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about a new server Read and give your opinion

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  • about a new server Read and give your opinion

    There are some players that want a new server cause they couldnt keep up with cashers or good players in S60 Exigent Bluff yesterday i got lvl 40 and today i am 42 but it is very hard to keep up in avernal and in seng and i dont want to talk about dragonspine battlegrounds since some players had CEW in first day no problem but torches helped them more than us no cashers players because they were already high lvl and us still low,so i am suggesting next week new server cause a lot of ppl need and u can see our server is already a ghost town half of the players are alts from the guys in ranking so everyone that needs a new server comment here and make this thread reach in GM eyes and you that dont want a new server at least respect our opinion our top guy was lvl 58 in this morning now he is 59 and half of lvl 60 probably will get to lvl 62 until tonight so plz new server in next week

  • #2
    Maybe you should wait on that day for the new server to open up, then probably you'll be top rank 1 if you hold it for that long till they give out the Xtals for rank. @.@
    Server: Shrine of Kithara (Merged with Lycanmarsh, Celestial Peaks, Celestial Palace, The Void, Angel Island, and Tyria Village)
    Character: Miek
    Pet: Burning Angel<3
    Level: 86 Scion


    • #3
      cant keep up with ppl that have CEW,i am not such a good player and plus they get to lvl 40 first and get DS,a few players can keep up without cashing and the best i've seen was in 8 into ranking


      • #4
        you're not the only one who are waiting for the new server , there's maybe a top casher waiting for it too .. the result will be the same , you can't keep up with them
        " Pleasure gotten through evil means could be a sin, but pleasure can also result from good deeds.What kind of philosophy calls pleasure itself a sin ?

        Gilgamesh, Fate/Zero


        • #5
          so could make a new char when the first is at lvl 50 or 60 and so to create more char the former should be at lvl 50 or 60 and so on at least the same email and server (or ip).

          my opinion

          s60 first day have player 18gold more lol
          Last edited by R21700621; 12-07-2012, 09:42 AM.


          • #6
            Need new server west pvp server pls :d gm


            • #7
              Originally posted by R21700621 View Post
              so could make a new char when the first is at lvl 50 or 60 and so to create more char the former should be at lvl 50 or 60 and so on at least the same email and server (or ip).

              my opinion

              s60 first day have player 18gold more lol
              brasileiro ne mano


              • #8
                It is more of an ego issue to compete with the cashers/higher level ups just for pride.

                It doesn't matter what server you play in - there will always be cashers/those who have tons of time to dedicate to this game.

                What matters is how you have fun on this game - all about perspective.

                Besides with the current lag all the players experience, we don't need to make it worse.


                • #9
                  i hope the new server is east pvp i need sengolia to be 8 for me in london time


                  • #10
                    There is an advantage to not being as fast to level up as the cashers and hard workers are. They'll level out of Dragonspine, giving you a better chance at it. They'll also level into the next tier of Avernal, giving you a better chance at that too.

                    Even if they opened a new server tomorrow (which they aren't), it'll be the same as the last new server with cashers and people who work really hard pulling ahead of everyone else.
                    New R2 Community Discord Server:

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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                      There is an advantage to not being as fast to level up as the cashers and hard workers are. They'll level out of Dragonspine, giving you a better chance at it. They'll also level into the next tier of Avernal, giving you a better chance at that too.

                      Even if they opened a new server tomorrow (which they aren't), it'll be the same as the last new server with cashers and people who work really hard pulling ahead of everyone else.
                      he/she is right learned that the hard way


                      • #12
                        I heard lots of people talking about a lag ingame, but the only time I had any kind of lag was when entering the guessing game.
                        But other than that so have everything worked smoothly.

                        So my guess are that most people are having crappy computers when playing, while I have put lots of money to have a computer who can work with most games.
                        I much rather put my money on real items than on some pixels that are **** worth once getting bored on the game.
                        If not selling the account that is, several people did that in the server I was in... and it seemed to be completely fine.
                        Server: (S45)Exenden Realm
                        Name: Lunaria
                        Class: Fire Mage
                        Plane: Eidolon
                        Level: 125+
                        Guild: TheDarkness (Leader)
                        Honor Rank: Emperor
                        Mount: Super Jiyaori
                        Wings: Ultimate Demon Lord +5
                        Weapon: Perfect Fragarach Orb II +8 (Fused with lvl 121 orb)
                        Husband: (S50)Buldozeris00
                        Pet: Guardian Angel +13, Emperor Demon +13, Super Angel +13, Ultrasaurus Rex +13, Dragon Boxer +13, Fire Lord + Morphed Phoenix

                        “It’s too bad that stupidity isn’t painful.” ― Anton Szandor LaVey


                        • #13
                          when new server???


                          • #14
                            lol i like playing with cashers and high lvl ppl cuz the market price of stuffs like HW and MUTS are cheap... like FSE who only costs 5g or more but on new servers 30g, see??? look on the bright side, even if ur not on the rankings atleast your strong enough for dungeons and pvp...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kael_jin View Post
                              lol i like playing with cashers and high lvl ppl cuz the market price of stuffs like HW and MUTS are cheap... like FSE who only costs 5g or more but on new servers 30g, see??? look on the bright side, even if ur not on the rankings atleast your strong enough for dungeons and pvp...
                              FSE 5g each???o.o
                              i guess we are spoiling our nubs on our server

