Now, how am i going to start this? Oh okey, I got it!
When you first start playing Crystal Saga, well most people, choose every class. Then they see which class suit them best. Im here to talk about all classes and their own special features. And at the end will be a special guide about each class. But i would much prefer on finding my own build myself.
Knight: Tank, Melee DPS. With a sturdy physique and the ability to equip the heaviest of armor, Knights have no qualms about standing on the front lines to protest their allies. In otehr words they have VERY high HP, HIGH PATK, HIGH PDEF, MED MDEF, LOW MATK, MED Crit.
Retribution: Area physical damage
Protection: Defense, threat and armor. *You should go to Protection Build*
Priest:Healer, Support. Known for valuing the wellbeing of allies over their own lives, priests harness spiritual energies to protest and revitalize their companions. Also Priests can solo Vault Nightmare & BC with ease.
Holy: Healing, support and resurrection
Blood: DoT and area control. For Priest build you should go hybrid.
Rogue: Stealth, Melee DPS. There one moment, gone the next. Taking advantage of stealth and devastating close range attacks, the rogue’s enemies often never knew what hit them. You shouldn't mess with em'.
Shadow: Quick single-target physical damage and invisibility
Combat: Stamina and hit-and-run control. Both builds are great. My fav is Shadow.
Ranger: Control, Ranged DPS. Preferring to keep their enemies at a distance, skilled rangers utilize bows and traps to overcome opposition before reaching arm’s length. In other words: Rngers have THE BEST crit.
Anti-Mage: Ranged physical DPS and magic resistance
Nature: Ranged magic DPS and traps. You should go hybrid for best results.
Mage:Sorry. Im still working on Mage.
*Knight Build*
Stat Distribution, 2 end 1 str until u got 110 str ---> after reached 110str go full end.
Description :
Earth Blessing - 5
Wave - 1
Improved Earth Blessing - 5
Shield Strike - 1
Sword of Spring - 1
Dragon Hook - 1
Imp. Shield Strike - 1
Battle Hym - 5
Taunt - 1
Back Breaker - 1
Shield Breaker - 5
You should choose Protection Build.
*Rogue Build*
As many people know a rogue is a so called "fast killer". Many rogue can kill you before you react because of their stun,atk speed and crit. Once a rogues stun is gone it relies on defense which a rogue doesnt have much of compared to the other class. But dat is the reason a rogue would have higher dodge than other classes. My guide focuses on build,gemming,soul and combos. I will place a guide till lvl 80 because im not scion.
This would be my build from lvl 1-80
2-Assassins thrust 1/5
4-Assassins thrust 2/5
6-Assassins thrust 3/5
8-Assassins thrust 4/5
10-Assassins thrust 5/5
12-Slayers cloak 1/5
14-Shadow rush 1/5
16-Slayers cloak 2/5
18-Shadow rush 2/5
20-Slayers cloak 3/5
22-Shadow rush 3/5
24-Slayers cloak 4/5
26-Shadow rush 4/5
28-Slayers cloak 5/5
30-Shadow rush 5/5
32-Shadow strike 1/5
34-Slayers speed 1/5
36-Blur 1/5
38-Shadow slap 1/5
40-Choke hold 1/5
42-Slayers deftness 1/5
44-Slayers call 1/5
46-Slayers deftness 2/5
48-(if u have a sot use it and get improved assassins thrust to lvl 5 instead of regular assassins thrust..if u do this take out 1 off slayers deftness) if u dont just put another point on slayers deftness 3/5
50-(*free sot* *yay* reset ur points
Slayers cloak 5/5
Shadow strike 1/5
Blade sweep 1/5
assassins thrust 1/5
Slayers rush 5/5
Choke hold 1/5
Improved assassins thrust 5/5
Slayers speed 1/5
Slayers call 1/5
Blur 1/5
Shadow slap 1/5
Slayers deftness 2/5
52-Slayers deftness 3/5
54-Slayers deftness 4/5
56-Slayers deftness 5/5
58-Slayers sprint 1/5
60-Brutality 1/5
62-Improved choke hold 1/5
64-Slayers shadow 1/5
66-Improved slayers call 1/5
68-Improved slayers call 2/5
70-Improved slayers call 3/5
72-Knife rush 1/5 <==good aoe skill
74-Improved slayers call 4/5
76-Improved slayers call 5/5
78-Slayers toughness 1/5
80-Master assassins thrust 1/5 (if u arent gonna rebirth i recommend u use a sot and get 5/5 on master assassins thrust and change improved assassins thrust to 1/5 and take off slayers toughness)
Soul- i like to keep it simple so i would say try to max the ice soul (defense)...i know people would want more critical but in a rogues build there are plenty of skills that give critical but none gives more defense..(except ap defense)
Gemming- i would try to make the gems shining or better but if u cant try to make them at least all normal
Hat-5 Sapphire ( or u can put jade cuz rogues doesnt have high hp)
Armor-5 amber
Gloves-5 ruby
Boots-3 sapphire 2 amber
Off-Hand-( i would say heart of eden )
Weapon-5 ruby
i would recommend you make the gear all +7 or better when you get blue savage or better.
