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Question from a newbiew!!!!!

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  • Question from a newbiew!!!!!

    Okay guys and girls, im new to this game and i love it alot but like all new players i still have few question's with no answer so i tught il ask them here so here we go,

    1. I subscribed for vip and il still take it for time to come but if i ever decide i no longer what it how do i disable the automatic subscription?

    2. In game related questions now:

    2.a = Let's start by pets: First of if baby angel morph's into an super angel and then a burning angel, what dose morph into an Guardian Angel?

    Secondly if u breed a gen 5 pet with enchantment lvl +13 into an +0 gen one will it also transfer the bonuses from gen 5 and enchantment lvl? Or only the base stats?
    Third what's the one of a kind pet? Or the most rare one around that's unseed before or something like that?
    4th Dose anyone know what an aromored fish gets as skill's? And can he fight against a Guardian Angel?
    5th Can i somehow make the pet learn certain skill's?
    6th Witch is the pet with the most are of effect spell's?
    7th How many morph crystals i would need average to morph a burning angel from a super angel? Will i need anything else?
    8th Divine blood how many i will need for pet soul completion ?

    2.b = Here i have few questions about the frageron weapon's so here we go :

    1st What skill's dose a ranger weapon receve?
    2nd the upgrade order is: Earthen, Superior,Perfect, Auguric? Right?
    3rd: What materials and witch kind and the nr of ea are needed to upgrade from Earthen 1 to Auguric X?
    4rd Wen fusing weapons what materials are needed for refinement and how many?
    5th Wen fusing weapons can we fuse any weapon in it? Including a slayer one? Witch is the most recomanded for fusing? Another Auguric?
    6th How many weapons can you fuse in 1 weapon?
    7th If you fuse a weapon into your auguric and the fused weapon you fuse into another clean auguric will the resulting fuse get the fused bonus atributes of the first auguric witch had a weapon fused in it?
    8th Anything else i should know about these weapons?

    2.c = Okay now i wana ask about gem's:

    1st Pink diamond gems can they be socketed into any ring slot? Seems i cant make holes into my pristine demoni ring........
    2nd Garnet gems increases chances of critical rate or critical dmg?
    3rd Are there any luck gems?
    4rd Kyanite gems they basicaly make u cast faster skills right ? Are they worth anything?
    5th Imaculate Peridot gems can they be socketed into the lvl 40 pvp set?
    6th Were is the best place to farm gems?
    7th Dose normal, shining gems drop from monsters? If so were?

    2.d = Here i wana ask about a mix of random question's :

    1st Again if we fuse a fused mount into a clean one will it get the bonuses from the first one witch had a fused one in it?
    2nd Witch is the best way to get in game wisdom?
    3rd Any way you can get higher lvl runes drop in game like blue runes and pink, without sysntezing?
    4rd What is the fastest way to get soul shard's and as many as possible?
    5th Anyone has some are's eq i can view? Thanks
    6th Dose the system keep up wen your atack speed is over 200-300%? Or after a value it gets broken and wont work higher?
    7th Witch is the highest atack speed you can atain in game with all the speed stuff? And move speed [no mount]?
    8th As a ranger what its better p atack, hp or p def or maybe m def? As going for the anti mage branch of the skill's and alot of farming.... was thin king that there is no point in having dmg if u get 1hited right?
    9th How much crystal did it took you guys to upgrade zodiac i used over 2k and i havent even got 1 star for zodiac upgrade...... .something is fishy here
    10th Is divine soul system broken ? Or so ive heard...............
    11th What can you tell me about Best Soul System?
    12th Okay im a chi freak i love that system but some fail's didnt game me any star or star progres....that should not happend is their star system a bit corrupted?
    13th Fruits system after a tree gets unlocked it wont stay that way? Because after 1 try it gets blocked again at me..... If so how is it posible to get to the last tree....
    14th Is the quartermaster token npc there to stay is it permanent, meaning can i save my tokens for something good or should i get smth till they remove the npc?

