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question about lvl 7 spherion gems

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  • question about lvl 7 spherion gems

    what is the lowest morphed form to be able to use a lvl gem on your sperion? or can someone write up a guide on socketing gems like which lvls and morphs they can be used. I have a supierior mortal attack sperion and i cant socket it with lvl 7 gems, someone please let me know!!

  • #2

    You don't need a gem guide.
    Ign: (S44)Euthanize
    Guild: (J1)Philippines
    Level: 150 Eidolon
    Class: Support Priest.

    I'm annoying.
    ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


    • #3
      That is helpfull but to say something. unless you got a socket open the sperion its self will not tell you what lvl gems it can have, hears a basic way you can figure it out. Each of the stages is a improve way of knowing what gems it can have. Like the basic sperion can have lv 1 gems no higher sadly. However once made into its next morph it can then have lv 2 sperion gems etc...sperion morphs extactly 10 times so just count how many times you have morphed it that will say what lv gems you can have in it.
      Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
      Server: Glacial Planes.
      Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

      For in depth knight guide click the link below

      "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


      • #4
        well bla2400 was alot more helpfull thanks!


        • #5
          Yep, I didn't help at all, totally! Thanks for being a considerate human being!
          Not like you asked about level 7 gems or anything.

          Also, it's not like there isn't already a really well put together guide or anything like that, no, of course not.

          I've had a bad day, no excuse to be crabby, but when someone goes out of your way to help you, you can show appreciation to both(all) of them.
          Not only one.
          Thanks. - Euth
          Last edited by adrimid; 12-24-2012, 05:10 PM.
          Ign: (S44)Euthanize
          Guild: (J1)Philippines
          Level: 150 Eidolon
          Class: Support Priest.

          I'm annoying.
          ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


          • #6
            You helped as well, just not as much as I said the sperion wont show what lv gems it can have untill you unlock a socket so it makes since someone would point out a flaw with what you said. You should also be grateful that someone went out of their way to do so in not just on topic but also off topic in helping more then just you and them.

            Also as a side note I didnt mean to offend you If I did im sorry I didnt mean to nor did I think you'd take it in that manner.

            Happy x-mas to both of you and enjoy a very festive Crystal saga =D
            Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
            Server: Glacial Planes.
            Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

            For in depth knight guide click the link below

            "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


            • #7
              nice guide there
              IGN: FRiTZKiE008
              Server:Sukemo Bluff
              Pet:+13 SD,SA,BB,Teeka
              Guild:J2 Immortals
              Plane:Scion ☣
              Mount:Battle Bear(Slowly Getting My GT im @ 6stars and half haha)
              Class:Rogue Shadow
              Wings:Angel Wings +1

              Just Enjoy The Game No matter what happens
              MOVE ON !! Lets Enjoy The life

              Don't Quit Just REST !


              • #8
                To answer your question, please reference the picture below and pay close attention to the circled red area. =)

