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black rock gorge hacker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • black rock gorge hacker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have seen a character or an account level 35 she said she need heroic wings then i said in world chat i have some but i cant sell it because i need it but she whisper me and she said and she pleased me to give her a HW and whisper her that i cant really because i need it so much but after a minute my character go out of game and i go in the game again but I'm shocked because i didnt put any character lock on my acc but once i click it it saids character lock first AND THATS IT!!!

    Name: As0820ce
    Class: knight
    Level: 42

    Name: sweetchild (i only remember the first part so this is not the real name i just remember this is the first)
    Class: Mage
    Level: 35

    Any moderators please help me that's my only account please help D: I really need my account D:

  • #2
    File a ticket for them to assist you. Here's the website: I used to put a character lock and I forgot mines. I filed a ticket and explained the situation so they cleared the character lock, but I had to answer some required answers they sent me. Well go file a support ticket. They'll help you
    Last edited by fairytaillover; 11-06-2012, 07:00 AM. Reason: Grammar >.<
    ~NatsuGirl (In Celestial Peaks)

    (Too bad I can't write a poem that's short enough to take this space up.)


    • #3
      Is it really possible that a person may hack you through Private messages (PM) ?
      "Change is so redundant... but remains to be constant"


      • #4
        Originally posted by ReignItsme View Post
        Is it really possible that a person may hack you through Private messages (PM) ?
        Nope, as long as you never give out your login details.
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        Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

        Rules of the Forum are found here.

        R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


        • #5
          Originally posted by ReignItsme View Post
          Is it really possible that a person may hack you through Private messages (PM) ?
          only if they can get your IP through whispers ._.
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