This is a guide on canceling a VIP subscription on Paypal without having to file a ticket.
Of course, you really should use tickets, but some people have issues with those so this is more of an alternative.. Or a quick way for people that are never getting VIP again
You see, when you make a subscription on paypal, it makes a "Billing agreement". It's not your standard paypal recurring billing agreement, but it still works the same in that Playspan (R2's money handler) cannot keep charging you if you disable the agreement.
So let's get to it:
Step 1: Log into your paypal account
Step 2: In the menus, click on "My Money"

Step 3: In the section for "My preapproved payments", click update. This will take you to your billing agreements page.

Step 4: You have to locate the VIP billing agreement.
If you only have one VIP, this is easy: just locate "Playspan".
If you have multiple VIP, it can be a little hard. They'll all be called playspan and the paypal transaction ID's won't help you. Hopefully you bought all your VIPs on different days as that makes it so much easier. Just open all the "Playspan" agreements in a new tab and look at the starting date to figure out which VIP is the one you wish to cancel.

Step 5:Once you've located your VIP agreement, click "Cancel". Congratulations, your VIP will not auto renew anymore.
Note: Once you've canceled the agreement, it cannot be reinstated. You'll have to repurchase VIP to get a new billing agreement using another payment method first (like buying UGC with paypal). Then, you can use paypal directly again for the following month.

Possible questions you may have:
1 - If I cancel an agreement, and I have multiple VIP, will they all stop being renewed?
No. It'll only cancel that one agreement.
2 - Does this really work?
Yes, as you can see I once had 3 billing agreements and I now only have 1 that is still active. I'm happy to say I only get charged for one VIP each month without ever relying on filing a ticket
3 - If I buy crystals, will it renew the agreement?
4 - Will this work for Wartunes VIP?
I haven't tried, but it should still work. They can't bill you without an agreement.
Of course, you really should use tickets, but some people have issues with those so this is more of an alternative.. Or a quick way for people that are never getting VIP again
You see, when you make a subscription on paypal, it makes a "Billing agreement". It's not your standard paypal recurring billing agreement, but it still works the same in that Playspan (R2's money handler) cannot keep charging you if you disable the agreement.
So let's get to it:
Step 1: Log into your paypal account
Step 2: In the menus, click on "My Money"
Step 3: In the section for "My preapproved payments", click update. This will take you to your billing agreements page.
Step 4: You have to locate the VIP billing agreement.
If you only have one VIP, this is easy: just locate "Playspan".
If you have multiple VIP, it can be a little hard. They'll all be called playspan and the paypal transaction ID's won't help you. Hopefully you bought all your VIPs on different days as that makes it so much easier. Just open all the "Playspan" agreements in a new tab and look at the starting date to figure out which VIP is the one you wish to cancel.
Step 5:Once you've located your VIP agreement, click "Cancel". Congratulations, your VIP will not auto renew anymore.
Note: Once you've canceled the agreement, it cannot be reinstated. You'll have to repurchase VIP to get a new billing agreement using another payment method first (like buying UGC with paypal). Then, you can use paypal directly again for the following month.
Possible questions you may have:
1 - If I cancel an agreement, and I have multiple VIP, will they all stop being renewed?
No. It'll only cancel that one agreement.
2 - Does this really work?
Yes, as you can see I once had 3 billing agreements and I now only have 1 that is still active. I'm happy to say I only get charged for one VIP each month without ever relying on filing a ticket
3 - If I buy crystals, will it renew the agreement?
4 - Will this work for Wartunes VIP?
I haven't tried, but it should still work. They can't bill you without an agreement.