    Okay thanks for the help guys & girls and any other info and advice will be gladly recieved and sorry for my english its not very good but i hope you understood my questions.......

    Thank you!

  • #2
    I will be answering questions I know the answers to for the moment; others will require a little research or another kind poster’s input.

    1. I subscribed for vip and il still take it for time to come but if i ever decide i no longer what it how do i disable the automatic subscription?
    ~Upon entering the My R2 section of your account, there will be a tab called “VIP State”. If your VIP is active, there should be an option to cancel it.
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    2. In game related questions now:

    2.a = Let's start by pets: First of if baby angel morph's into an super angel and then a burning angel, what dose morph into an Guardian Angel?
    ~The Guardian Angel and Emperor Demon are the last morphs of their prospective predecessors. There is no other form after those.

    Secondly if u breed a gen 5 pet with enchantment lvl +13 into an +0 gen one will it also transfer the bonuses from gen 5 and enchantment lvl? Or only the base stats?
    Third what's the one of a kind pet? Or the most rare one around that's unseed before or something like that?
    [Open to other poster input]

    4th Dose anyone know what an aromored fish gets as skill's? And can he fight against a Guardian Angel?
    ~The Armored Fish is similar to a Super Angel. On that note, it does not stand a chance against a Guardian Angel.

    5th Can i somehow make the pet learn certain skill's?
    ~You cannot force a pet to learn a certain skill -- they learn skills randomly. You can however upgrade their current skill with matching pet books. If you would like to delete a pet skill you deem undesirable, you can, however it will cost you 60 crystals(?) to do so.

    6th Witch is the pet with the most are of effect spell's?
    ~If you mean which pet is most effective, that would all depend on your preference. Some players prefer support pets which can heal in battle, others prefer defensive pets which have a higher absorption percentage and so forth.

    7th How many morph crystals i would need average to morph a burning angel from a super angel? Will i need anything else?
    ~There aren’t exactly accurate answers for morph-related questions, as the morph process itself is entirely by chance. It is possible to morph with one click as it is many clicks. You will however need a Fire Lord to morph a Burning Angel. A Fire Lord can be obtain via hatching Fire Lord eggs, but watch out! They’re rare pets, so successfully hatching a Fire Lord will be on the more difficult side.

    8th Divine blood how many i will need for pet soul completion ?
    [Open to other poster input]

    2.b = Here i have few questions about the frageron weapon's so here we go :

    1st What skill's dose a ranger weapon receve?
    [Open to other poster input]

    2nd the upgrade order is: Earthen, Superior,Perfect, Auguric? Right?
    ~That is correct.

    3rd: What materials and witch kind and the nr of ea are needed to upgrade from Earthen 1 to Auguric X?
    ~There’s quite a hefty list of requirements as you progress through the stages -- here are some of the requirements/optional enchantment materials, in no particular stage-order: Fragarach Shards, Dragon Crystals, Frageron Soul Essence, Bloodelar Soul Essence, Wraith Soul Essence, Rueful Soul Essence, Savage Essence, Nether Essence, Magic Dust (as per your preference), Enchantment Stones (as per your preference), Moderate Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference), Major Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference), Supreme Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference).

    4rd Wen fusing weapons what materials are needed for refinement and how many?
    ~You will need a total of 4,400 Fragarach Refinement Crystals and 400(?) Purified Crystals for a complete weapon-fusion.

    5th Wen fusing weapons can we fuse any weapon in it? Including a slayer one? Witch is the most recomanded for fusing? Another Auguric?
    ~Of course the optimal fusion will be fusing an Auguric with another Auguric, however seeing as to how that’s a heavy amount of work, players do often fuse with a lesser weapon. I haven’t personally attempted using the Slayer weapon as the secondary in a fuse, but I believe it should work as well.

