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  • enchant

    can u please at least change something in the enchanting feature and make it better?
    IGN: (S38)Glades:rolleyes:
    Class: Mage
    :cool:Server: Shrine of Ariel:cool:
    Other Info is TOP SECRET! =3


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  • #2
    what's wrong with the enchanting feature?


    • #3
      when u enchant +12 into +13 if it fails it will become +9 thats the prob for me in enchanting weapon and pets


      • #4
        riight, that really sucks indeed. hope they fix that, unless it's on purpose, which is kinda cruel


        • #5
          everygame is like this... so don't complain. yes its hard to enchant but it makes the game equal and fair
          IGN: MapleDork21
          Server: Psychodelica
          Class: DPS Knight
          Guild: Apocalypse


          • #6
            what,they should only decrease the level from like +12 if it fails it only goes back to +11 or +10 +9 is too far


            Eidolon 3x


            "Spend time, not money, on your children"
            "Money can be earned again , Time just passes once"


            • #7
              If they changed it now, people that already have +13 will complain about how its easier for other players and ask for compensation. So the likelihood of the enchanting system being changed is low. Enchanting to +13 isn't impossible and you don't have to even rely on cashing especially since the release of Exelorn Hallows, a larger supply of MECs are made available depending on whether players want to sell or not. I gotten one +13 using a total of 24 MEC while another time I took about 300 MEC all which I collected myself through farming Hard mode or buying them directly from vendors. Sure a few times it went down from +12 to +9 even to +3. However its all about persistence. If you want the glow and bonuses of a +13 equip just keep trying and eventually you will get it.
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              • #8
                you mean after 640MEC, i still fail on enchanting my slayer orb +13, the highest at +12, then back to +9 ~~~~~~then +3 very nice there


                • #9
                  Just luck.....i only used about 190 MEC for my +13 sword. :P
                  Crystal Saga
                  Server: Whisperwind Beach
                  IGN: hei
                  Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
                  Guild: Nightmare
                  Honor: Emperor

                  Server: Tauren Camp
                  IGN: Izaya
                  Lvl: 45+ Archer
                  Guild: Mayhem
                  Honor: Elite Warrior


                  • #10
                    Is there some kind of trick to Enchanting? My stuff will enchant to +4 then fails the next 10 to 15 times in a row back down to +1 then goes back to +4 then fails 10 to 15 times over and over and over etc. and never goes beyond +4. On all 5 of my players on anything I enchant. And I see people with +10, +12, +15 all over the place. Even with the MEC's it still does the same thing.
                    Last edited by Spec2; 11-06-2012, 01:11 PM.


                    • #11
                      How can you fail down to +1? The safe point for enchanting is +3
                      And how can there be people with +15 here? The max enchantment is +13 only (at least for R2's version of CS)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nubheals View Post
                        How can you fail down to +1? The safe point for enchanting is +3
                        And how can there be people with +15 here? The max enchantment is +13 only (at least for R2's version of CS)
                        The +15 I was just putting numbers out there, and yes mine ALWAYS goes back to +1, and good job answering the actual question lol

