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Non-Casher's Guide to Becoming OP

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  • Non-Casher's Guide to Becoming OP

    CS can be a very cash-intensive game, and non-cashers are incredibly common. Yet very few of the non-cashers become overpowered, reach Scion or even Eidolon, or much less reach the coveted Gorilla Titan, Dual Angel Wings, and Fragarach systems. But this guide shows how exactly these disadvantages can be upturned to achieve what even some cashers cannot. Priests, however, will have to cash to become OP, due to the lack of good skills, Scion/Eidolon skills, and also bad Fragarach equips. ( Thanks to the many people who objected to picking a Priest.) So be warned, Priests; you aren't as good as a Mage.

    *Note: I'm not even Scion yet, so feel free to give me constructive criticism.*

    NON-PRIEST (they are horrible in the later stages of CS)
    A desire to stick to the game and not play WoW all day
    A good computer and connection (Thanks to venomeh)
    A good deal of time to be active (log on once a week, no way this guide is for you) (Thanks to Dinomite07)

    Time to grind (not viable for me and others)
    Two other alternate accounts (as in R2games accounts) (Thanks to demonhunter2nd)


    Never, and I mean never, be stupid when trading for cash items. Take a look at this. Follow this guide well to avoid losing your gold or even diamonds


    Either do Revenant's Vault (Difficult or Nightmare) to get valuable items like Frageron Soul Essence, Heroic Wings, Mount Upgrade Tokens, and epic-quality equipment, or defeat all three bosses on Normal difficulty for Purified Crystals. They're used for upgrading your soul, a fundamental addition to your stats. Power comes only with hard work and grinding.
    *Note: Soul upgrades should be done after upgrading your Mounts and Wings.*


    Log on every single day to get a Green Dragon Coin. You can use this in the Dragon hunt to get one-day mounts, enchantment stones, and Baby Angel and Demon Eggs. With luck, you'll either get an Angel or Demon for a pet, assuming you get a lot of eggs. It usually takes 7-10, but for the lucky, (like me) four can be enough. With the new event, you can get Morph Crystals to upgrade your rare pet. Either save it up or sell the eleven Morph Crystals for up to 99 gold. That's right, up to almost one diamond all for a pet, that is, if you decide to sell it. You should either use it on Mount Upgrade Tokens (for the sake of brevity, I'll call it muts and Heroic Wings will be HW)to get a Mystical Scorpion if the muts are around 20 silver, or upgrade your wings with HW. Depending on server prices, you can get a Battle Bear and Angel Wings at 40.


    To get a Fragarach weapon, you need to first get a Fragarach Mold through a quest at around level 30-ish, Frageron Soul Essence, (Vault Nightmare,) and Ice Shards. (Vega the Mad in Vault) Then, you will need Fragarach shards, which are incredibly expensive, at around 50 gold to one diamond. They can be crafted with three shining Rubies and three shining Ambers, one Purified Crystal, and decent amounts of gold. There are many other essences found throughout the nightmare difficulties of other dungeons, but just follow the item requirements.

    In old servers, don't even think about most PVP events. You are seriously outclassed by the hardcore cashers in the Tamalan and Sengolia events. Delivery is somewhat ok, just watch out for some very powerful Plunderers ready to steal your level 7 or 8 Crystaloids. New servers are filled with people that are striving to get to Scion, so I wouldn't worry about that. Still, if you really want to farm for honor badges, this is the place to do so.

    Note: To get the full benefit of grinding, you can make alternate accounts to triple-team in dungeons where a single person would need to use a ton of Health Orbs. Still, it's very hard to level three accounts at once, not mentioning the hard work on your computer.

    • Do every single thing possible to earn money. Selling items, doing delivery, looting random stuff,etc.
    • Mounts will be a godsend in rebirth. That should be a major priority (after leveling to 80.)
    • Pets are aligned to certain classes to aid combat. Ex. protection/ tank knights should have a magically aligned pet to maximize damage.
    • Follow specific stat patterns for your class. Ex. Most types of mages should put every stat point into intellect.
    • When AFK'ing, go to Peace mode so you can get AFK protection, preventing peace kills.
    • Don't annoy people better than you in chat. You should know who's in charge.
    • Guilds are incredibly important, allowing access to rewards such as Teeka eggs and one-day Wheel of Fates. There are even guild rewards for your guild levels, giving rare eggs, bonus EXP tokens, and AFK time.
    • Do events all the time, unless it is strictly casher-only. For example, one week they gave me 666 honor badges of different types, and the next week I could trade in badges for Purified Crystals.

    Before you reach level 40, do all of your "Starglade Tour" quests everyday. They will give you 5 honor each, EXP, and a coupon. You can get a moderate amount everyday by walking across Starglade. And that's not counting all the PvP events that you will surely fail in old servers, Golden Apples of Honor (correct the name if it's wrong) and quests at low levels.

    What is it for?
    PvP armor, Coupon salaries, and Insignias. Once you reach Baron, you can get most of the green Savage armor for a lot of Bronze Honor Badges. It's pretty much self-explanatory from there.

