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About me

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  • About me

    Okay I'm gonna post this because I had a few people ask me to join their party or ride mounts as of late. So I'm going to say this.

    I'm on the Exigent Bluff server, my name is Furin. I'm a archer. When I deny your requests, don't take it the wrong way. I'm focusing on quests as of now to get to lv 25 so I can enter the indigo blight dungeon with a friend of mine. She too is doing the same.

    Plus I'm a shy nervous guy of few words. So if you need my help with something, whisper me or talk to me before adding/inviting me and I'll tell you if I can help out or not.

    I often have run ins with elites just spawning who seem to do so when I'm just clicking away, so as you guess I'm filled with items.
    When I don't want to carry much more I do one of two things. I sell them or just drop them somewhere on the field. I would give to friends but
    I don't know how.

    Btw I also have a question. I tried searching it in the forums but I couldn't find it. Well actually two.

    Is there a mailbox system on this game where
    you can send things to people incase their offline so they can receive it later when they come online?

    And if I do join a party, will I still be able to continue with the quests? I don't know this because I never tried it.

  • #2
    1.No there is no such things as sending someone stuff while they offline.
    2.Yes you can continue your quests if your in a party.
    3. In order to give stuff to friends while they online ( coz you cant give them anything if they offline) you do the same thing as you would to give/trade stuff to
    other people who not/are your friends.You click on them then click on their avatar and alot of options will come up, click on the trade option and then put stuff
    in to the trade box to give/trade. You put stuff that are unbound or stuff that can be traded in to the box.You can find those stuff in your inventory. Hope this
    1 WORD


    • #3
      Yes it did. Now it's just a matter of me and my friend actually being on at the same time for once. And it's a relief I can still do stuff while in a party. Thanks for your reply StaViper.


      • #4
        I read Riku752's post and was inspired to do the same About Me:

        My name is Aclea (s51) I am a Ranger. Level 55, Vicount. I have gotten this far on my own with just doing quests, baths, etc. I have a guild called AngelAsylum. of which I am the only member.

        My favorite pet is Alice the SuperAngel. My mount is a Battle Stallion. I am weak, still very much a noob. And afraid to enter any battlegrounds.

        I am shy and unsure of what I am doing, yet open to anyone asking for help or friendship.

        I love this game and play every day.

        And a short question: I have seen "Ladder Gems" mentioned, yet have never gotten any. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?


        • #5
          Happy I could inspire you R22849317.
          I got good news. My friend finally got on at the same time I did. We talked a moment and watch an argument. But we came to a conclusion that we will go to the indigo blight together. Hopefully the two of us can do it. lol And I think I need more levels. :/ She does twice the amount of damage I do. Oh and I also got to trade with her. Turns out she had some things I could use too.

          Um... I never heard of Ladder Gems, I can't help you there. I'll keep this open a while just incase someone sees this and knows what they are.


          • #6
            hi Aclea,
            I'm not that strong either (I'm level 57, S(51) Indigo, we're on the same server yay! )
            As for ladder gems, the soonest they have dropped for me was level 13 or 16 so far (haven't done a lot of ladders, so don't take it as a reference). So maybe it's just a matter of getting further in ladder or doing it more often ^^

            Riku, if you feel weak, maybe check out some ranger guides. Depending on whether you are nature or anti-mage, you need different stats and different builds.take a look here for the different possibilities:

            hope it helped ^^ good luck to both of you!


            • #7
              I do well. I know what to increase by the skills I got. I only got four but none are under level 2. And I have one passive to improve attack speed. My friend just upgraded her priest better than I upgraded my Ranger. Well since all the questions were answered. ^^ I'll be closing this before I log off today.


              • #8
                Ladder Gems may be obtained while completing levels in the Crystal Ladder.
                Crystal Saga
                Server: Whisperwind Beach
                IGN: hei
                Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
                Guild: Nightmare
                Honor: Emperor

                Server: Tauren Camp
                IGN: Izaya
                Lvl: 45+ Archer
                Guild: Mayhem
                Honor: Elite Warrior


                • #9
                  oh. lol Your talking about me Riku? I told you I'm on the same level as you are. If I used the light missle I may be doing around the same damage as you. But I use bloodbeam instead and that's on level four. That's why my character does so much damage compared to yours, plus her int is almost 100.

                  XD Oh well, I'm gonna just go random places casting heal on people in battle and see how many thank me.