Slayers shadow>Shadow rush>(regular,improved,masters)Assassins thrust>choke hold>Shadow slap(optional)>repeat cycle
*Ranger Build*
1/5 Fire Arrow - 1/5 Anti- Magic Shield
1/5 Double shot - 5/5 Fortune's Kiss
1/5 Paralyzing Shot - 1/5 Void's edge
1/5 Trailing Arrow - 1/5 Silencing Strike
1/5 Improved Fire Arrow - 1/5 Improved anti-Magic Shield
5/5 Strong Shot - 5/5 Improved Double Shot
5/5 Rain of Arrows - 1/5 Mana Spring
5/5 Master Fire Arrow - 5/5 Tidal Rush
5/5 Elven Swiftness
1/5 Oak's Blessing
1/5 Qucik Heal
1/5 Tidal Arrow
1/5 Barkskin
1/5 Improved Oak's Blessing
[Side note you have to be around 100 to have this build, also, after you rebirth to Scion - Put 8 points into Magic Defender (Awakening I) It increases your PATK whilst reducing the MATK of your target) and when you rebirth again at Eidolon throw 6 points into Sipho Kiss (Awakening II) which deals a certain amount of physical damage to target and reduce the distance of the target magic attack lvl; lasts 10 seconds. After the end if the magic is under the 20% target will be confused.
Coefficient of 152% attack at lvl 1. 167% at lvl 6.
Magic reduction target: 10% at lvl 1. 20% at lvl 6.
If that happens it will daze lasts 2.5 seconds at lvl 1, 5 seconds at lvl 6.)
Stats !!
For Optimal damage - I'd do 2 str and 1 agi. Reason being is strength adds to your Physical attack and hit, and Agility adds to dodge, hit, and CRIT!!! it's ok to put points into INT every other level, to help with your mana for the heals (I.E. When you're soloing dungeons and the heals are being used every 3-5 seconds).
Or, you can go in order of leveling
2. 2str 1 agi
3. 2str 1 agi
4. 2 str 1 agi
5. 2str 1 agi
6. 1 str 1 agi 1 int
Etc Etc, so Every five (or four, up to you) levels do 1 str 1 agi 1 int - to add to your mana pool.
For Gems I would recomend HP for helm (Jade). For the weapon and gloves PATK (Ruby), for the armor, and boots, pdef / mdef (amber / sapphire) [Side note on armor / boot gems - MDEF is highly usefull in battlegrounds, as is PDEF]
Also whilst I'm on the subject, If you have purple / orange gear (I.E. SLAYER'S and Superior fragerach weapon) don't waste gem slots with blue / yellow gems, try to go for Flawless / perfect (Or if you're rich, Immaculate).
Best gear in game for pve is quit simple, - If It say's "DragonSlayer's" make it, or check shops / world chat and trade chat (sometimes people sell the set pieces for cheap[30s to 3g])
For pvp however, it's so simple even a Morphed Bear Cub could figure it out - the Savage / Slayer's purple set (Grand Duke) and the Orange (or purple[Archduke]) Savage / Slayer weapon (Viceroy)
ALSO!!!! GET THE INSIGNIA! I'd settle for the Brigadier General's Insignia ( 21 str / int - 15 agi - 26 end - 4 armor pen. / Penetration resistance - +6% physical / magic reduction) It has a really sexy use ability called Rage Explosion, which does damage to a single target based on your str, int, and agi. It also lower's the target's max HP a certain%. I mean come on people, WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT! another reason you should get it is, depending on your stats, you can one shot people (yes people, can't be used on mobs [non players for those that don't know]) which is really usefull in those sticky situations (2 on 1, odds not in your favor).
