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Help ME Please

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  • Help ME Please

    Hello Can you give me some tips about priest what i will do

    because im a beginner thank you


  • #2
    sorry to say this but please read 1st the terms and policy of this forum. We have a lot of threads about this topic please use "Search". See below..

    R2games policy.
    3. Please use the search function before asking a question. There is a good chance that your question has already been asked and answered. Do NOT create a new thread addressing a topic or issue that is already being discussed.

    Thank u


    • #3
      Heal and buff (others), die against any Ranger/Mage after rebirth and probably regret for picking Priest, like the majority does/DID. <--- Those in case that we won't get any changes made to our skills.
      Last edited by venomeh; 10-10-2012, 08:33 AM.
      Stalkers OP.

      Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


      • #4
        Originally posted by venomeh View Post
        Heal and buff (others), die against any Ranger/Mage after rebirth and probably regret for picking Priest, like the majority does/DID. <--- Those in case that we won't get any changes made to our skills.
        How come ranger and mage are mentioned and you left the awesome knight/rogue out? =O


        • #5
          you will use the search function for hybrid priest build.
          you will do quests and events to level fast to 45 (beyond 45, stick to events and special quests)
          you will use epic gear from the item synthesis (not savage gear)
          you will get your frag weapon
          you will set up your afk and default skill properly
          you will do bath every day to get 50 soul root crystals that you can trade in for soul shards (you will need a few alternate characters to help you get 50 a day without buying)
          you will do dungeon runs and succeed (because priests can heal ^^)
          you will get annoyed at pvp and either learn to deal with failure or just not do pvp events
          With the items you get from dungeons, you will develop your wings, soul, gems, and frag weapon
          By the time you've done all the above, you will no longer be a newbie and you won't need any further guidance from me
          LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

          LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



          • #6
            Originally posted by nubheals View Post
            How come ranger and mage are mentioned and you left the awesome knight/rogue out? =O
            Because those 2 simply almost can't be killed, Combat Rogue without Stealth & Knight can be kited sometimes. Actually I was about to say against any Ranged class, but Priest is ranged class too.
            Stalkers OP.

            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


            • #7
              Originally posted by venomeh View Post
              Because those 2 simply almost can't be killed
              Wouldn't that make them more eligible for the "die against any..." statement you made in the beginning then? xD

              Originally posted by venomeh View Post
              Knight can be
              kited sometimes
              "Sometimes" is an overstatement there... with eidolon there, I seriously don't think any knight would not have max hook. And a max hook knight vs priest = dead priest.

              I tried using knight alt to have a friendly pvp the 2nd strongest priest on my server ytd. My knight has 600 soul, lvl 2 stun, lvl 3 hook, I even forgot to use titan guard, only a scion knight so no invul. My guildie priest achieved 2nd soul aura months ago, he is an eidolon. No orb/blessed stone was used for both sides. Result: I lost, but still managed to bring his hp down to 1/10 or less. I bet if I maxed stun I could have won.

              On topic: Priest's job is easy, you just need to heal and buff others for dungeons, ladder and avernal, and in the end those same people will do everything better than you. Example: they kill better in pvp, they do dungeons faster (even though they can solo dungeons at a later stage), they can do twice your DPS in avernal even with less stats (especially rogues). At end game priest players aren't needed anywhere but ladder... For everything else a priest alt can buff.heal you just as good.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nubheals View Post
                Wouldn't that make them more eligible for the "die against any..." statement you made in the beginning then? xD
                Not always thinking what I say, sometimes I just say what I think. >.>''
                Stalkers OP.

                Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "

