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[Guide] About Leveling.

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  • [Guide] About Leveling.

    For levels 1-20: Follow you main quests and you should get to 20 soon, however if you're stuck without any main quests left for your level, open your Quest Tab or press (T) And Click on the "Available" Tab. Here you can find quests good for your level to gather up as much exp as possible. Another idea if you get stuck on leveling would be to use what you have of your AFK time to level up! (If out of AFK Time AFK Cards can be bought from the Item Shop With Either Crystal Or Coupons, Also your Coupons can be retrieved by clicking the "Claim" button in the window that you can open by clicking the gift box underneath Dragon Hunt. Note: you will get 2 coupons in an hour So when u grind or farm you get the coupons in an each hour) Another thing you will want to do around level 15, Is Like Crystal Saga on Facebook! Not only can you show you pride in this cool game, but you can also obtain a Nifty "Polar Bear Pet" which is awesome for leveling. (Be sure to add All Strength and Endurence into it's stats for the maximum damage and hp from your pet when leveling )

    For Levels 21-30: Keep on doing with those main quests and side quests (optional quests)because there are going to be the best source of exp for 21-30. Make sure you've been claiming those coupons and buying those AFK Cards and some times if you are lucky u get from dragon hunt make sure to use it. I would recommend stocking up on potions for both you and your pet, and having about 8-12 hours of AFK Time ready so you can AFK Train overnight as you sleep. Also I know at this point you might be loosing motivation, a fun thing to do at 25 would be to find some party members and group up for "Indigo Blight, " and get a good set for ur char. But Don't Worry you'll be 30 in No-Time!

    For Levels 31-40: Here's where leveling gets difficult, and it only gets better from here... Lol! Anyway Yes as I have said, Quests! Some helpful things you can now do are: "Blessed Bath," and, "Get to Know." Trust me, these may be tedious to keep up with, but they are just as effective as quests. Another Bonus: "Get to Know" when finished, gives you a total of 10 coupons. *Also I don't be afraid ask about Blessed Bath, if you have not done it before, because it can be quite difficult if you don't know what you're doing. Also, not knowing how to do it, will also result in a loss of Exp for your party members and yourself,so ask about it or read a guid about it. And also get a Miystic Scorpion so it will help in grinding and AFKING and get the Heroiec wings u get by getting the scorpion and upgread you wing and get the stats and now u are lvl 30++ go to Sengolia and grab the honor, So you can easily obtain your Savage Set in later Levels!

    For Levels 40-50: Congratulations of getting to level 40! Alright Here's where money comes into the picture. Before leveling, I might suggest on upgrading, or gathering some equips. This will be a tad pricey, so you might want to begin joining some parties for "Revenant's Vault" And selling your drops in Private Shops. Or If you have the money, you can recharge some Crystal or u could use ur heroic wings you get from the vault to upgread ur wing and also u could collect the mount upgreade takons for later getting the battle bear which is twice as strong as the Mystic Scorpion. So First I would recommend getting a "Baby Demon." You can do this buy buying baby demon eggs from people's Private Shops in "Instance 1, Starglade, Near the "Vault"). It normally takes on average 7-15 Eggs to hatch one. This Pet is Absolutely amazing. Again, put in that full Strength and Endurence for maximum damage and hp, and you'll be killing almost twice as fast once that pet reaches your level u will be killing twice as fast as u normally do .Be sure that you're upgrading your weapon and armor with Magic Dust, for increases in stats. Lastly, you might want to invest in a Savage set soon. If you've been keeping up with Guild Resources you should be somewhere close to "Baron". Also now that you are 40, get the svage armor se t if u are are baron or higher. So Now Again QUESTS! And be sure to keep up with "Blessed Bath". One thing to note is that you can't to "Get To Know" any more but don't worry because now it's replaced with "A Day in Vidalia"! This quest is basically just another "Get to Know" quest, but a bit more difficult, and more traveling.and now that u are lvl 45 or higher just check optional quests and u will get a quest finish the quest and get the the stallion or u could by it from a bloodfange village vendor and use the saved mount upgreade takons to get the battle bear Good Luck on 50!

