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Bound orbs

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  • Bound orbs

    I don't get the point of having health and mana orbs bound. Right now as it sits I have 9.9m health reserves and 991991 mana reserves along with 175 health orbs and now after today, 68 mana orbs, which I will never ever use. I would like to give some away, but I cannot because someone had a dim light in their head (which they probably thought was a bright idea) turn on and decided to bound them. It's a total waste to have them bound.

  • #2
    I would like it if i could unbind my orbs too and give them to people who actually need them.

    The only good thing that comes from me having so many orbs is that I don't carry any potions in my inventory (unless I accidentally pick them up) anymore, so it's more space for loot. I just let my orb do the potion work - specifically my mana orb as I can heal my hp myself being a healer and all.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      I'm a knight and I solo dungeons. I can do all 5 on normal or hard and not even go through 1 health orb. I would LOVE to give my health orbs away, but sadly I cannot because of the smrt person who decided to make them bound (and yes, I spelled smrt like that on purpose, since whomever made them bound thinks like homer simpson).


      • #4
        I ant to give orbs to my friends sadly they are bound im a priest an actually i barely use them because i have a heal


        Eidolon 3x


        "Spend time, not money, on your children"
        "Money can be earned again , Time just passes once"

