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Why cant u double log gm pls read

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  • Why cant u double log gm pls read

    gm i wnna kno why cant we double log wen i try it say failed re-login in when i do that still says same thing

  • #2
    You can't log in twice with the same account, however, if you make different accounts, then you can.
    Account 1 logs in with Jimmy
    Account 2 logs in with Bob

    So, just make another account if you haven't spent too much time on your second character, otherwise, you will have to consistently switch off if you're trying to balance the characters.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #3
      however,you can log in on a different account but you cant log into the same account if you have it logged in on 1 page.


      • #4
        whats the diff i meen u can have more then 1 acc but u cant use more then 1 char for 1 acc at the same time


        • #5
          Originally posted by kudis5 View Post
          whats the diff i meen u can have more then 1 acc but u cant use more then 1 char for 1 acc at the same time
          You can't.
          Your best bet is making a new account then log in using that acc and your main acc.

          Edit:You need two seperate account inorder to dual..
          Last edited by Helling; 07-25-2012, 01:53 AM. Reason: I miss something. :P
          I'm boring. X_X"

