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  • ...Help?

    Which pet is better for a Shadow Rogue? I've heard it's a Teeka, but I'm not a big fan of them... I wanted to know whether a Baby Demon or a Baby Angel was better for a Shadow Rogue. Or maybe a Fire Lord?
    Last edited by Violetgamergirl; 06-24-2012, 05:50 AM.
    Class: Rogue {Shadow Rogue**
    Level: 20+
    Guild: None, yet.
    Honour: Squire
    Spouse: None.
    Wings: Glowing Wings I
    Mount: Baby Turtle
    Pet: Morphed Bear Cub {SpaceCub, ♀**
    Server: Belas Chasm

  • #2
    It depends on the pet you wanted to if you have Teeka,Baby Demon or Baby Angel and even Fire lord so be it>>>You'll make your pet strong though...
    â™* Jeward Cruz â™*
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    ♦ R2games Hardcore Gamer ♦

    Crystal Saga Guides and Informations:


    • #3
      Oh, right, because I was told that a certain pet fitted a certain class AND branch, so that's why I was confused...
      Class: Rogue {Shadow Rogue**
      Level: 20+
      Guild: None, yet.
      Honour: Squire
      Spouse: None.
      Wings: Glowing Wings I
      Mount: Baby Turtle
      Pet: Morphed Bear Cub {SpaceCub, ♀**
      Server: Belas Chasm


      • #4
        well for starters... What do u need at this moment... support heal . or massive amounts of damage.. if support heal better get the teeka . but if need max damage.. better get the demon family..demon family = baby demon demon lord? then demon king . not sure about its 2nd phase XD
        Stand Down Foe. You have no chance against me.

        My Character: Zerolimits
        Server: hmmmm im in a lot of server atm but hanging much at Psychodelica
        Level: Noob?, nah i still kill a lot at seng XD
        Class:Nature Ranger


        • #5
          And it goes:
          Baby Demon --> Super Demon --> Demon King

          Class: Rogue {Shadow Rogue**
          Level: 20+
          Guild: None, yet.
          Honour: Squire
          Spouse: None.
          Wings: Glowing Wings I
          Mount: Baby Turtle
          Pet: Morphed Bear Cub {SpaceCub, ♀**
          Server: Belas Chasm


          • #6
            go for morphed spectre
            it has nice dodge buffer
            S40guntherkillu- Mage- Eidolon LEVEL 140
            GUILD- Candyshop
            HONOR- Emperor SOUL- 1177/3000


            • #7
              Originally posted by Violetgamergirl View Post
              Which pet is better for a Shadow Rogue? I've heard it's a Teeka, but I'm not a big fan of them... I wanted to know whether a Baby Demon or a Baby Angel was better for a Shadow Rogue. Or maybe a Fire Lord?
              Baby Angel/Demon > Teeka > Super Angel/ Super Demon > Fire Lord > Burning Angel/ Demon King

              > Less than.
              "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace." - Royal Tart Toter

              Last Update: 17 May 2013

