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FAQ: How to become rich.. :)

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  • FAQ: How to become rich.. :)

    Well, I have come across some player that reaches level 40 that has only 4-10g.

    Well, here is my guide to become rich!

    ( Sorry I don't have the knowledge to upload or post picture so bear with me)


    Create The following you can choose between this characters for farming:

    1. Mage (ICE): Well they have a good range of damage and they can tank thanks to Ice Buff..
    2. Priest (Blood): Having a high damage and a huge amount of HP says it.
    3. Knight(preferably STR): For Str: they have a huge sum of damage and Tank.. Although they have weak damage they can endure through bosses but not worth it.
    4. Ranger (Nature): Although I don't recommend this class but because it cant nail bosses in RV in it's early levels because of Quick Heal then it depends on the player if he/she wants to power farm in RV.

    Technique: While players need PC's the easiest and quickest way to get it is in Indigo Blight( A level 25 dungeon that drops Yellow Gears, Pristine Dream Walker Shards and Purified Crystals(mostly sells for 1 Gold) So here is the breakdown of classes:

    Classes Skill And Stats:


    Level 1-9
    This Stage you will be upgrading The Ice Buff make it level 4. Your Stats All on INT(Obvious)
    Level 10-18
    Here You will have Blizzard its an AOE Area Of Effect)skill that really has a high amount of damage and slows target up to 70% (max it). This Farmer will level faster than any farming class. Stat: INT
    Here you will Max your Ice Buff. All extra points will be given to the level 20 passive. Stats: INT

    Blood Priest:

    Level 1-10
    This, Max Blood beam.Make this a default attack[Press "V" and then drag the skill to default] . Stats:INT (Why? Blood beam needs matk for base damage so INT for now.)
    Level 11-20
    At level 10 you will get Curse Mastery a skill that gives you a maximum of 10% hp(Essential for damage and tanking) You have to get all your skill points here except 1! The 1 point will be to the skill below it "Curse of weakening" (correct me if i'm wrong) it's a level 20 curse.
    Stats: Here you will stop adding int. Go END.( For tanking And extra Damage)
    Level 21-25
    At this point you will be Maxing The Curse Mastery and adding extra points to your Level 20 Curse. Stats: END


    Level 1-10
    You have to max Iron Blood (only) for better damage, you can kill mobs with 3-4 hits Stats: STR
    Level 11-20
    You will Maxed Battle Hymn( DEF knight skills that adds a huge amount of HP!) I, personally prefer this skill because you need hp(why you say?.
    Health Orbs has a 15 seconds cool down, take note have more hp... so your Health Orbs will have plenty of time to cool down)Stats:STR
    Level 21-25
    This time you can add offense skill of your choice: On my opinion I chose Valiant slash for its crit chance buff.

    Nature Ranger:

    Level 1-10
    You need to take Level 1 Magic Arrow(Put this onto default attack [Press "V" and then drag the skill to default]) and all skill points to Precision(Hit Rating and Magic Attack Passive). Stats: INT
    Level 11-20
    Here you will max both Magic Arrow and Precision (For Damage) Stat: INT
    Level 21-25
    Here you will take Elven Swiftness(Movement Speed and Attack Speed) and Oak's Blessing(Heals 97 HP on time duration) to Level 1 Stat: INT

    Now For The Technique:

    GEAR: You don't wanna waste gold for their gear(except Nature Ranger for RV ) these are your farmers. Stick to NPC given EQ.
    Items: For Potions(level 15) you wanna buy loads of em(HP/MP for all classes except blood priest only HP) this is one of your keys to survival on INDIGO!!Health Orbs( You are to have on average 4-5 pieces on your way to level 25) Use this when only you reach level 25 and ready to farm on Indigo. Elixirs, only activate them on Indigo. x2 drop rate token will be activated on the first boss and only when it is nearly dead.(why? to save its running time of course!)
    Pet: Here's the deal. If your'e feeling lucky to land on an archer with stun then GO! But Bears tend to endure on Bosses.

    Take note: While Leveling be sure to pick up items worth 70c+ (every coin counts!) and when you are ready to take up indigo blight take time to grant you're free VIP

    In Indigo:

    There are techniques in indigo, First you can clear all mobs(which can take some time but.. indigo mobs tend to drop Socketing Rods and Gems)

    The next one is the fastest way:

    Press M then click the location where you see a tree on the far left end on the map ( Devourzak spawns there)
    You will drag some mobs make sure to spam you potions and heal for ranger.
    Upon reaching the desired destination you will be enable to encounter devourzak. Spam pots, skills and almost everything you have!
    (sometimes tho 1 mob will not be spawned back you have to kill it first)

    Then When Devourzak is almost dead use the x2 drop token on 25 you have 2pcs of it.

    Then enjoy The loots Sell Dreamwalker shards and PC's to players which gives huge amount of gold. and gears tha tyou have .. well if u have something for you use it and other trashes sell to npc's.