    For Levels 51-60 :At these levels keep on doing ur quests and optional quests and upgreade the fragon wepon and it will give u extra stats and upgrade your armor enchant them +7-+13 the best it +13 and use best stuff from +7 and echant and morph ur pets also breed them so u will be strong and also do training , ladder , rempetion , seed of life and participate in events too and do a day in Vidalia everyday and don’t wast ur money on fragon shards when u do the day in Vidalia u have a chance to get a shing gem coupen get topaz , ruby each x3 and get a purified crystal and get fragon shards that’s wat I do and get money and buy greater mount upgreade takons and also go to the event master and claim the greater mount upgreade takons x28 and if u don’t want to buy the greater mount upgrade takons just make alts and lvl them to lvl 45 and give them battle bears and claim the greater mount upgrade takon x28 keep on trying to get the gorrila titan till you get it when u get it it will make ur sepp high and killing and pvping easy .and also in the day at vadalia u have a chance to get the dragon sword , and a nice white tiger Good luck on 60!
    For Levels 61-70 :Now keep on doing quests but if you ask me they wont do much good make ladder , training , remption , seed of life , bless bath ur best frends and do the senigor for honor and farm and grind too when you are sleeping and get the coupens and upgread skills u think will be strong when upgreaded use money to get u will get them for crystals and gold if u think wasting crystals on that is stupid just buy them for 15 – 25g u will get a fl in about 60 or more eggs u will spend about 15-20 platanium befor u get one but trust me it is worth it and morp ur pets and try to get demon king , burning angel , fire lord, rex because they will help a lot in dengeons get hreoic wings many upgread up to angel lord and get eltherial wings and try to upgrade to ultimate demon lord +9 so you will get lot of stats try to get grypont too by making many alts and lvling up to 45 and giving battle bear and then you will be one of the best guy in the server upgrade ur wepon and armor and try to get orange slayers wepon and fragon wepon sperior wepon VIII +13 and use ur crystals for costumes and mounts that sometimes comes from events and try to get the drgon sword almost all the days to do grinding and doing dungeons night mare and hard
    For Levels 71-80 :From now keep up the work and will be scion save yyour gold now ur honor will be some thing near archduke just as I said above do ladder , training , remption , seed of life bath and do grinding and try to get hellwing which is the last one person mount in crystals saga again make many alts and get the to lvl 45 and give them the battle bear one u get the hellwing many people will fear you and now u should buy many green , red and black dragon coin and u might get the treion , sand of time , enchanted skill dust and pets also buy threoins that people are selling and don’t sell the treoins u have collect them when you have enough to get a genbu from rona adventure in tree of life and again collect and get enough to get a white tiger when you get the white tiger they need the hellwing so after get the white tiger get a hellwing again and then keep collecting treion. Congulation on getting to lvl 80!
    For Levels 81-90 :Now that u are lvl 80 get atleast 15 or more gold and go to the place where you started the game and from the goodness there you will get the rebirthing quest and aborned all other quests and have the shards needed to it and then rebirth once you are rebirth you will be rebone one a new plane called scoin and now you will be lvl 1 again and you will have skill many skill points and attribution points too and if u doint waqnt to be scoin and want to go to lvl 100 that is fine but if u are now scoin u will not have a main quest u will have just optional quests and it will be easy in lvling in scoin just follow the above instructions and get to lvl 80 again .And this is where the lvling becomes realy hard keep on doing bless bath , ladder , remption , seed of life , valdina and upgreade the gems you get from a day at valdina to get higher lvl gems and then upgread you wepon , armor, gloves, boots etc from the gems and +13 all your pets and do all the dungeaon and will soon lvl 90 and sell the stuff you want that you get from dungeanons and get rich too also when you are scoin get the pixi quest from the triya valley and get the quest from the goddness and kill planton and use the pixi lvl it up and get the stats too and participate in events and special too
    For Levels 91-100: From now the lvling becomes realy tough do the ladder , remption , bless bath ,seed of life ,day at vadila and now do the dungeons all hard or nightmare if you can and the stuff you want to sell the stuff you think is not good to you and you could be VIP all monthes and get clothes when there is a cloth event and sell them for 1-1.5d and use the money for trions and get many once you collect enough to get a seryu get the seryu and keep on grinding and farming and be online for 24 hours and keep on collecting the treoins use the coupens on rebirth scrools for the pet and make the pets strong and participate in events ans specials once you are lvl 100 get edolon the plane and you will get attrabution points and skill points too and u have to use optional quests that you havent finished and follow the above instructions and get strong again just as before to get to the edolon plane is optional if u want you could if you want u will not .and once you get enough for a phenix get it and most people will think you are very strong and unbeatable and upgade your mount too and whe nu are riding most people will think you are in beatable .And if you don’t have enough space in the mount or pet space even after you have opened all put the pets and mountsw you don’t need so much in the vault ( the big box in the center of starglade Good Luck!
    Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.

  • #2
    Congratulations, another copy-pasta. same Post.
    A werewolf, A wearwolf, A warewolf, Aware wolf.


    • #3
      note: the other guild like this one is my younger brother taking the guild from my account now i have edited a bit this is the real one i will show proof
      Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.


      • #4
        it is true


        • #5
          see i told you
          Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.


          • #6
            It's still a copy and paste barely anything was added or improved on.
            Helpful Links

            Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .

            If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
            Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

            Moderators Be Thou for the People.
            -Kind Regards V
            -What's left in the not always what you wish for!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Virtue_Sigil View Post
              It's still a copy and paste barely anything was added or improved on.
              ިhey i spend nights writing it and thats wat you could say damn you i curse you he got cridict damn all of you all my time wasted check the one from the website it is different check ތރހރތތރތތރޔތރތރހތރހހތހހހ
              Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.


              • #8
                many errors


                • #9
                  how to make fragarach staff?


                  • #10
                    Yeah "nights" right. Alright then if you want to discuss it. The variation between yours and the other site being this one; is about 2%-4% roughly.

                    Even if you cut out bit here and there its a obvious copy and paste. Oh and another thing the post your "brother" made is dated here 10-08-2012 09:53 AM. Where as you look at the Guide provided on blackrabbit2999 its dated in April 2012.

                    I will give you credit for the level 81-100 section. However don't copy and paste, thanks~~

                    If you can make something like this Then I will take back what I said but until then don't claim other people's work as your own. Or at least give them credit for it.
                    Helpful Links

                    Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .

                    If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
                    Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

                    Moderators Be Thou for the People.
                    -Kind Regards V
                    -What's left in the not always what you wish for!


                    • #11
                      finish the quest you get on lvl 30 and buy from the wepon vendor in starglad and upgread it
                      Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by justinosborne99 View Post
                        how to make fragarach staff?
                        Look at this Guide.
                        Helpful Links

                        Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .

                        If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
                        Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

                        Moderators Be Thou for the People.
                        -Kind Regards V
                        -What's left in the not always what you wish for!


                        • #13
                          thx its good i liked it but its too hard to get greater mount ubgrade token

