BEFORE YOU START- im a nub. dont expect alot...
Middle holy tree Personally, i would choose a lv. 2-3 light heal if you're a healer (use SOT at lv 70 for grace), lv. 1 holy light (DONT upgrade it furrther, save it for lv. 50 improved holy light),lv 2-3 healing wave, i'd like to use healing wave for a quick heal, like when you need to heal but you dont want to cast the light heal. lv 1 improved light heal, because normal heals would be more effective in my perspective.
Left holy tree For this tree, i would make a lv 1 light beam and leave it that way if your more of a healer than dps, but if you're a dps, i would make a lv 1 light beam, lv 1 spirit infusion (i think spirit infusion is weaker) and make a lv 3 or 4 improved light beam, because obviously, improved is better than normal. if you'd want a master light beam you can, but i would stay with an improved lgiht beam until then for dps ppl.
Right holy tree I think this tree would be the most important one. I would try my best to max out every buff, since it can make your stats go sky high if you do. I would make a lv 1 pure in heart, since it doesnt do alot for each lvl, and a lv 1 res because i only res ppl at the end of each wave/ floor in a dungeon or battleground. i would recommend a lv 5 angel's blessing because you can duo bath with it, and of course, it heals you while in a tough battle.
my skills:

TY dont expect alot from this, im a nub, but ty for reading it, lol.
Middle holy tree Personally, i would choose a lv. 2-3 light heal if you're a healer (use SOT at lv 70 for grace), lv. 1 holy light (DONT upgrade it furrther, save it for lv. 50 improved holy light),lv 2-3 healing wave, i'd like to use healing wave for a quick heal, like when you need to heal but you dont want to cast the light heal. lv 1 improved light heal, because normal heals would be more effective in my perspective.
Left holy tree For this tree, i would make a lv 1 light beam and leave it that way if your more of a healer than dps, but if you're a dps, i would make a lv 1 light beam, lv 1 spirit infusion (i think spirit infusion is weaker) and make a lv 3 or 4 improved light beam, because obviously, improved is better than normal. if you'd want a master light beam you can, but i would stay with an improved lgiht beam until then for dps ppl.
Right holy tree I think this tree would be the most important one. I would try my best to max out every buff, since it can make your stats go sky high if you do. I would make a lv 1 pure in heart, since it doesnt do alot for each lvl, and a lv 1 res because i only res ppl at the end of each wave/ floor in a dungeon or battleground. i would recommend a lv 5 angel's blessing because you can duo bath with it, and of course, it heals you while in a tough battle.
my skills:
TY dont expect alot from this, im a nub, but ty for reading it, lol.