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Maybe I'm just dumb

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  • Maybe I'm just dumb

    It seems all the characters I make never save! Every time I log in I have to make a new character. Perhaps theres a save thing I just dont know about? I haven't had much time to pittle around and lean how to operate the game like I should've. Anyone mind telling me what I'm doing wrong?

  • #2
    make sure you entered the same server!!
    charchters are server bound .... you can see the latest server you entered on the home page or just check your history
    My Guides

    IGN - (S25)Magmadude2 Lvl6x
    Wings - Ultimate Demigod VIII
    Plane - Scion
    Soul- 423
    Weapon - SupFragSword V +4 (damned weapon won' enchant )
    Pets - SA, SD, bonosauras, baby demon, teeka, baby bear cub (tank pet), Gobbler, Canvas Teddy

