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So Laggy

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  • #76
    windshear peaks is S6 and we cant connect either


    • #77
      We are currently fixing the lag issue and we hope to resolve it as soon as possible. Please bear with us.

      Thank you.


      • #78
        Originally posted by R2CS_Alba View Post
        We are currently fixing the lag issue and we hope to resolve it as soon as possible. Please bear with us.

        Thank you.
        I'm sorry, but with all due respect, not helpful. was it taken down because of lag, or did it lag to death? do you have an estimate for when it will be back? will there be some form of compensation for our lost time and events? will you be updating us as time goes by?


        • #79
          ahhh athenian why i cant log in at all it just say fail to connect to server what happen. GM pls help to fix the problem fast i want to play it like a drug to me if cant play cs for 1days. lol.i hope the problem solve faster.


          • #80
            Lmao, awesome, I love you. You're my favourite.

            As for the person who suggested separating the servers... HELL TO THE NO. I have made plenty of friends on the other servers, and over half of my main ladder party is not from (S11). >> Besides, R2 wouldn't do that anyway.


            • #81
              Thanks Euna. and adliew_x (if that IS your real name) no one knows what is going on. sit tight here and be patient with the rest of us, and maybe alba will keep us informed.


              • #82
                any idea who cracker and andliew


                • #83
                  Cracker is euna, as her signature says. andliew is a mystery.


                  • #84
                    OOOHHH MMYYYYY GGOOOODDD!!!!! you all need to take this opportunity to go outside, your computer chair has a permanent mold of you butt in it, and your fingers are formed to the shape of your mouse, and you have a tan from the radiation of your 32" gaming monitor. go outside so i can log back in with a completely empty (and lag free) server in which to run my 1000 alts simultaneously.
                    LISTEN! do you smell something?
                    I just killed you in the time it took you to read that.


                    • #85
                      so you want us to leave and stop doing something so you can do it?


                      • #86
                        are u sure that euna that dont fell like her


                        • #87
                          you are correct
                          LISTEN! do you smell something?
                          I just killed you in the time it took you to read that.


                          • #88
                            everyone leave and go play


                            • #89
                              euna im not suggesting we split up the servers , only mentioning that mergeing 3 servers at once wasnt smart cause all new players connecting on all 3 will flood it , i too have friends from all 3 and i too have people i run ladder with from different servers , now take a guess who i am


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by hlubtiag20 View Post
                                are u sure that euna that dont fell like her

                                HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL LIKE? D: Stalker.

                                No, it seriously is me. Guild Master of NEMESIS, wife of Wolf, and nicknamed the Godmother by awesome. Lmao. I could even post proof by putting up old screenshots of my character, but I'm not going to bother.

                                Or I could recite my character's skill tree list... I've been asked quite a few times about it. Who are you, hlubtiag20? o.0

