Hi everyone people have been asking how to make gold so I came up with this so everyone can know how simple it really is
#1 You can try farming purified crystals with alts. They are about 50s each on my sever so get lots and sell them for mabye 20s under the normal price ( unless the item is worth like 20 silver of course )
#2 You can buy and sell. If there's someone selling heroic wings for 30s each and someone wanting them for 35 silver each, You can buy their heroic wings and sell them. Also take advantage by this and buy heroic wings in world chat for 30 silver each.
#3 Make 4 accounts to level 35 and put all of them in the lucky guess. First alt as #1 Second alt to #2 third alt #3 fourth alt #4. You will get a good amount of gold because its a 100% chance per day to get 1 Ethereal Wing and 1 Greater mount Upgrade Token. Or you can go all out and pick all of them for 1 number...
#4 Farm epic ethereal/bloodforged ( and so on ) shards, low level gear, heroic wings, and frag soul essence ( obtained from nightmare vault entered from twilight caverns level 1 ) One day a low level will want these, you can store these in vault for later to sell to a noob
Also, I sold a +12 Priest weapon to someone desprate :P
#5 You Can Make alts to do chambers of fate.....
Some people disagree because they say they can't kill Hoarder A Hoarder B or Ravensteed and so on. Its really up to You. Rooms you can get with this that's good is Room 9 Chance to gain gold or take damage. ( you might want to sit down or get a priest/ranger alt ) Chamber 35 which holds a Dragon Crystal or Chamber 17 ( correct me if I'm wrong..... ) the room that contains gold crops that u get 1-5 gold from. Also you can get red dragon coins from a blue chest or greater mount upgrade token from a gold chest.
#6 Some dungeons have good chances of dropping dragon crystals like psyco nightmare my lvl 79 scion friend gets mabye 2 dragon crystals a day which is really good. Worldwide I think dragon crystals are 20-70g each. Most are 30-60. On new servers they are really worth less then 30g.
#7 Speaking of new servers, greater mount upgrade tokens are sold very cheap. People want to get crystal from gold rankings So... buy all the Gmuts ( greater mount upgrade tokens ) and Sell them when they are about 35g each because when a server gets a little older the prices of gmuts usually always grow. Also, fire lord eggs will be cheaper because on my server its 2p per egg about which is really bad.
#8 Do quiz on your accounts. There's certain places that you can find quiz anwsers so go for #22 or #23 ( One of those 2 gives morph crystal X5 and Ethereal wingsx2(BOUND) I'm more of an ethereal wings person, the other one gives greater sockiting rods which is worthless to me...
#9 You can make level 1 alts when your grinding and spam green dragon coin to see if u get an baby demon/ baby angel egg or even a black dragon coin. If you dont get something good delete account and try again. You can level it to 11 to go to starglade. People say this idea is worthless since you need level 30 to trade. ( not excactly ) You can go on your main when your done and let's say I got enchanted skill dust! Go on your main, create a shop that has wanted enchanted skill dust For 1 copper. Go on your alt and sell it to your main.
#10 You can do avernal Realm ( Enter by using the battlemaster ) and just afk grind on a boss. Remember to ONLY get avernal pack IV.
#11 Do delivery quest. Its once a day ( twice if your VIP ) and you can get a little extra coins. Plunder and take peoples crystaloids for more gold.
#12 Take advantages of good events. So let's say CS is kind enough to give away 10 free dragon crystals!!! ( this did happen before..... ) Save them. The price will be low since EVERYONE has them at the time. Save them til awhile after the event to resell it when the price is normal.
#13 Spend crystal!!! the rare item ''Greater Pearl Of Wisdom'' is around 15 platinuim. Spend some crystal and sell it in a shop! Also, you can buy a costume from an event, wait 5 months then sell that costume. ( make sure it looks so good people will really wanna buy it and would KILL for it )
#14 Crypt!! Follow people there or make a party of 3 ( at the least ) ( 5 at the most ) and keep telling eachother the code if you get one right and climb to 15th floor and claim your top three finisher pack! Split the pack between members so they all get gold. Remember, be kind and don't pretend you didn't get that 10 enchanted skill dust your saving for a shining peice of equipment.
#15 survival of the fittest ( I don't know much about this sorry )
#16 Do zodiac quests daily and always check to see how many Stars you have. The more the better! If you get 3 star its OK. That's some extra drop rate you got there. People thought it meant ''you will now get 3x more stuff you normally get'' but its actully increased chance for items. So let's say a dragon crystal is 20% chance to drop per dungeon. Now its 60% chance! ( its probably lower then this ) Stack it with a Double drop rate token and boom. 5x drop rate! Also if you do zodiac quests you can get zodiac shards to sell.
#17 Scion quest! If your a scion, there's an amazing quest you can do. You can either kill something in ladder, collect soul crystal IV's, kill a world boss, or my favorite Collect 1k vulture blood ( happy hunting ) And you can get some various items. You can even get torches!!!
#18 torch parties! If you have torches, you can charge gold per person that joins the party. Do it in indigo blight so no one can steal your EXP so party members have an exuse for gold back. One day I was doing a torch party in tree of life and some troll decided to bring their alt and pretended to not know who it is. They demanded for their money back and said ''This torch party was a scam'' also how to not get torch parties, bring people you can trust. Take pictures, and also do it with scions or eidolons. Now they don't want to lose their account.... do they really?
#19 Use your daily green dragon coin to win prizes. You can get lucky and climb up to a black dragon coin!!! I did this and got an enchanted skill dust, so don't trash your coins, use them wisely.
#20 sell items picked off the floor for mabye 20 silver each it depends on how much you have and if its items or equipment...
