will make anniversary events some what attainable for the entire community who chose to play your game.
Lost my guild...what happend??
Please GM, need your help....Thanks
(S24) Sappphire
Class : Blood priest
Guild : (Persona - lvl 4 ....> disappear)
just join again Persona lvl 1
Server : TundaraLast edited by NiceShaman; 08-30-2012, 09:27 AM.