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[QUESTION] How to take a Screenshots

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  • [QUESTION] How to take a Screenshots

    Please i need a reply !

  • #2
    ugh watch some youtube videos about taking screenshots and yeah or take a camera then take photos
    IGN: Camelot
    Server: Exigent Bluff

    Inspiration, Domination to be the best that's my motivation


    • #3
      This is what I do o_o don't no if it'll help. Anyways, I click prntscrn on my keyboard o_o I did this both on laptop n computer. Then, I made sure I didn't copy anything else. I press start and there's a little search button. I type in paint or my computers Chinese so I go to google translate type in paint then paste it out. Then I search it, find some weird looking somewhat paint picture like thingy magingy. Ok since I copied it, I repress prnt scrn and then I type in ctrl+P then Its pasted. The image ish there. I did some typing and editing to get used to it ._. I saved it. Then I go to and browse for the picture. Uhh hen I press upload I think and I get the links and I paste em
      I'm not usually active so my stats are the same.

      IGN (S12)Tcaty
      Class Shadow Rogue
      Level 55+
      Plane Mortal (obv.)
      Honor Earl

      Well, that's about it! Have a fantastic day...


      • #4
        guide in sign
        My Guides

        IGN - (S25)Magmadude2 Lvl6x
        Wings - Ultimate Demigod VIII
        Plane - Scion
        Soul- 423
        Weapon - SupFragSword V +4 (damned weapon won' enchant )
        Pets - SA, SD, bonosauras, baby demon, teeka, baby bear cub (tank pet), Gobbler, Canvas Teddy


        • #5

          Crystal Saga
          Server: Whisperwind Beach
          IGN: hei
          Lvl 60+ Eidolon Knight
          Guild: Nightmare
          Honor: Emperor

          Server: Tauren Camp
          IGN: Izaya
          Lvl: 45+ Archer
          Guild: Mayhem
          Honor: Elite Warrior

