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[Guide] How to Handle the In-Game Trolls

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  • [Guide] How to Handle the In-Game Trolls

    [Guide] How to Deal with the Insufferable Trolls

    Please bear in mind that this is just a strategy that has worked for me and my peers when dealing with the annoying trolls that seem to loiter around servers. In the case that you have another way to resolve this issue, please comment below and I will try to incorporate your ideas into the guide. I sincerely hope that this will aid people in maintaining their calm and not rage-quitting as often they do end up regretting it.

    Start Prompt:

    “Troll: One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a chat or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption” (Source: Urban Dictionary)

    You've had a great day. Sure, school was a chore and your math teacher didn’t have to yell so loudly, but you've made it and now you’re home sitting in front of your beloved laptop, eagerly waiting for your character to enter the magical world of Vidalia.

    An hour later, after you've taken care of your Seeds of Life, finished most of your dungeons, helped Mapleonia re-string her favourite bow and picked Anchorage flowers for Karleya, you place an ad in the trade tab as you have some Purified Crystals you'd like to sell. Typing quickly, you return to your game. After some moment, you notice someone replying to you on World Chat, offering to buy you PCs for 50s each. Not satisfied with the offer he put up to you, you kindly whisper the person that you do not really want to sell him the PCs.

    Probably enraged by the fact that someone turned down his offer, he verbally attacks you on World Chat, saying demeaning things like how n00bish you are and how his guild is gonna come after you. (Wow that escalated quickly.) He even got his posse to insult you, calling you weak and saying that you probably need the PCs more since you’re so weak. He will then continue the cycle of insulting you and displaying his character's 'power', preening his feathers like an oversized peafowl.

    His comments have made you angry. Who was he to insult you and just over a couple of measly PCs too?! You’re about to type something demeaning… anything to retaliate to this horrible character when all of a sudden; you hear a faint pop in your right shoulder. That’s right, darling, it’s me, your good pixie self. You became startled but quickly soothing you, I began to advise you on the possible direction you can take with this situation:

    1.Calm down.

    I feel that this bullet point is necessary as it is a fact that people do not think with their heads at the heat of the moment but rather with their hearts. Of course, that jab at your character was uncalled for, but for you to quit the game just because of one insignificant problem that shouldn't really have bothered you is like baking a cake but letting someone else eat all of it. You've worked hard to get to where your character is, and if he thinks it is weak, so what? He should remember that once, he was the noob here too. Everyone starts from that point. He started from that too. So please calm yourself. Let your mind regain control, for it is then that you can make good decisions that will trump the troll.

    Oh, and don't let him have the cake. it's yours after all.

    2. Be the smarter person and ignore the troll.

    Ignorance is bliss, especially on the internet. Ignoring the troll will not only make his insults die faster, it’ll also make them stop. With no one to receive and return his insults, the troll is only shouting himself hoarse virtually. Without anyone to interact with, the troll will most likely slink back under his rotting bridge.

    3. Speaking of ignore, the ignore button is your friend.

    The lovely people of R2games have created an in-game device called an ignore button. This is most helpful when the troll seems to be talking(?) nonstop. The ignore button can be likened to placing a glass dome over the character it is used on. Sure, you can see the actual character in game, but you will never have to hear from the troll ever again as any WC posts made by the troll will not be posted unto your world chat. Utilise this magical button and make your problem literally disappear.

    4.Change tabs.
    If for some reason you do not want to mute the character (one of my friends claim that she can’t and I could see why: she’s waaaaaay too nice to ignore anyone), just change tabs. The chat mechanism of the game enables us to focus solely on one chat room if we want to. Is he raging in the World tab? Switch to guild tab where I’m sure your friends will provide you with more stimulating conversations.

    5. If the troll says anything sexually, racially or physically demeaning to you, file a ticket.

    There is a line that can be said in an online game. Sure, we’ve all made friendly jabs with our friends but when the troll crosses that line and insults your gender, your race, or your morals, you have every right to file a ticket. The R2games staff, as well as any human being, do not tolerate such demeaning insults and will take action that may result in the muting or banning of the individual. Providing a screen capture of the chat box where he insulted you also helps them resolve your problem much quicker, as well as give solid evidence to your cause.

    The link to file tickets is:

    6. If he apologizes, accept it.

    As stated in bullet point one, most act without thinking of the possible damage or consequences their actions can make. If the person realises his mistake and apologises, accept it graciously. Sure, you’re still mad, but the person has stepped over his pride and admitted his mistake. So accept his apology, and part ways as unlikely friends.

    7. In the end, none of it matters.

    In the end, the troll can only hurt you if you let him. So grab your self-confidence and take the issue in strides. This is the internet, not reality. What he says about your character does not extend to you as a person. Your internet self is not the same self you wake up with every day and go to school/work with. You leave that persona on your laptop, viciously awaiting your return to claim revenge on Zabuga for eating up all your Health Orbs. The internet you is not the real you. For most, it is a façade. So do not take his insults to heart.

    But if the insults cross a certain personal boundary, please refer to bullet point five.

    8. Use it to get stronger.

    The above bullet point should speak for itself. Get strong and show them who’s boss. That dungeon you've always been a little iffy about soloing? Turn that frustration into something more profitable and own those bosses*! Improve yourself.

    *Credits to Helenna for this point! ^^
    Last edited by asfjhsjdkflsdkjf; 10-18-2012, 08:19 AM.
    I may not have many strengths and I may still be weak inside, but there is one thing that I surely can do. With this electro-melody, I'll make your heart skip a beat!★

    ~Hybrid Solo Build - Priest~
    Server: Amethyst Forest
    Proud Member of (S37)Storm

  • #2
    Great guide, with a lot of good points that are often overlooked! I hope people will take it to heart, it would avoid a lot of unnecessary back and forth insulting in world chat. And congratulations on your writing skillz, I really enjoyed reading it
    also, I would suggest that if a troll has really made you angry, go use that energy/motivation on some dungeon, boss or what have you (but not on fellow players of course! peace and love, people ). It will enable you to vent your anger, and be productive at the same time


    • #3
      Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed reading the guide!

      Your point has been received gratefully and has been added to the guide. (With credit to you, of course. ^^)
      I may not have many strengths and I may still be weak inside, but there is one thing that I surely can do. With this electro-melody, I'll make your heart skip a beat!★

      ~Hybrid Solo Build - Priest~
      Server: Amethyst Forest
      Proud Member of (S37)Storm


      • #4
        Didn't read it all(Not much of a reader) But I would just Troll em 3x harder :P Great guide btw
        'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'