    6th How many weapons can you fuse in 1 weapon?
    ~The fused stats will reflect only the most recent of fusions. Once your weapon is fused to one other, you may fuse it again if you find a different secondary you prefer. The stats will then reflect the added stats of the most recent fuse -- it will not add up.

    7th If you fuse a weapon into your auguric and the fused weapon you fuse into another clean auguric will the resulting fuse get the fused bonus atributes of the first auguric witch had a weapon fused in it?
    ~The stat bonus will only reflect the most recent fusion. Weapons cannot be fused in “generations” like pets or mounts.

    8th Anything else i should know about these weapons?
    [Open to other post input]

    2.c = Okay now i wana ask about gem's:

    1st Pink diamond gems can they be socketed into any ring slot? Seems i cant make holes into my pristine demoni ring........
    ~Rings can only be socketed starting at the Exelorn equipment set and up.

    2nd Garnet gems increases chances of critical rate or critical dmg?
    ~Neither, Garnet gems increase your critical strike.

    3rd Are there any luck gems?
    ~Unfortunately, there no no existing gems that increase Luck.

    4rd Kyanite gems they basicaly make u cast faster skills right ? Are they worth anything?
    ~Kyanite gems increases casting speed (most beneficial for magic-based classes (Mages and Priests)); they are essentially useless to Knights, Rogues, and Rangers who do not have many cast-based skills.

    5th Imaculate Peridot gems can they be socketed into the lvl 40 pvp set?
    [Open to other post input]

    6th Were is the best place to farm gems?
    ~You can farm gems in both dungeons and by killing mobs via grinding. Certain dungeon bosses drop higher level gems (Normal gems at best) than would grinding in mob areas, which tend to drop chipped and flawed gems.

    7th Dose normal, shining gems drop from monsters? If so were?
    ~Normal gems drop from certain dungeon bosses (I can’t recall which dungeon(s) at the top of my head), but no monster nor boss will drop shining gems.

    2.d = Here i wana ask about a mix of random question's :

    1st Again if we fuse a fused mount into a clean one will it get the bonuses from the first one witch had a fused one in it?
    ~Mounts can only be fused with their prospective secondary mounts. For example, you cannot fuse a generation 1 mount into a generation 0 mount. You will need to make two generation 1 mounts and fuse those two together to form a generation 2 mount.

    Gen 0 mount + Gen 0 mount > Gen 1 mount.
    Pre-exisiting Gen 1 mount + (Gen 0 mount + Gen 0 mount) > Gen 2 mount.

    2nd Witch is the best way to get in game wisdom?
    ~Greater Pearls of Wisdom and Pearls of Wisdom are occasionally prizes in events, however rarely. Running daily Crystal Ladder, Delivery, and doing Daily Hunts will give you a bit of wisdom, but only a pinch. Otherwise, you will have to resort to trading with/buy from cashers who are willing to trade/sell pearls for items/gold -- or cashing.

    3rd Any way you can get higher lvl runes drop in game like blue runes and pink, without sysntezing?
    [Open to other poster input]

    4rd What is the fastest way to get soul shard's and as many as possible?
    ~There’s a limited amount of Soul Shard intake per day, unfortunately. At the top of my head, you can exchange 50 Soul Root Crystals for 5 SS daily in Tree of Life. The Daily Bonus will begin giving you 1 SS once you’ve hit the 13th(?) day mark. If you login every day afterwards and do not manually reset your continuous login, you will be able to claim the same fixed bonuses each following day. The yellow pack in the Island of Blessing event give 2 SS per pack. The Quartermater Token event will permit a trade of 1 SS for 1 Quartmaster Token -- no limit for this one unless you run out of QM tokens. A successful Ladder run to floor 70 will give you 7 SS daily. The Void has a chance of dropping SS on certain levels. There are also a few other events (Treasure Trove, for example) that reward SS based on performance.

