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Morp Crystal event pls

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  • Morp Crystal event pls

    GM make morp Crystal event pls

  • #2
    yes quit being stingy with morphs


    • #3
      morph crystal event pls


      • #4
        looks like this morph crystal event is becoming a hot topic now..
        My Bug Fixer :
        My Reference Buddie :

        ©Never take life seriously©
        ®Nobody gets out alive anyway®


        • #5
          its cuz morphs are close to impossible to get in game there should be an event where it doesnt take 1 hour for "a chance" to receive a morph crystal even if u were to be lucky enough to get all 4 morphs for the day thats not even 1 try at super demon or super angel let alone dk or ba its basically impossible to have good pets without cashers and shouldnt be that way


          • #6
            singilbert... i think u in psychodelica right?. Gms likely do things like that rarely since this game is about money for entertainment or something like that SO.. lets just hope it'll be soon i also need em
            Stand Down Foe. You have no chance against me.

            My Character: Zerolimits
            Server: hmmmm im in a lot of server atm but hanging much at Psychodelica
            Level: Noob?, nah i still kill a lot at seng XD
            Class:Nature Ranger


            • #7
              *censored* this i really need morp crystal event zzzzzzzzzzz........
              Last edited by MemoryLane; 06-28-2012, 01:56 PM. Reason: still swearing, even if it's got numbers in it


              • #8
                yeah GM Make Morph Crystal event for 3-5 Days please ))

                Proud To Be Indonesian

                Job : Mage

                Honour : Duke
                Server : Lycanmarsh
                I ♥Crystal Saga
                Life is an Adventure


                • #9
                  This topic seriously needs to keep being bumped back to new post! I agree completely I understand R2 needs to make money but they also need to have a fair and balanced game for those not rich enough to blow 100s of dollars a month. The economy isnt the best these days and some people who really enjoy/addicted to this game are blowing money they really dont need to be in order to get things they HAVE to have to compete in this game. Cashers who can will always cash the VIP itself brings in a large amount of revenue Im sure considering almost every player I see has VIP. So why is it so hard to do events or ingame dailies that allow non cashers a chance to semi-compete? Morphs, FL eggs are very rare EW and GMUTS only exist in during certain events or cash shop. U guys really should revamp this to help out the little people who also enjoy this game as much as cashers. The events lately are always based on cashers as well not fair. The pay to spend event should be a overall for a month not one week event I personally load almost or a 100 dollars a month WHICH is nothing compared to heavy cashers but I feel im never rewarded with those events because it recalculates weekly. And the new one goes 100xtals 500xtals HUGH GAP 4500xtals?? what happen to 1000 and 1200 during these events I tried to aim for those atleast but not now. Im not saying dont have cash items Im not saying dont have rare items Im just saying HAVE a balanced and fair system. I know plenty of ppl who dont cash and still have good chars they work their butts off for them but they still lack certain things because u dont allow them enought ways to obtain those things ingame. The things in cash shop should drop in prices I mean 75 crystals for one morph and it takes 14 to try once for a BA and the fail rate is near to impossible. How is someone who cant afford to heavy cash or a child suppose to be able to accomplish that? I enjoy the fact that u guys do weekly events I enjoy the fact that things arent "easy" in this game Its nice to have a game that keeps a challenge but come on guys somethings are just getting to the point of unfair and way unbalanced. Develop certain things like clothes LOTS OF CLOTHES! Please none with shorts and socks PPL DO NOT WEAR THAT I HOPE! Put things like that in cash shops and make them decent priced and permanent and ppl will buy them and lost of them would be nice to change clothes more than once a month :P atleast for us girls! Ur pets like Cupid and Bunny and now the Eagle dont remove them after a event leave them in cash shop! Price them reasonably and ppl will buy them! Its ok for ppl to not always have what a casher has but when it comes to pets like DK an BA they are a game changer for those who have them and those who dont. Anything that has a chance at a success or fail especially with ur rate of success should have multiple ways to get that item besides cash shop. Oh yea just gonnna throw this in here because it also has to do with chance and random nice items REMOVE GEMS AND SOCKETING RODS FROM DRAGON HUNT! I mean seriously guys black coin = 7 socketing rod? I have 5 stacks of them in vault that was a waste of money and dumb move on my part I wont buy anymore Black coins.. and scratched gems ppl get those all day everyday give us rare items on dragon hunt wheel MORPHS! FL EGGS! CLOTHES( XX# of days) HWs x50 not 1 LOL. The Dragon Hunt is a chance to balance out cash shop use it wisely guys let it be the thing that makes some little 12 year old noobs day OMFG I GOT MCx6 and a FL egg from DH!!! Also baby angel and baby demon eggs I wish u guys would make anything gotten from dragon hunt unbound it is ours after all our wonderful luck allowed us the chance to get it why cant we sell it if we dont need it? Or be nice and give it to non casher friends? Just some suggestions guys
                  Server: (s38)ShineOfAriel
                  IGN: (s38)JaeLynn
                  Pet: Burning Angel<3
                  Hubby: (s34)Lithium<3 (Wubberz that bum)
                  LvL52+ Eidolon Ice Mage


                  • #10
                    well tht was a big paragraph but yes i want a mc event

                    Those Who Serve Justice , Have No Limits !!!!
                    Aoiarcher otherwise known as archerscomet ac or aoi on s14

