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Stronger Class

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  • Stronger Class

    Which class is stronger at soloing dungeons a bit early and good at pvp mainly sengolia battlegrounds is it a
    Ranger or Knight? and can you post a guide for the class that you say is stronger.
    1 WORD

  • #2
    knighty ^_^


    • #3
      they are all strong
      Server: Psychodelica
      Level: 71+scion
      IGN: VisualKei
      Class: Priest

      Im Weak o.o


      • #4
        I agree their all strong , it's the way you use the Class.
        Crystal Saga
        Plane : Scion☆彡
        Character : (S46)Selphie
        Guild : (S34)GUILDLESS

        If The Whole World Was Blind Who Would You Impress?


        • #5
          They are all strong, it depends on how you build your skills =)


          • #6
   doubt. Rangers and rogues are squishy in dungeons at first and takes time to build, and while priests may solo with help of orbs and pots, they are squishy in PvP. Knights may solo dungeons at a earlier stage than all other classes and does better in PvP.
            Crystal Saga
            Server: Whisperwind Beach
            IGN: hei
            Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
            Guild: Nightmare
            Honor: Emperor

            Server: Tauren Camp
            IGN: Izaya
            Lvl: 45+ Archer
            Guild: Mayhem
            Honor: Elite Warrior


            • #7
              they can do dungeons with ease while us priest need orbs and pots


              Eidolon 3x


              "Spend time, not money, on your children"
              "Money can be earned again , Time just passes once"


              • #8
                Originally posted by shinigami_kun View Post
       doubt. Rangers and rogues are squishy in dungeons at first and takes time to build, and while priests may solo with help of orbs and pots, they are squishy in PvP. Knights may solo dungeons at a earlier stage than all other classes and does better in PvP.
                agree....knight kick *** on dungeons...specially wen ur 80+ above with slayers dungeons are just easy.....
                IGN: (S30)im2wek
                Plane: Eidolon
                Level: 131
                Class: Knight(Agi Build)
                Server: (S30)Altar of Sacrifice
                Weapon: Legendary (Supreme) Auguric Sword I+14
                Wings: Demon Lord Pet: Demon King, Fire Lord, Teeka Mount: Kilin Gilded Battle Stallion Hellwing


                • #9
                  no, priests can solo earlier then knights without orbs <as long as you are a skilled priest and know how to build it (hint: the AFK mode is your best friend)>
                  -If your a priest and you know how to fiddle around with the AFK mode to bring out the best in it, you can solo vault NM (no orb, no soul progress, rubbish pet, rubbish wings) at lvl 48 (mortal).

                  Knights on the other hand.. I doubt can solo at that lvl, so priests are the best PvE.

                  But yes priests are squishy in PvP if your not good at it, it's just harder then other classes to play in PvP, but don't think that priests can't be OP (*cough*cashers and those who spend forever in the game farming*cough*)

                  Rangers on the other hand are ok at both, nature for farming, anti-mage for PvP (mostly, not saying you can't go the other way around, but I know that anti-mage has a hard time farming) nature can do well in PvP that I know.

                  Knights are better at farming then ranger, and can be OP PvP, but knights mainly have the dmg reduc and can tank it all, but as a melee class, it's harder to kill rangers due to the fact that rangers have the furthest range, and knights have one of the shortest xD when you find someone that kites... well your in trouble, as rangers are hell fast, (can never catch them >3<; )

                  So overall, if you can work on any char, you will get a good PvP and PvE, but if your the person who plays for a short time, I'd think knight (they come to power a bit earlier then rangers) < personal opinion, don't throw tomatoes at me...
                  If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

                  Character: (S31)Kiesha
                  Server: Tree of Life
                  Plane: Eidolon
                  Class: Hybrid Priest
                  Guild: Harmless


                  • #10
                    EXCUSE ME ^^,

                    priests are the earliest class to solo dungeons...also, about being squishy in sengolia...yes literally priests are squishy there, but if you're a pro priest you'll love using priest especially in sengolia pro priests are so over-powered there just for you to know.
                    Immaculate of Exigent Bluff!
                    (ノº ヮº)ノ彡┻━┻
                    I know, i know.....don't say it...


                    • #11
                      knight is better at soloing dungeons but only if u full earths blessing
                      im on every server u have a problem with that?


                      • #12
                        Interesting that priest can do nightmare vualt without orbs/potions at lv 48 id love to see a guide/video for that cause thats hard to believe. Also as a side note knights dont have the shortest range that would probably be rogue, seeing as they dont have big aoe skill like knight thus making them shortest range of all the classes. Another note, ranger may be faster then knights in terms of speed but iv yet seen a ranger run fast enough to get away from a lv 5 dragon hook which can take nearly the whole screen.

                        However when it comes down to pvp wise no class is the best, its how you use that class that makes it effective. Be it mage,ranger, priest, knight or rogue they all have their ups and downs some better then others.

                        Also dont forget by the end of the day its just a game.


                        • #13
                          Do u ALL guys remember the event Starglade Rich's on June?
                          The way that the WOLF guarding the 'Treasure' around it..?
                          That Wolf is 'Combat Rogue' so rogue are SUPERB if u got high lvl especially Eido..!
                          Its hard to deafeat him alone huh?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Alucard2400 View Post
                            Interesting that priest can do nightmare vualt without orbs/potions at lv 48 id love to see a guide/video for that cause thats hard to believe. Also as a side note knights dont have the shortest range that would probably be rogue, seeing as they dont have big aoe skill like knight thus making them shortest range of all the classes. Another note, ranger may be faster then knights in terms of speed but iv yet seen a ranger run fast enough to get away from a lv 5 dragon hook which can take nearly the whole screen.

                            However when it comes down to pvp wise no class is the best, its how you use that class that makes it effective. Be it mage,ranger, priest, knight or rogue they all have their ups and downs some better then others.

                            Also dont forget by the end of the day its just a game.
                            have to be holy priest, have lvl 5 def buff, lvl 5 heal, at least lvl 1 SS, AOE heal, basic curses, etc, normal build for holy priest (I remember I was using bloodbeam not lightbeam)
                            set afk mode to holy heal + lvl 45 pots at 90% (don't remember if I used SS or not during the bosses)
                            Bloodpact, curses and AOE heal all in skills section...
                            pet grab a bear or a vulture, something that can heal you or tank. (pet HP set at 65% or 70% depending on how much dmg it's taking) < completely forgot how much mine was at back then
                            run to bosses, set off afk mode, sit back and do some other stuff. When at 2nd boss, once he puts on that curse that makes you loose HP after 12 seconds, use pure in heart.
                            MUST > have no lag
                            (I also had a BB back then, but no soul prog at all xD) < was stupid.
                            -Takes about 30 mins to 1 hour per run (forgot how long, just remember it was UBER long- that's why I used to duo with my guildies still =/
                            *Note: all this was about 8-10 months ago, don't remember that clearly, but I do remember soloing at 48 mortal with no soul prog*

                            I think it was Speeds or VicZar that posted a way for a ranger to beat a knight in PvP. After dragon hook, freeze them (or was it push or something?) then start kiting. I'm sorry, not very sure, since I don't play a ranger, but I'm sure one of those 2 pros posted something about it before somewhere....
                            Last edited by Chelsia; 12-13-2012, 06:25 AM.
                            If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

                            Character: (S31)Kiesha
                            Server: Tree of Life
                            Plane: Eidolon
                            Class: Hybrid Priest
                            Guild: Harmless