    5th Anyone has some are's eq i can view? Thanks
    [Open to other poster input]

    6th Dose the system keep up wen your atack speed is over 200-300%? Or after a value it gets broken and wont work higher?
    ~Max caps do not exist for attributes, so your toon’s stats will be reflected no matter the value.

    7th Witch is the highest atack speed you can atain in game with all the speed stuff? And move speed [no mount]?
    [Open to other poster input]

    8th As a ranger what its better p atack, hp or p def or maybe m def? As going for the anti mage branch of the skill's and alot of farming.... was thin king that there is no point in having dmg if u get 1hited right?
    [Open to other poster input]

    9th How much crystal did it took you guys to upgrade zodiac i used over 2k and i havent even got 1 star for zodiac upgrade...... .something is fishy here
    ~The Zodiac system is based entirely by chance. Personally, it took me roughly 30k crystals to reach level V.

    10th Is divine soul system broken ? Or so ive heard...............
    ~What’s broken about it?

    11th What can you tell me about Best Soul System?
    ~You can refer to the following guide for an overview of said system:

    12th Okay im a chi freak i love that system but some fail's didnt game me any star or star progres....that should not happend is their star system a bit corrupted?
    [Open to other poster input]

    13th Fruits system after a tree gets unlocked it wont stay that way? Because after 1 try it gets blocked again at me..... If so how is it posible to get to the last tree....
    ~This is another system based on chance. It is possible to get to the last tree, if you’re lucky. Most often, you will be bumped back as it is a rare tree to get to.

    14th Is the quartermaster token npc there to stay is it permanent, meaning can i save my tokens for something good or should i get smth till they remove the npc?
    ~The Quatermaster Token event is permanent, and tokens do rollover to the next month. If you do not have enough tokens for a certain item this month, you may use the collective tokens the following month(s).
    Last edited by Reverie; 09-04-2014, 09:55 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Reverie View Post
      I will be answering questions I know the answers to for the moment; others will require a little research or another kind poster’s input.

      1. I subscribed for vip and il still take it for time to come but if i ever decide i no longer what it how do i disable the automatic subscription?
      ~Upon entering the My R2 section of your account, there will be a tab called “VIP State”. If your VIP is active, there should be an option to cancel it.

      Okay, it's show's thank you.

      2. In game related questions now:

      2.a = Let's start by pets: First of if baby angel morph's into an super angel and then a burning angel, what dose morph into an Guardian Angel?
      ~The Guardian Angel and Emperor Demon are the last morphs of their prospective predecessors. There is no other form after those.

      So basicaly burning angel morphs into guardian angel?

      Secondly if u breed a gen 5 pet with enchantment lvl +13 into an +0 gen one will it also transfer the bonuses from gen 5 and enchantment lvl? Or only the base stats?
      Third what's the one of a kind pet? Or the most rare one around that's unseed before or something like that?
      [Open to other poster input]

      4th Dose anyone know what an aromored fish gets as skill's? And can he fight against a Guardian Angel?
      ~The Armored Fish is similar to a Super Angel. On that note, it does not stand a chance against a Guardian Angel.

      Good info.. thanks

      5th Can i somehow make the pet learn certain skill's?
      ~You cannot force a pet to learn a certain skill -- they learn skills randomly. You can however upgrade their current skill with matching pet books. If you would like to delete a pet skill you deem undesirable, you can, however it will cost you 60 crystals(?) to do so.


      6th Witch is the pet with the most are of effect spell's?
      ~If you mean which pet is most effective, that would all depend on your preference. Some players prefer support pets which can heal in battle, others prefer defensive pets which have a higher absorption percentage and so forth.

      I meant area of effect spells ~ spells that hits and deals damage to more enemy's at once

      7th How many morph crystals i would need average to morph a burning angel from a super angel? Will i need anything else?
      ~There aren’t exactly accurate answers for morph-related questions, as the morph process itself is entirely by chance. It is possible to morph with one click as it is many clicks. You will however need a Fire Lord to morph a Burning Angel. A Fire Lord can be obtain via hatching Fire Lord eggs, but watch out! They’re rare pets, so successfully hatching a Fire Lord will be on the more difficult side.

