My character got deleted ( Font Segoe Script [Fixedsys] :P )
Name : Fionna
Gender : Female xD
Class : Ranger
Lvl : 41
Registered on Facebook
Username : R210083571 (lol ikr)
After i entered game i'm back on the Creation Screen .... I can't click back it just restarts Please help ( I did not delete it )
( Note : I liked it and have Boxing Bear and also have a picture with the "Last Played on : <Server> )

( Can't Upload the Creation screen
Name : Fionna
Gender : Female xD

Class : Ranger
Lvl : 41
Registered on Facebook
Username : R210083571 (lol ikr)

( Note : I liked it and have Boxing Bear and also have a picture with the "Last Played on : <Server> )
( Can't Upload the Creation screen
