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[Guide] Weapons & Armor(s) - Equips

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  • [Guide] Weapons & Armor(s) - Equips

    Weapons & Armor(s)
    I will learn about different types of equips and how rare, strong, in other words, know my items better.

    How do I know what items are better then another?
    Just follow this order:
    WORST --->White (no square around), Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Orange <--- BEST
    The better the color rating is, the more BONUS STATS it may hold!
    When you start out playing from levels 1-10, it doesn't really matter what you have equipped though. It all starts at level 11+ because that's when you start fighting. In a typical item, they have the same name, but watch out and check the square around the item, and its roll-over name because they have a type of color in it!

    What about my item's QUALITY and DURABILITY?
    Your item's quality may be one of the most important things to look for in an item. The quality proves how high your item's durability can be. Quality can be determined of how Poor or Outstanding it can be. Here is a list to help you remember what is the most bad and best for you to use:
    Poor, Fair, Ordinary, Good, Outstanding
    Outstanding (AKA OS) is the best type you can have

    The quality of an item 100% affects the durability of the item because the better the quality of the item is, the longer the durability can be.
    Basically, the Durability of an item is how long it is in use. The more you die. Your durability will drop. Thats why more durability helps your items last longer therefore, letting you use them longer!

    So the better the quality is, the durability is as well.

    After the durability's going low. Go to any shop to REPAIR them!
    Click image for larger version

Name:	untitled.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	697.3 KB
ID:	1731909

    About the class...
    EVERY SINGLE CLASS has a different item to offer you. So make sure you check what class is available to where before you equip it.

    • SOME items may require a specific HONOR RANK
    • Check the level requirement
    • There isn't much to have caution about after reading your equips and understanding it, if here IS something that should be caution(ed), Comment to suggest!

    Low Durability, Repairing...
    Once your item is used once in awhile, after deaths as well, your item will LOWER its durability, making it no longer a use that's helpful. Here are some tools that can help you:
    1. Repair AT a shop
    2. Hammers

    My most useful thing to do when an equip needs a repair is repair it at a shop. Hammers are all very helpful because with one hammer only, you can repair ALL of your equips, EXCEPT, it also LOWERS the durability. Repairing at a shop is most ideal.
    I'll add an attachment of how to repair as well!

    A picture I attached can pretty much go along with this thread

    I hope you enjoy my guide. If you have any questions, be SURE to comment to ask! Thank you very much for reading. Any suggestions? I'll take it!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by candyangelz00; 07-06-2012, 02:08 PM.
    ~ Love Candy
    Mage Level 40+
    (No direct level due to change every few days)
    Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
    Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
    Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

    If you have any questions, just message me <3

    Something wrong?
    ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
    ...file a ticket
    ...providing images and screenshots
    ...when this happened, how this happened
    ...your clues and what-nots

  • #2
    Thanks for reading. Be sure to scroll to the RIGHT to see the full image!
    ~ Love Candy
    Mage Level 40+
    (No direct level due to change every few days)
    Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
    Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
    Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

    If you have any questions, just message me <3

    Something wrong?
    ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
    ...file a ticket
    ...providing images and screenshots
    ...when this happened, how this happened
    ...your clues and what-nots


    • #3
      You might want to mention the difference between a normal repair and a master repair on a weapons durability. Otherwise good summary/guide for new players.
      There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

      Crystal Saga
      IGN: Codawg
      Server: Celestial Haven
      Guild: BrimStone
      Class: Beastmaster
      Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
      Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
      Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


      • #4
        and dont use repair hammers cause they decrease the over all durability, also, maybe inclue a smaller section with description how to enchant 5+
        Server : Rinulka Peninsula
        Class : Rogue
        Level : 61
        Guild : CandyShop
        Character : Whiskey


        • #5
          ;O Nice guide candy
          Don't give up. Nothing is impossible. Turn the negative into the positive and you'll be unstoppable

          Need to file a ticket ?


          • #6
            :P you forgot about something
            better quality gives many optional attributes (1-4 optionals, 5 for savage and slayer's set)
            you can see the optional attribute(green color) below the main attribute(white color)


            • #7
              Uhh..... I fell asleep yesterday so today I'm adding the repair part
              ~ Love Candy
              Mage Level 40+
              (No direct level due to change every few days)
              Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
              Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
              Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

              If you have any questions, just message me <3

              Something wrong?
              ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
              ...file a ticket
              ...providing images and screenshots
              ...when this happened, how this happened
              ...your clues and what-nots


              • #8
                Originally posted by lazzu View Post
                :P you forgot about something
                better quality gives many optional attributes (1-4 optionals, 5 for savage and slayer's set)
                you can see the optional attribute(green color) below the main attribute(white color)
                Bonus stats? Yeaaah, its in the picture image thing :3
                ~ Love Candy
                Mage Level 40+
                (No direct level due to change every few days)
                Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
                Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
                Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

                If you have any questions, just message me <3

                Something wrong?
                ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
                ...file a ticket
                ...providing images and screenshots
                ...when this happened, how this happened
                ...your clues and what-nots


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cptnkngrt View Post
                  and dont use repair hammers cause they decrease the over all durability, also, maybe inclue a smaller section with description how to enchant 5+
                  Lool, honestly I would but I usually enchant 3+ and stop. Eheheheh! Im not the "master" or "best luck" enchanter...
                  ~ Love Candy
                  Mage Level 40+
                  (No direct level due to change every few days)
                  Server: [S3] Frozen Plains
                  Name is candyangelz00 in Eternal Saga.
                  Accepts friend, party, trade requests etc.

                  If you have any questions, just message me <3

                  Something wrong?
                  ~ Make sure you provide all the evidence that you can by:
                  ...file a ticket
                  ...providing images and screenshots
                  ...when this happened, how this happened
                  ...your clues and what-nots