SIDE NOTE ON GEAR! - For soloing - try mix matching gear (3piece pve 4piece pvp or 3 piece pve 3 piece pvp with fragerach)
Another Side note - In order to get the purple Slayer (80) you need Purple Savage (40), and in order to get Purple Savage you need to get Green --> Blue --> Yellow Savage. (For just the armor you'll need 1374 bronze 143 silver and 6 Gold badges, For the weapons [Up to purple] 348 bronze 37 silver and 1 gold badges, For the Orange Slayer bow, you need the purple slayer bow and 188 bronze + 31silver + 4gold badges)
WARNING - When you upgrade your armor to a new lvl ( from green to blue, blue to yellow and so on) YOU'LL LOOSE all of your enchanting and gems, and opened sockets!
Wings Vs Mount...
To be honest, wings are more important then a mount, However, wings have a MAX level (I.E. Can't get Fire Wings until 50) So it's a 50/50 on that. Mounts however, come from quest or by going to Starglade (Turtle [first mount - upgrades to Black Panter, cost 5 mount upgrade tokens]) Aurora Point (Rabid Racoon[Upgrades to Mystical Scorpion - Requires Black Panther, Cost 12 mut's to upgrade]) and Bloodfang Village (Battle Stallion[Upgrades to Battle Bear - Requires Mystical Scorpion, Cost 24 mut's to upgrade]). After you get the Battle bear, you need Greater Mount Upgrade Tokens - usually sell for 10-15 gold, However you can buy them from the crystal shop (Requires you spending money on the game) or Guessing game (1 in four chance of winning).
Based on what you just read in this little section, i'll let you pick what you think is more important.
Side note : Both Wings and Mounts give you bonuses to stats.
Solo Farming
Part I : Dungeon
Basically, best thing to do is buy mana / health orbs (30 coupons, 145 crystals, or check player shops, they usually go for 4-10 gold) and Put Improved Oaks Blessing and Quickheal where your Pots would go in the afk window and set it for 99%.
For attacks, Rain of Arrows - Trailing Arrow - Strong shot - Master Fire Arrow - Paralyzing Shot - Improved Double Shot.
Set it to where Paralyzing shot goes off then strong shot to get maximum damage.
(Side note, if you can, skip all the trash [Non Boss Mobs]) and head straight to bosses, killing only the trash that stays on you)
Also, as I said earlier, if you're going to solo dungeons, try mix and matching gear for survival and damage..
Part II : Open World (I.E. Sukemo Bluff, Cheurna Gorge, etc etc)
You'll kill everything that moves within seconds, not really much to do besides set it to 3 screens, take off strong shot to conserve mana, set heals / mana to around 15% and you're good, However! Best thing to do whilst afk farming, is set it to where it only picks up ITEMS! You can sell the gems (Prices will come later on in the guide).
I'd get either Demon King for pure raw damage (Only way to get this is buying a Baby Demon Egg off the shop for crystals, winning it off Dragon Hunt, or buying from other players [Hardly seen them sell though, but when I do they're around 19-22g])
To get a perfect Demon King in my opinion would be to get the following attacks (books)
Books - Razor Sharp 4 - Valor 4 - Roar 4 - Omnipotence 4 - Certain Death 4 -Charm 4
Get the Maturity to +13
And make sure the Gen 5/5
TRY!! to get these Aptitudes Please! :
Minimal int / agi / end (Higher str aptitude for your DK = harder hitting = mobs / people dying faster)
Or go 2str 1 agi (For extra Crit)
If you can't get a Demon king get a Morphed Bear Cub (Tame a Bear cub from Monster Island (10-20) and buy MC from either the shop or players [Usually sell for 10-20g] and morph that *****) Has 25-30% damage absorbtion, go 1 str 1 agi 1 end - 1 str 2 end - 1 str 2 end - 1str 1 agi 1 end (Str adds PATK / small amount of HP - agi adds Crit / end adds HP)
*Priest Build*
Left tree
1/5 Light Beam
1/5 Spirit Infusion
1/5 Improved Light Beam
Middle Tree
5/5 Light Heal
1/5 Holy Light
5/5 Saint's Strength (30% increase to healing at 5)
1/5 Healing Wave
1/5 Improved Holy Light
Right Tree
5/5 Guardians Protection
1/5 Pure in Heart
1/5 Resurrection
1/5 Angel's Blessing
How it works-
Saint's strength goes through a lot more mana, but the buff is invaluable. My base heal unbuffed is at 1726 and my heals are at 3514. With saint's strength it jumps up to 2160 base heal and 4325 light heals.
