How to Level Fast
Objective: This guide may help you to...- level up more frequently, therefore, earning more EXP
First off, this guide is made for levels from 30+ since there wouldn't be much problems and difficulties for levels 30 and lower. But this guide CAN be ideal for levels 25+ as well (but the items demonstrated below will rather suit level 30+) 

Things to do from level 1-29:
- Crystal Ladder for levels 20-100 (but if you are level 20, you will have to walk/mount there using the World Map)
- participating in the Indigo Blight dungeon (levels 25+)
Most importantly is doing your Main Quests, its proven that doing all from level 1 can help you level to level 30 really easily!
Things to do from levels 30+:
There are many possibilities starting from levels 30 and up. All these options can be participated in DAILY!- Starglade Tour (for levels 30-39), 10 chances to participate
- Daily Hunt (for levels 30-100), 20 chances to participate
- A Day in Vidalia (pretty much like Starglade Tour), 10 chances to participate
- Survival of the Fittest, 1 change to participate
- Blessed Bath, 2 chances to participate
- Redemption, 3 chances to participate
- The Training, 2 chances to participate
- Seed of Life 1 chance for levels 50-59 AND 2 chances for levels 60-100
***Some things from the level "1-29" paragraph can be used to earn EXP too!
Now that you've learned the basics, you can level up more frequently! Although levels 50 and up can be hard. Doing these steps can be very helpful! But there are 1 thing that you should do before participating in any of the above and that is:
Do you MAIN Quests!
Do you MAIN Quests!
I hope you find this guide very helpful to use while leveling up your character. Please, if you have any questions or comments, do so below. This is my first ever guide and I hope you can take use of it!