    Q: Help! I'm being attacked!
    A: Either run away or unsummon your pet before death. Unless you have killed people, nothing will happen except respawning.

    Q: I got scammed! Noooo!
    A: There really is no way to counteract this, unless you follow Supervoltage1234's guide to stop it from happening. If you have proof, then you can report that player by filing a ticket at R2game's website.

    Q: What kind of equipment should I wear?
    A: For your weapon, use either a Savage set weapon or the Fragarach systems. These give excellent stat boosts and also allow socketing gems. The Savage set, Pristine sets (created with shards) and purple equipment are all good ways to increase your stats.

    Q: What server should I choose?
    A: Always try to get the newest server. That way, you'll have ample time to get to Scion before it's inevitably merged with older servers and you may be outclassed by the Eidolons on the servers.

    Q: What is the best way to earn money?
    A: Delivery. Simply deliver a package, but watch out for Plunderers; if you see one tailing you, switch to a different instance.

    I hope this guide was helpful to you and it assisted you. If you have a question, feel free to PM me in Nebulan Ridge, with an IGN of AuraKnight. Again, constructive criticism is very much appreciated. This is (S48) AuraKnight, signing off.

    Editing History (for reference)
    V1.1: Deleted "What I'm Up To" and added warning about picking Priest as your main
    V1.2: Added "Editing History"
    V1.3: Removed all references to no honor, added "Honor" section
    Last edited by Gallaptor; 11-05-2012, 06:39 PM.

  • #2
    You forgot 2 important things first one: You need a good pc and a good connection since you gonna need tons of alts especially in the (alt abuse) events. And second: Never pick Priest, if you do you can forget about getting "OP".
    Stalkers OP.

    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


    • #3
      lol @ never pick priest. priest is one of the best classes to make super OP


      • #4
        clearly you have not played a priest on advanced servers


        • #5
          Originally posted by venomeh View Post
          Never pick Priest, if you do you can forget about getting "OP".
          lol venomeh


          • #6
            You don't need a guide to be OP. Just be active and you will become OP!


            • #7
              Soul upgrades are a lot more important than mounts and wings, in fact soul is the most important thing that can make you truly OP.
              Crystal Saga
              Server: Whisperwind Beach
              IGN: hei
              Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
              Guild: Nightmare
              Honor: Emperor

              Server: Tauren Camp
              IGN: Izaya
              Lvl: 45+ Archer
              Guild: Mayhem
              Honor: Elite Warrior


              • #8
                the secret is.. "pilot" yaaaa "pilot" or secondary player... i saw alot of non casher player become overpowered use pilot.. 24hrs online everyday.. sure will make your char rich and ez get frag wep and good soul... and yes u can brag about it like they brag "im non casher but im stronger than u casherrr..."

                well unless u dont hv other things to do.. u dont need this secret.. lol

                oh yea u might need to read rules first about sharing account...
                Last edited by demonhunter2nd; 11-02-2012, 08:13 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                  You forgot 2 important things first one: You need a good pc and a good connection since you gonna need tons of alts especially in the (alt abuse) events. And second: Never pick Priest, if you do you can forget about getting "OP".
                  so should I restart? I'm currently hybrid(mostly blood) priest lv 34 1/2.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mylithpersistance View Post
                    so should I restart? I'm currently hybrid(mostly blood) priest lv 34 1/2.
                    Yes, Priests may be good at the beginning, when you can solo everything first and gain advantage that's why, but just wait for later levels when everyone else will be able to solo their dungeons too. Other classes will solo them like 3x faster than a Priest with equal stats. And eventually you'll realize that half of the skills are nerfed to be useless and you just wanna quit the game. So yes definitely pick other class as your main.
                    Last edited by venomeh; 11-02-2012, 09:10 PM.
                    Stalkers OP.

                    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                    • #11
                      To Be An OP just always be online do quest all stuff.. much better if you have a priest on the side so that you can duo vault NM in level 38-40, if you want to be an OP on your server... Good Connection And a Good Pc is required haha


                      • #12
                        As best i can figure, the priest is in the bizarre position of being an alt you need to concentrate on first. Make a mad dash for rebirth and the heavenly protection buff, drop that on all your alts so they can solo dungeons right away, and rake in the massive amounts of PC it takes to be completely OP. I'll let you know how it works out.


                        • #13
                          Just because some people don't like being priests doesn't mean others should be another class some of you simply can't master the class
                          'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by xPrototypeT View Post
                            Just because some people don't like being priests doesn't mean others should be another class some of you simply can't master the class
                            Mostly those "some people" are Priests who has been around enough long to notice that quite a few skills doesn't benefit us at all. Fragarach Staffs gives useless bonuses for us. + That we are inferior on pretty much everything compared to other classes.
                            Stalkers OP.

                            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                            • #15
                              I'm not very well-informed about Priests, so I wasn't aware until now. Thanks. Still, priests can be somewhat strong after rebirth, just not OP.

                              @shinigami_kun Soul is a bit hard to do until you get strong enough to run Vault Normal easy 5/5, to get up to 15 Purified Crystals. Yes, soul gives a lot to your stats, but you need to be willing to grind for it. It's very time-intensive to farm PC, the shards, etc.