      First off its imposible tomorph it with one click everyone will confirm that, secondly there is a medium sum like usualy most of the pets morph btw lets say 10-16 stars, i was looking forthe btw sum of the morph or average items thanks....

      Also Fire Lord huh? Will be a pain to get that one, will i lose the FL once the morph ends and i get the burning angel?

      8th Divine blood how many i will need for pet soul completion ?
      [Open to other poster input]

      2.b = Here i have few questions about the frageron weapon's so here we go :

      1st What skill's dose a ranger weapon receve?
      [Open to other poster input]

      2nd the upgrade order is: Earthen, Superior,Perfect, Auguric? Right?
      ~That is correct.

      3rd: What materials and witch kind and the nr of ea are needed to upgrade from Earthen 1 to Auguric X?
      ~There’s quite a hefty list of requirements as you progress through the stages -- here are some of the requirements/optional enchantment materials, in no particular stage-order: Fragarach Shards, Dragon Crystals, Frageron Soul Essence, Bloodelar Soul Essence, Wraith Soul Essence, Rueful Soul Essence, Savage Essence, Nether Essence, Magic Dust (as per your preference), Enchantment Stones (as per your preference), Moderate Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference), Major Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference), Supreme Enchantment Crystal (as per your preference).

      Okay thanks for the info on the needed material's , any idea how many of ea will i need to get it to Auguric X? The items needed for forge and not the enchant ones... id like to prepare the in advance

      4rd Wen fusing weapons what materials are needed for refinement and how many?
      ~You will need a total of 4,400 Fragarach Refinement Crystals and 400(?) Purified Crystals for a complete weapon-fusion. Thanks

      5th Wen fusing weapons can we fuse any weapon in it? Including a slayer one? Witch is the most recomanded for fusing? Another Auguric?
      ~Of course the optimal fusion will be fusing an Auguric with another Auguric, however seeing as to how that’s a heavy amount of work, players do often fuse with a lesser weapon. I haven’t personally attempted using the Slayer weapon as the secondary in a fuse, but I believe it should work as well.

      Is there any chance of getting smth better than an auguric for forge? Also would it transfer the extra atack rate from he slayer one? Thanks in advance

      6th How many weapons can you fuse in 1 weapon?
      ~The fused stats will reflect only the most recent of fusions. Once your weapon is fused to one other, you may fuse it again if you find a different secondary you prefer. The stats will then reflect the added stats of the most recent fuse -- it will not add up. Okay

      7th If you fuse a weapon into your auguric and the fused weapon you fuse into another clean auguric will the resulting fuse get the fused bonus atributes of the first auguric witch had a weapon fused in it?
      ~The stat bonus will only reflect the most recent fusion. Weapons cannot be fused in “generations” like pets or mounts.

      Nope you didnt understand the question.... i meant for example i get lets say 1 auguric and i fuse lets say 1 slayer weapon into it.... now we have an fused auguric with the slayer weapon... now i take this one and fuse it into another weapon will the resulting weapon get the bonus from the auguric + slayer bonus from it? or only the base from the auguric?

      8th Anything else i should know about these weapons?
      [Open to other post input]

      2.c = Okay now i wana ask about gem's:

      1st Pink diamond gems can they be socketed into any ring slot? Seems i cant make holes into my pristine demoni ring........
      ~Rings can only be socketed starting at the Exelorn equipment set and up.

      Ooooooooo no wonder, thanks

      2nd Garnet gems increases chances of critical rate or critical dmg?
      ~Neither, Garnet gems increase your critical strike.

      3rd Are there any luck gems?
      ~Unfortunately, there no no existing gems that increase Luck.

      Any other way to increase your luck by alot to see some real diference?