I have healed for nepinthor, auron, torvo, ice queen, blood col, sacrificial relics, and vault nm.
The reason this build is better than the ones that have 5/5 healing wave is due to the fact that healing wave is a 12 sec cast and with saint's strength active you heal almost as much as a maxed out healing wave. So obviously it would be better to have higher heals that are more available instead of letting a group die because you could not aoe heal.
Guardians protection is a necessity. I would get this maxed asap. Groups will love you.
Go pure intelligence for max healing ability.
I have heard it said that full ethereal saints is the best way to go. This may be true, but I like the bonus you get from mixing and matching certain sets. The best pieces to get from ethereal saints is the chest piece and head piece for the + heal they provide. At lvl 47-49 get the demoni ring and necklace (they have better +heal than epic set does). I filled in the rest of my set with pvp gear for the +int it provides.
Obviously you will want to socket emeralds wherever possible. Shinings give +18 heal, excellents give +30.
If you are looking for more dmg go with sapphires.
-You will never die
-You are almost impossible to kill in pvp
-Everyone wants you in their dungeon/redemption groups
-Terrible pvp build. You will not die if you spam heal but you will also not be able to kill.
-Somewhat of a slow killer until lvl 40.
*I will do Mage Build soon*
Hope my guide was helpfull. Thanks for reading.
When you first start playing Crystal Saga, well most people, choose every class. Then they see which class suit them best. Im here to talk about all classes and their own special features. And at the end will be a special guide about each class. But i would much prefer on finding my own build myself.
Knight: Tank, Melee DPS. With a sturdy physique and the ability to equip the heaviest of armor, Knights have no qualms about standing on the front lines to protest their allies. In otehr words they have VERY high HP, HIGH PATK, HIGH PDEF, MED MDEF, LOW MATK, MED Crit.
Retribution: Area physical damage
Protection: Defense, threat and armor. *You should go to Protection Build*
Priest:Healer, Support. Known for valuing the wellbeing of allies over their own lives, priests harness spiritual energies to protest and revitalize their companions. Also Priests can solo Vault Nightmare & BC with ease.
Holy: Healing, support and resurrection
Blood: DoT and area control. For Priest build you should go hybrid.
Rogue: Stealth, Melee DPS. There one moment, gone the next. Taking advantage of stealth and devastating close range attacks, the rogue’s enemies often never knew what hit them. You shouldn't mess with em'.
Shadow: Quick single-target physical damage and invisibility
Combat: Stamina and hit-and-run control. Both builds are great. My fav is Shadow.
Ranger: Control, Ranged DPS. Preferring to keep their enemies at a distance, skilled rangers utilize bows and traps to overcome opposition before reaching arm’s length. In other words: Rngers have THE BEST crit.
Anti-Mage: Ranged physical DPS and magic resistance
Nature: Ranged magic DPS and traps. You should go hybrid for best results.
Mage:Sorry. Im still working on Mage.
*Knight Build*
Stat Distribution, 2 end 1 str until u got 110 str ---> after reached 110str go full end.
Description :
Earth Blessing - 5
Wave - 1
Improved Earth Blessing - 5
Shield Strike - 1
Sword of Spring - 1
Dragon Hook - 1
Imp. Shield Strike - 1
Battle Hym - 5
Taunt - 1
Back Breaker - 1
Shield Breaker - 5
You should choose Protection Build.
