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I suggest no more GMUT Event

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  • I suggest no more GMUT Event

    I suggest no more GMUT event. Since most servers saved and earned alot of gold, then they will get hellwing which can cause lagg to the game. Hellwing is a big phoenix bird and they can block the way.

  • #2
    Hiding the player's tends to help with that. A lot of people rely on the GMuT events to get farther along and compete with heavy mallers.
    There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

    Crystal Saga
    IGN: Codawg
    Server: Celestial Haven
    Guild: BrimStone
    Class: Beastmaster
    Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
    Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
    Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


    • #3
      The holy one has spoken no more gmut events cause it makes him lagg u hear that r2!? LOL.........GetWrecked aurora point


      • #4
        why GMUT always expensive 5g-8g

        i think this event is farm GMUT for get 500xGMUT


        • #5
          thats not fair to other players though gmuts are too expensive we need some events


          • #6
            i dont agree..... I THINK TO BE FAIR AND GIVE THE WEAK the chance to have strong mounts too.... to better the game... and make people compete to be stronger.... please give GMUTTs EVENT.... =(


            • #7
              I know alot of people are waiting patiently for GMUT events.Removing GMUT events probably gotta push more active players away since all the recent events are not really interesting to even work hard for.Unless there is PUC/EW/PC/MC/SOUL SHARDS/HEALTH ORB events?Like I say GM can't please everyone.


              • #8
                GM,can u removed thats event??

                please GM


                • #9
                  GMUT event make you RICH


                  • #10
                    i don't know but i'm 50-50 for my decision about GMUTs ... Bacause I don't know how to get GMUTs but you need GMUTs for stronger and greater mounts ... it's your choice GM ... =)
                    Last edited by LanCe024; 06-01-2012, 02:10 AM. Reason: Wrong spelling
                    IGN: HaRuki024
                    LEVEL: 53
                    SERVER: (44)PSYCHODELICA
                    CLASS: HOLY PRIEST
                    GUILD: (44)TFoxHoundT
                    PET: BONE DRAGON - BABY DEMON

                    "Death to those who stands in my way"


                    • #11
                      Let me guess. Someone has a Hellwing and likes the advantage he/she has over others and so doesn't want anyone else to get one.....


                      • #12
                        juz give 500 gmut per char .. gm ..

                        THE END !


                        • #13
                          I agree to this thread! NO MORE GMUTS EVENT PLSSS GM!


                          • #14
                            I disagree, this is the only way non heavy cashers can experience those mounts. I for once would have quit a long time ago if i didnt got my gorilla and gryphon. This is for people who are hard working inside the game and its more like reward. Come on 3 gold is hard to get you know and its not that easy to make a gorilla and gryphon, so i guess the gmut event is a fair trade for non cashers


                            • #15
                              i disagree too ! what the hell if GMUT event is Removed and from where we could get the GMUT beside shop ? If non-heavy casher will be hard to get them, coz in Gorilla need 36 GMUT / try, dont remove it please coz im not heavy-casher @.@
                              IGN : RinKagamine
                              Servers : Exelow Hollows
                              current lvl : New born there, not will be shown xD

                              Comeback to CS just for fun xD

