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Inventory slots??

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  • Inventory slots??

    I keep trying to click on things (like town scroll,my surprise boxes)but it keeps saying it needs 6 or 2 inventory slots.what does that mean? I have room in my inventory......

  • #2
    Because where will the items that you will receive from the pack or box will go to your inventory of course so you need space for the items to be put in your bag


    Eidolon 3x


    "Spend time, not money, on your children"
    "Money can be earned again , Time just passes once"


    • #3
      so how do I get more open slots?my inventory appears pretty open to me how do I get open slots???/


      • #4
        buy some pack xpander or if youre f2p player simply sell or destroy some useless items or vault them
        They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
        But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


        • #5
          until your about level 50+ and intending to sell afk loot to NPC set your AFK system to only pick up items.
          when your doing dungeons you can set the equipment to pick up certain ones in case you still need something from there but just having it pick up items will still pick up the important stuff like wings and mount tokens purified crystals, and equipment shards.

          that'll avoid your inventory filling up a lot with stuff that's not to great profit to sell to npc or worth equipping+save you time dropping stuff+avoid possibly dropping something important.
          if you continue having issues could you please provide a screen shot of your inventory?

          It should also be noted that if you have a full inventory while grinding for a while that you wont be able to pick up potions or event shards and gems etc even if you don't have a full stack of the item-once your pack is full you stop looting, so if wanna grind for long hours and can't vendor the equipment picking up then the above is the best setting for afk. otherwise you wont pick stuff up an it'll just vanish.
          Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 03-12-2013, 11:15 AM.