*Rogue Build*
As many people know a rogue is a so called "fast killer". Many rogue can kill you before you react because of their stun,atk speed and crit. Once a rogues stun is gone it relies on defense which a rogue doesnt have much of compared to the other class. But dat is the reason a rogue would have higher dodge than other classes. My guide focuses on build,gemming,soul and combos. I will place a guide till lvl 80 because im not scion.
This would be my build from lvl 1-80
2-Assassins thrust 1/5
4-Assassins thrust 2/5
6-Assassins thrust 3/5
8-Assassins thrust 4/5
10-Assassins thrust 5/5
12-Slayers cloak 1/5
14-Shadow rush 1/5
16-Slayers cloak 2/5
18-Shadow rush 2/5
20-Slayers cloak 3/5
22-Shadow rush 3/5
24-Slayers cloak 4/5
26-Shadow rush 4/5
28-Slayers cloak 5/5
30-Shadow rush 5/5
32-Shadow strike 1/5
34-Slayers speed 1/5
36-Blur 1/5
38-Shadow slap 1/5
40-Choke hold 1/5
42-Slayers deftness 1/5
44-Slayers call 1/5
46-Slayers deftness 2/5
48-(if u have a sot use it and get improved assassins thrust to lvl 5 instead of regular assassins thrust..if u do this take out 1 off slayers deftness) if u dont just put another point on slayers deftness 3/5
50-(*free sot* *yay* reset ur points
Slayers cloak 5/5
Shadow strike 1/5
Blade sweep 1/5
assassins thrust 1/5
Slayers rush 5/5
Choke hold 1/5
Improved assassins thrust 5/5
Slayers speed 1/5
Slayers call 1/5
Blur 1/5
Shadow slap 1/5
Slayers deftness 2/5
52-Slayers deftness 3/5
54-Slayers deftness 4/5
56-Slayers deftness 5/5
58-Slayers sprint 1/5
60-Brutality 1/5
62-Improved choke hold 1/5
64-Slayers shadow 1/5
66-Improved slayers call 1/5
68-Improved slayers call 2/5
70-Improved slayers call 3/5
72-Knife rush 1/5 <==good aoe skill
74-Improved slayers call 4/5
76-Improved slayers call 5/5
78-Slayers toughness 1/5
80-Master assassins thrust 1/5 (if u arent gonna rebirth i recommend u use a sot and get 5/5 on master assassins thrust and change improved assassins thrust to 1/5 and take off slayers toughness)
Soul- i like to keep it simple so i would say try to max the ice soul (defense)...i know people would want more critical but in a rogues build there are plenty of skills that give critical but none gives more defense..(except ap defense)
Gemming- i would try to make the gems shining or better but if u cant try to make them at least all normal
Hat-5 Sapphire ( or u can put jade cuz rogues doesnt have high hp)
Armor-5 amber
Gloves-5 ruby
Boots-3 sapphire 2 amber
Off-Hand-( i would say heart of eden )
Weapon-5 ruby
i would recommend you make the gear all +7 or better when you get blue savage or better.
Slayers shadow>Shadow rush>(regular,improved,masters)Assassins thrust>choke hold>Shadow slap(optional)>repeat cycle
*Ranger Build*
1/5 Fire Arrow - 1/5 Anti- Magic Shield
1/5 Double shot - 5/5 Fortune's Kiss
1/5 Paralyzing Shot - 1/5 Void's edge
1/5 Trailing Arrow - 1/5 Silencing Strike
1/5 Improved Fire Arrow - 1/5 Improved anti-Magic Shield
5/5 Strong Shot - 5/5 Improved Double Shot
5/5 Rain of Arrows - 1/5 Mana Spring
5/5 Master Fire Arrow - 5/5 Tidal Rush
5/5 Elven Swiftness
1/5 Oak's Blessing
1/5 Qucik Heal
1/5 Tidal Arrow
1/5 Barkskin
1/5 Improved Oak's Blessing
[Side note you have to be around 100 to have this build, also, after you rebirth to Scion - Put 8 points into Magic Defender (Awakening I) It increases your PATK whilst reducing the MATK of your target) and when you rebirth again at Eidolon throw 6 points into Sipho Kiss (Awakening II) which deals a certain amount of physical damage to target and reduce the distance of the target magic attack lvl; lasts 10 seconds. After the end if the magic is under the 20% target will be confused.
