Hello GM, can i suggest to you one my idea. I think we all need some fast shop to sell item/junks in our bag if it already full, so tired you know and i think it waste time when we got full item in bag and need to teleport back to town just to sell item/junks only. Will appreciate so much if you add some fast shop to sell those item so we dont need to waste time just to go town and sell that thing. Morever you create this browser game because want people enjoy, am i right? So i think thats all. Thanks for read it 
IGN : (S33)Gawain
Level : Eidolon Lvl 98
Class : Hybrid Knight
Pets : Demon King (Gen-3)
Guild : (S33)SoulOfRuins

IGN : (S33)Gawain
Level : Eidolon Lvl 98
Class : Hybrid Knight
Pets : Demon King (Gen-3)
Guild : (S33)SoulOfRuins