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What is the type of item that can be socket by the new gem...
What is the type of item that can be socket by the new gem...
it says can be socket in your gloves or rings(etc. fire opal), but i can't socket any of it i feel POOR() when its happen..so what is the specific type of item?is it only for the Legendary set gloves,rings or is it just bug or anything?
For the gems that say "weapon" or "helmet", you can socket as you used to.
For the gems that say "glove", it's a typo and it means "offhand". You cannot put it into Heart of Eden and I believe, but not too sure, that you also cannot put it into the offhand you get from Krahn. You CAN however put it into lvl 80+ offhands dropped from dungeons and bosses.
For the gems that say "ring" or "necklace", you cannot put them into savage or slayer gear. I'm not sure if you can put them into the epic gear from Krahn. You CAN however equip it in the epic 80 gear that is synthesized and probably the epic lvl 100 synthesized gear as well.