Coefficient of 152% attack at lvl 1. 167% at lvl 6.
Magic reduction target: 10% at lvl 1. 20% at lvl 6.
If that happens it will daze lasts 2.5 seconds at lvl 1, 5 seconds at lvl 6.)
Stats !!
For Optimal damage - I'd do 2 str and 1 agi. Reason being is strength adds to your Physical attack and hit, and Agility adds to dodge, hit, and CRIT!!! it's ok to put points into INT every other level, to help with your mana for the heals (I.E. When you're soloing dungeons and the heals are being used every 3-5 seconds).
Or, you can go in order of leveling
2. 2str 1 agi
3. 2str 1 agi
4. 2 str 1 agi
5. 2str 1 agi
6. 1 str 1 agi 1 int
Etc Etc, so Every five (or four, up to you) levels do 1 str 1 agi 1 int - to add to your mana pool.

For Gems I would recomend HP for helm (Jade). For the weapon and gloves PATK (Ruby), for the armor, and boots, pdef / mdef (amber / sapphire) [Side note on armor / boot gems - MDEF is highly usefull in battlegrounds, as is PDEF]
Also whilst I'm on the subject, If you have purple / orange gear (I.E. SLAYER'S and Superior fragerach weapon) don't waste gem slots with blue / yellow gems, try to go for Flawless / perfect (Or if you're rich, Immaculate).
Best gear in game for pve is quit simple, - If It say's "DragonSlayer's" make it, or check shops / world chat and trade chat (sometimes people sell the set pieces for cheap[30s to 3g])
For pvp however, it's so simple even a Morphed Bear Cub could figure it out - the Savage / Slayer's purple set (Grand Duke) and the Orange (or purple[Archduke]) Savage / Slayer weapon (Viceroy)
ALSO!!!! GET THE INSIGNIA! I'd settle for the Brigadier General's Insignia ( 21 str / int - 15 agi - 26 end - 4 armor pen. / Penetration resistance - +6% physical / magic reduction) It has a really sexy use ability called Rage Explosion, which does damage to a single target based on your str, int, and agi. It also lower's the target's max HP a certain%. I mean come on people, WHO DOESN'T WANT THAT! another reason you should get it is, depending on your stats, you can one shot people (yes people, can't be used on mobs [non players for those that don't know]) which is really usefull in those sticky situations (2 on 1, odds not in your favor).
SIDE NOTE ON GEAR! - For soloing - try mix matching gear (3piece pve 4piece pvp or 3 piece pve 3 piece pvp with fragerach)
Another Side note - In order to get the purple Slayer (80) you need Purple Savage (40), and in order to get Purple Savage you need to get Green --> Blue --> Yellow Savage. (For just the armor you'll need 1374 bronze 143 silver and 6 Gold badges, For the weapons [Up to purple] 348 bronze 37 silver and 1 gold badges, For the Orange Slayer bow, you need the purple slayer bow and 188 bronze + 31silver + 4gold badges)
WARNING - When you upgrade your armor to a new lvl ( from green to blue, blue to yellow and so on) YOU'LL LOOSE all of your enchanting and gems, and opened sockets!
Wings Vs Mount...
To be honest, wings are more important then a mount, However, wings have a MAX level (I.E. Can't get Fire Wings until 50) So it's a 50/50 on that. Mounts however, come from quest or by going to Starglade (Turtle [first mount - upgrades to Black Panter, cost 5 mount upgrade tokens]) Aurora Point (Rabid Racoon[Upgrades to Mystical Scorpion - Requires Black Panther, Cost 12 mut's to upgrade]) and Bloodfang Village (Battle Stallion[Upgrades to Battle Bear - Requires Mystical Scorpion, Cost 24 mut's to upgrade]). After you get the Battle bear, you need Greater Mount Upgrade Tokens - usually sell for 10-15 gold, However you can buy them from the crystal shop (Requires you spending money on the game) or Guessing game (1 in four chance of winning).
Based on what you just read in this little section, i'll let you pick what you think is more important.
Side note : Both Wings and Mounts give you bonuses to stats.