    Last edited by paok27; 06-29-2012, 03:45 PM.

  • #2
    I'm not sure of becoming rich has to do something for classes. Level up to lvl 50 and 60 so your can get 10g a day. Now I'm down to 18g. A DAY.

    Game :Wartune
    IGN: Palpablesage
    Class: Mage
    Level: 19
    Game: Wartune
    IGN: MrNemesis


    • #3
      Originally posted by C4P0T3 View Post
      I'm not sure of becoming rich has to do something for classes. Level up to lvl 50 and 60 so your can get 10g a day. Now I'm down to 18g. A DAY.
      well yah you can do it with you main.. But if you really wanna extend you gold output faster.... okay let say you have 18g per day..

      and lemme say i have 3 charcters who go in and out of the indigo "SOLO" soo that would be 24g per 3 hours (average character completes 8 dungeon runs is 40-1hour) 24g gold per 3 hour pluse if you have more than 3 characters imagine the sum @_@
      Last edited by paok27; 06-29-2012, 04:04 PM.


      • #4
        just grind pick the junks then if bag full sell it then go grind again
        IGN: (S1)EchoO
        Server:Aurora Point
        Class: Hybrid Rogue
        Lvl: 50+
        Plane: Scion

        " It is ROGUE not ROUGE "

        A Sword that can cut anything is not a sword.
        A Sword that can cut nothing can cut anything.

        -Koshiro, Roronoa Zoro’s teacher


        • #5
          Becoming rich doesnt have anything to do with classes lol. Make a char and lv it up to lv70+ then you will get more than 20g/day.
          Last edited by enshiiee159; 06-29-2012, 05:45 PM. Reason: Need to fix my grammar


          • #6
            But do you even have time to farm all 3 chars everyday? *giggles*


            • #7
              i can do 65 g /day or more,plus 3chars=20g each average, lvl 65 rouge,lvl 60 priest,lvl 50,knight,lvl 48 mage, +3lvl 30 alts=almost 2plat per day@.@,now im the #1 gold ranker in my server,


              • #8
                How to get rich: Stop playing and work.
                Server:Altar of Sacrifice(Merged with Tree of Life,S25,S28]
                Class/Build:Hybrid Knight/Holy Priest

                Guild:Imperium / Imperium
                PhoenixKing ready to help 24/7!


                • #9
                  Then When Devourzak is almost dead use the x2 drop token on 25 you have 2pcs of it.
                  Do you have a screenshot for proof of this?
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                  • #10
                    My character is pure strength and the skills are in protection. and its super awesome!
                    IGN: MapleDork21
                    Server: Psychodelica
                    Class: DPS Knight
                    Guild: Apocalypse


                    • #11
                      you want to know wat is ur fault? if u telling every1 about this, no one will ever buy puri again, tat means u are useless to making a puri farmer, u sure didnt thinking the risk
                      The Wilterlands
                      [Scion]Level: 7x
                      The Wilterlands will always be in my memories~

                      Thanks for having me . . .

                      Temple of Ibalize

                      Wartune save most of my time~


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lanzrockz View Post
                        How to get rich: Stop playing and work.
                        Ahaha ikr.
                        Greg TheSloth

                        BACON+Potatoes+Jack Daniel's=GregTheSloth


                        • #13
                          tankers are hard as hell to level
                          i like pie


                          • #14
                            paok27 its not that really easy to sell stuff to players sometimes it takes hours for players to buy so what i can say that is eventhough you are guaranteed for the equipments but you are not guranteed for the golds as players need to buy it for you to get the golds because i did that before and sometimes it took me days to even sell pristine dreamwalker shards and purple os equipments.

                            So i got a guide to obtain gold easily that i've been trying out and it work.

                            1st Create 3 characters.
                            2nd Level up ASAP and do grinding then sell those white, green and blue equipment you have to npc which you are guaranteed to get golds.
                            3rd Now this is the purpose of the 3 characters as there are 3 times delivery so each character do 1 time delivery and 5 times escort if possible within the 30 mins delivery. By doing these you can get 2-5g per character depends on what you deliver and whom you escort.

                            So from the delivery and escort of the 3 characters you can get roughly 6-30g plus your grinding mobs of your 3 characters at level 50-60+ will give 20g per character which give you a total of roughly 66-90g a day

                            Please correct me if i made mistakes. Tq
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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by K_pot View Post
                              you want to know wat is ur fault? if u telling every1 about this, no one will ever buy puri again, tat means u are useless to making a puri farmer, u sure didnt thinking the risk
                              You're wrong on that.
                              Gazuntai created a Guide - and one hell of a specific one - on how to make money the alternative way.
                              It was about creating a Lv. 30 Knight in order to farm Purified Crystals.

                              That guide was created months ago - so there is no risk in this.
                              The King doesn't fall so easily boys