Hope you guys learned how to make extra change, thank you for reading this far
now go get some gold today!!!
#1 You can try farming purified crystals with alts. They are about 50s each on my sever so get lots and sell them for mabye 20s under the normal price ( unless the item is worth like 20 silver of course )
#2 You can buy and sell. If there's someone selling heroic wings for 30s each and someone wanting them for 35 silver each, You can buy their heroic wings and sell them. Also take advantage by this and buy heroic wings in world chat for 30 silver each.
#3 Make 4 accounts to level 35 and put all of them in the lucky guess. First alt as #1 Second alt to #2 third alt #3 fourth alt #4. You will get a good amount of gold because its a 100% chance per day to get 1 Ethereal Wing and 1 Greater mount Upgrade Token. Or you can go all out and pick all of them for 1 number...
#4 Farm epic ethereal/bloodforged ( and so on ) shards, low level gear, heroic wings, and frag soul essence ( obtained from nightmare vault entered from twilight caverns level 1 ) One day a low level will want these, you can store these in vault for later to sell to a noob

#5 You Can Make alts to do chambers of fate.....
Some people disagree because they say they can't kill Hoarder A Hoarder B or Ravensteed and so on. Its really up to You. Rooms you can get with this that's good is Room 9 Chance to gain gold or take damage. ( you might want to sit down or get a priest/ranger alt ) Chamber 35 which holds a Dragon Crystal or Chamber 17 ( correct me if I'm wrong..... ) the room that contains gold crops that u get 1-5 gold from. Also you can get red dragon coins from a blue chest or greater mount upgrade token from a gold chest.
#6 Some dungeons have good chances of dropping dragon crystals like psyco nightmare my lvl 79 scion friend gets mabye 2 dragon crystals a day which is really good. Worldwide I think dragon crystals are 20-70g each. Most are 30-60. On new servers they are really worth less then 30g.
#7 Speaking of new servers, greater mount upgrade tokens are sold very cheap. People want to get crystal from gold rankings So... buy all the Gmuts ( greater mount upgrade tokens ) and Sell them when they are about 35g each because when a server gets a little older the prices of gmuts usually always grow. Also, fire lord eggs will be cheaper because on my server its 2p per egg about which is really bad.
#8 Do quiz on your accounts. There's certain places that you can find quiz anwsers so go for #22 or #23 ( One of those 2 gives morph crystal X5 and Ethereal wingsx2(BOUND) I'm more of an ethereal wings person, the other one gives greater sockiting rods which is worthless to me...
#9 You can make level 1 alts when your grinding and spam green dragon coin to see if u get an baby demon/ baby angel egg or even a black dragon coin. If you dont get something good delete account and try again. You can level it to 11 to go to starglade. People say this idea is worthless since you need level 30 to trade. ( not excactly ) You can go on your main when your done and let's say I got enchanted skill dust! Go on your main, create a shop that has wanted enchanted skill dust For 1 copper. Go on your alt and sell it to your main.
#10 You can do avernal Realm ( Enter by using the battlemaster ) and just afk grind on a boss. Remember to ONLY get avernal pack IV.
#11 Do delivery quest. Its once a day ( twice if your VIP ) and you can get a little extra coins. Plunder and take peoples crystaloids for more gold.
#12 Take advantages of good events. So let's say CS is kind enough to give away 10 free dragon crystals!!! ( this did happen before..... ) Save them. The price will be low since EVERYONE has them at the time. Save them til awhile after the event to resell it when the price is normal.
#13 Spend crystal!!! the rare item ''Greater Pearl Of Wisdom'' is around 15 platinuim. Spend some crystal and sell it in a shop! Also, you can buy a costume from an event, wait 5 months then sell that costume. ( make sure it looks so good people will really wanna buy it and would KILL for it )
#14 Crypt!! Follow people there or make a party of 3 ( at the least ) ( 5 at the most ) and keep telling eachother the code if you get one right and climb to 15th floor and claim your top three finisher pack! Split the pack between members so they all get gold. Remember, be kind and don't pretend you didn't get that 10 enchanted skill dust your saving for a shining peice of equipment.
#15 survival of the fittest ( I don't know much about this sorry )
#16 Do zodiac quests daily and always check to see how many Stars you have. The more the better! If you get 3 star its OK. That's some extra drop rate you got there. People thought it meant ''you will now get 3x more stuff you normally get'' but its actully increased chance for items. So let's say a dragon crystal is 20% chance to drop per dungeon. Now its 60% chance! ( its probably lower then this ) Stack it with a Double drop rate token and boom. 5x drop rate! Also if you do zodiac quests you can get zodiac shards to sell.
#17 Scion quest! If your a scion, there's an amazing quest you can do. You can either kill something in ladder, collect soul crystal IV's, kill a world boss, or my favorite Collect 1k vulture blood ( happy hunting ) And you can get some various items. You can even get torches!!!
#18 torch parties! If you have torches, you can charge gold per person that joins the party. Do it in indigo blight so no one can steal your EXP so party members have an exuse for gold back. One day I was doing a torch party in tree of life and some troll decided to bring their alt and pretended to not know who it is. They demanded for their money back and said ''This torch party was a scam'' also how to not get torch parties, bring people you can trust. Take pictures, and also do it with scions or eidolons. Now they don't want to lose their account.... do they really?
#19 Use your daily green dragon coin to win prizes. You can get lucky and climb up to a black dragon coin!!! I did this and got an enchanted skill dust, so don't trash your coins, use them wisely.
#20 sell items picked off the floor for mabye 20 silver each it depends on how much you have and if its items or equipment...
Hope you guys learned how to make extra change, thank you for reading this far