      4rd Kyanite gems they basicaly make u cast faster skills right ? Are they worth anything?
      ~Kyanite gems increases casting speed (most beneficial for magic-based classes (Mages and Priests)); they are essentially useless to Knights, Rogues, and Rangers who do not have many cast-based skills.

      Oh thanks

      5th Imaculate Peridot gems can they be socketed into the lvl 40 pvp set?
      [Open to other post input]

      6th Were is the best place to farm gems?
      ~You can farm gems in both dungeons and by killing mobs via grinding. Certain dungeon bosses drop higher level gems (Normal gems at best) than would grinding in mob areas, which tend to drop chipped and flawed gems.

      I kind of know that lol, what i meant its the place were they drop the most or the place with the highest drop rate.....

      7th Dose normal, shining gems drop from monsters? If so were?
      ~Normal gems drop from certain dungeon bosses (I can’t recall which dungeon(s) at the top of my head), but no monster nor boss will drop shining gems.


      2.d = Here i wana ask about a mix of random question's :

      1st Again if we fuse a fused mount into a clean one will it get the bonuses from the first one witch had a fused one in it?
      ~Mounts can only be fused with their prospective secondary mounts. For example, you cannot fuse a generation 1 mount into a generation 0 mount. You will need to make two generation 1 mounts and fuse those two together to form a generation 2 mount.

      Gen 0 mount + Gen 0 mount > Gen 1 mount.
      Pre-exisiting Gen 1 mount + (Gen 0 mount + Gen 0 mount) > Gen 2 mount.

      Wooooooooo this info its a gold mine thanks... witch is the highest gen we can get?

      2nd Witch is the best way to get in game wisdom?
      ~Greater Pearls of Wisdom and Pearls of Wisdom are occasionally prizes in events, however rarely. Running daily Crystal Ladder, Delivery, and doing Daily Hunts will give you a bit of wisdom, but only a pinch. Otherwise, you will have to resort to trading with/buy from cashers who are willing to trade/sell pearls for items/gold -- or cashing.

      Yeah i noticed that the aniversary event gives pack's that gives pearls but something its fishy i mean i played on 3 charcters 15 tries 75 gold and i havent got anything and other players got more than 20 with 4-5 charcters.... i also noticed a guy got 3 mega packs from 5 tries the heck and some didnt got anything how the lol this system works since that is not chance nor luck.... oh well il try again tomorow

      3rd Any way you can get higher lvl runes drop in game like blue runes and pink, without sysntezing?
      [Open to other poster input]

      4rd What is the fastest way to get soul shard's and as many as possible?
      ~There’s a limited amount of Soul Shard intake per day, unfortunately. At the top of my head, you can exchange 50 Soul Root Crystals for 5 SS daily in Tree of Life. The Daily Bonus will begin giving you 1 SS once you’ve hit the 13th(?) day mark. If you login every day afterwards and do not manually reset your continuous login, you will be able to claim the same fixed bonuses each following day. The yellow pack in the Island of Blessing event give 2 SS per pack. The Quartermater Token event will permit a trade of 1 SS for 1 Quartmaster Token -- no limit for this one unless you run out of QM tokens. A successful Ladder run to floor 70 will give you 7 SS daily. The Void has a chance of dropping SS on certain levels. There are also a few other events (Treasure Trove, for example) that reward SS based on performance. OOO thanks for the info with the ladder... also the void its witch event?

      5th Anyone has some are's eq i can view? Thanks
      [Open to other poster input]

      6th Dose the system keep up wen your atack speed is over 200-300%? Or after a value it gets broken and wont work higher?
      ~Max caps do not exist for attributes, so your toon’s stats will be reflected no matter the value.

