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My Passive Skills Won't Add To My shortcuts

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  • My Passive Skills Won't Add To My shortcuts

    I Noticed That My Passive Skill (Mage) Won't Work
    I can't Drag It And When I Like Get Another Skill
    They Won't Add So Could You Please Fix That Problem?
    I'm Playing The New Server
    Belas Chasm

    But When I Just Disabled It I Found Myself Using Deep Freeze But Didn't Work The 2nd Time e we
    Last edited by Tyfusi; 06-23-2012, 07:55 PM.
    Server: Himeny Village
    Character Name: Tyfusi
    Character Level: 45
    Class: Hybrid Priest
    Honor: Baron
    Wings: Angel Wings |||
    Mount: Battle Bear
    Guild: Kunggi

  • #2
    you cant place passive skill on short cut they are automatically working for you, dont need to enable/disable them..


    • #3
      A passive skill is a skill that is always active. You do not have to drag it into your skill bar nor do you need to cast it.
      Crystal Saga
      Server: Whisperwind Beach
      IGN: hei
      Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
      Guild: Nightmare
      Honor: Emperor

      Server: Tauren Camp
      IGN: Izaya
      Lvl: 45+ Archer
      Guild: Mayhem
      Honor: Elite Warrior


      • #4
        Thank You For Answering
        I'll Just Got Hit My Head On The Wall Now
        Server: Himeny Village
        Character Name: Tyfusi
        Character Level: 45
        Class: Hybrid Priest
        Honor: Baron
        Wings: Angel Wings |||
        Mount: Battle Bear
        Guild: Kunggi


        • #5
          u might search for the meaning of it!!!
          "Search, Observe, Read and Understand first!!" (SORU) :rolleyes:


          • #6
            Passive means you soulfully learned it without casting.
            ~ Love Candy
            Mage Level 40+
            (No direct level due to change every few days)
            Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
            Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
            Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

            If you have any questions, just message me <3

            Something wrong?
            ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
            ...file a ticket
            ...providing images and screenshots
            ...when this happened, how this happened
            ...your clues and what-nots


            • #7
              while reading this i almost "WT* AM I DREAMING? AM I READING THIS?"


              • #8
                `there, she already know what Passive means... `
                (S24) Machie
                Class: Hybrid Knight
                Guild: (S24) GeneiRyodan
                (Guild Master)
                Server: Tundara
                (S24)BladeEye's Wife

                `the two most important days in your Life
                are the day you are BORN, and the day you find out WHY... - Mark Twain`


                • #9
                  Problem Solved.

                  //Closing Thread
                  Helpful Links

                  Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .

                  If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
                  Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

                  Moderators Be Thou for the People.
                  -Kind Regards V
                  -What's left in the not always what you wish for!