Solo Farming

Part I : Dungeon
Basically, best thing to do is buy mana / health orbs (30 coupons, 145 crystals, or check player shops, they usually go for 4-10 gold) and Put Improved Oaks Blessing and Quickheal where your Pots would go in the afk window and set it for 99%.
For attacks, Rain of Arrows - Trailing Arrow - Strong shot - Master Fire Arrow - Paralyzing Shot - Improved Double Shot.
Set it to where Paralyzing shot goes off then strong shot to get maximum damage.
(Side note, if you can, skip all the trash [Non Boss Mobs]) and head straight to bosses, killing only the trash that stays on you)
Also, as I said earlier, if you're going to solo dungeons, try mix and matching gear for survival and damage..
Part II : Open World (I.E. Sukemo Bluff, Cheurna Gorge, etc etc)
You'll kill everything that moves within seconds, not really much to do besides set it to 3 screens, take off strong shot to conserve mana, set heals / mana to around 15% and you're good, However! Best thing to do whilst afk farming, is set it to where it only picks up ITEMS! You can sell the gems (Prices will come later on in the guide).
I'd get either Demon King for pure raw damage (Only way to get this is buying a Baby Demon Egg off the shop for crystals, winning it off Dragon Hunt, or buying from other players [Hardly seen them sell though, but when I do they're around 19-22g])
To get a perfect Demon King in my opinion would be to get the following attacks (books)
Books - Razor Sharp 4 - Valor 4 - Roar 4 - Omnipotence 4 - Certain Death 4 -Charm 4
Get the Maturity to +13
And make sure the Gen 5/5
TRY!! to get these Aptitudes Please! :
Minimal int / agi / end (Higher str aptitude for your DK = harder hitting = mobs / people dying faster)
Or go 2str 1 agi (For extra Crit)
If you can't get a Demon king get a Morphed Bear Cub (Tame a Bear cub from Monster Island (10-20) and buy MC from either the shop or players [Usually sell for 10-20g] and morph that *****) Has 25-30% damage absorbtion, go 1 str 1 agi 1 end - 1 str 2 end - 1 str 2 end - 1str 1 agi 1 end (Str adds PATK / small amount of HP - agi adds Crit / end adds HP)
*Priest Build*
Left tree
1/5 Light Beam
1/5 Spirit Infusion
1/5 Improved Light Beam
Middle Tree
5/5 Light Heal
1/5 Holy Light
5/5 Saint's Strength (30% increase to healing at 5)
1/5 Healing Wave
1/5 Improved Holy Light
Right Tree
5/5 Guardians Protection
1/5 Pure in Heart
1/5 Resurrection
1/5 Angel's Blessing
How it works-
Saint's strength goes through a lot more mana, but the buff is invaluable. My base heal unbuffed is at 1726 and my heals are at 3514. With saint's strength it jumps up to 2160 base heal and 4325 light heals.
I have healed for nepinthor, auron, torvo, ice queen, blood col, sacrificial relics, and vault nm.
The reason this build is better than the ones that have 5/5 healing wave is due to the fact that healing wave is a 12 sec cast and with saint's strength active you heal almost as much as a maxed out healing wave. So obviously it would be better to have higher heals that are more available instead of letting a group die because you could not aoe heal.
Guardians protection is a necessity. I would get this maxed asap. Groups will love you.
Go pure intelligence for max healing ability.
I have heard it said that full ethereal saints is the best way to go. This may be true, but I like the bonus you get from mixing and matching certain sets. The best pieces to get from ethereal saints is the chest piece and head piece for the + heal they provide. At lvl 47-49 get the demoni ring and necklace (they have better +heal than epic set does). I filled in the rest of my set with pvp gear for the +int it provides.
Obviously you will want to socket emeralds wherever possible. Shinings give +18 heal, excellents give +30.
If you are looking for more dmg go with sapphires.
-You will never die
-You are almost impossible to kill in pvp
-Everyone wants you in their dungeon/redemption groups
-Terrible pvp build. You will not die if you spam heal but you will also not be able to kill.
-Somewhat of a slow killer until lvl 40.
*I will do Mage Build soon*
Hope my guide was helpfull. Thanks for reading.