In this guide I will be teaching you guys how to make fast money. I know the pros will be like "Everyone knows that" " this is dumb", etc. but this is for some of the newer players. Continuing, killing normal monsters sometimes drop decent items, but killing elite and boss monsters are way better ways to make money(although they are rarer than normal monsters), especially if you get items in high demand, like mount upgrade tokens (mut), heroic wings, purified crystals, and other rare shop items. If you get any good equipment, but you can't use it (for example, if you get a shield(knight) and you are a mage or whatever other class, they would get you small money, like a few silver. But... when you get to lvl 30, you can sell things with your own private shop! Depending on how good your equipment is, you determine the price(obviously). But try not to sell lower than double the price you get if you sold it to an NPC. Another excellent item to try to get is the shards for the pristine and epic sets (dream walker, ethereal, demoni, etc.). Those aren't that valuable (5-10 silver), but you need lots of them to actually craft whatever you wanted to craft. The shards are also good for merchanting, but that's for when you get more money. Merchanting is when you buy a thing(s) for a low price and sell for a higher price. It doesn't always work, but always remember to buy all of the item that sell for a lower price than what you want to sell them at, because then other people will go to cheaper shops. Also, the delivery, escort and plunder daily events give excellent gold. I am pretty sure that the higher lvl the crystaloid being delivered, the higher gold everyone gets ( I am not sure about plunder though). Remember, if you are escorting someone, remember to join their party, or else you won't complete the quest. I think GMs should add that to the escort description. I was confused the first time I did escort.
That's it for now! I know it was all words and very long and boring, so I will try to add screenshots later! Also, please tell me if I forgot some ways to earn money (remember, this is for new players). Thanks!