      I know but i played few games that same as here you could get stats as high as you could but after a certain % like 200% the charcter animation could not keep up so the resulting dmg or hits was the same as animationis there the same thing here? Can they keep up with the system or not? If i have for example 300% and the charcter dose only 200% since it cant keep up the result will be 200% no matter how much i have so dose it work? Thanks

      7th Witch is the highest atack speed you can atain in game with all the speed stuff? And move speed [no mount]?
      [Open to other poster input]

      8th As a ranger what its better p atack, hp or p def or maybe m def? As going for the anti mage branch of the skill's and alot of farming.... was thin king that there is no point in having dmg if u get 1hited right?
      [Open to other poster input]

      9th How much crystal did it took you guys to upgrade zodiac i used over 2k and i havent even got 1 star for zodiac upgrade...... .something is fishy here
      ~The Zodiac system is based entirely by chance. Personally, it took me roughly 30k crystals to reach level V.

      30k? That hurts lol

      10th Is divine soul system broken ? Or so ive heard...............
      ~What’s broken about it?

      I know that the system gives u 30% of the stats of an item u eq but for example some weapons and another example would be Heart of Eden gives u only 1% IF UR LUCKY by broken i mean it dosent give u the stats u need like for example heart of eden gives many stats lets take the def for example it gives 88 so 30% of that should be 26.4 def but all the item gives its 1 critical.....

      11th What can you tell me about Best Soul System?
      ~You can refer to the following guide for an overview of said system:

      Saw the guide a while ago but dosent give enough info

      12th Okay im a chi freak i love that system but some fail's didnt game me any star or star progres....that should not happend is their star system a bit corrupted?
      [Open to other poster input]

      13th Fruits system after a tree gets unlocked it wont stay that way? Because after 1 try it gets blocked again at me..... If so how is it posible to get to the last tree....
      ~This is another system based on chance. It is possible to get to the last tree, if you’re lucky. Most often, you will be bumped back as it is a rare tree to get to.

      So basicaly this was made to be imposible? Great .......

      14th Is the quartermaster token npc there to stay is it permanent, meaning can i save my tokens for something good or should i get smth till they remove the npc?
      ~The Quatermaster Token event is permanent, and tokens do rollover to the next month. If you do not have enough tokens for a certain item this month, you may use the collective tokens the following month(s).

      Great info thanks alot but 1 question why dose the Spirit of Ares cost 50 tokens and u need 150 for an item thats 7500 tokens for an item are R2 trying to make fun of the players or mock them off? Since you can get only 1-2 tokens per day usualy and wen ur lucky 5 now you make the math on how many days would take so whats the logic besides this?
      Thanks in advance


      • #4
        Secondly if u breed a gen 5 pet with enchantment lvl +13 into an +0 gen one will it also transfer the bonuses from gen 5 and enchantment lvl? Or only the base stats?
        Third what's the one of a kind pet? Or the most rare one around that's unseed before or something like that?

        gen 5 pets are the last gen. breeding pets need pets of the same gen. so you can't breed a gen 5 to a gen 1 (since all pets are gen 1 and not 0). so its gen 1 + gen 1 = gen 2, gen 2 to a gen 2 to get a gen 3.. and so on..
        as for breeding pets, the enchantment, maturity and the aptitude of the secondary pet is added to the primary pet's stats based on how much on the transfer rate (being 40% as the highest of 2nd pet stats are transferred)..

        as for rarity of pets, i'd say the guardian angel and the emperor king.. since you need to get a fire lord pet (of which the average hatch rate is 80 + eggs) to try morph your super angel to get BA then to GA and or super demon to DK then to ED..

        8th Divine blood how many i will need for pet soul completion ?

        requirements depend on the level of which pet soul you wanna up. you can check them at pet window.. but as for the total, you need thousands of it..

        5th Imaculate Peridot gems can they be socketed into the lvl 40 pvp set?
        peridots can be socketed to necklace and hat.. only necklaces level 80+ can be socketed.. so, i think you can socket the peridot to the level 40 hat..

        [B]5th Anyone has some are's eq i can view? Thanks[/B
        for ares' gears, you can check the thread about it in news and events section..


        • #5
          Thanks alot for the info

