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event sugestion

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  • event sugestion

    hello I made 5 characters and please today to enter an event with babyangel/demon eggs taeka eggs and fire lord eggs
    not all eggs are found on servers and is that other players have a good pet
    more please!

  • #2
    baby angel and demon are found easy by the dragon coin.
    (s3)resarntu i think most of you know me already. =D


    • #3
      yes but i dont have


      • #4
        You get 2 green dragon coins a day from the 10 day log in reward (+ 100 earth soul orbs, normal coupon, and 1x SS),
        which repeats itself after the 10 days + 1 login.
        So day 11 is the same as day 10. So is 12, 13, 14, and so on.

        3 GDC a day.
        Save them and spin them all when you have a good number for Baby Angel and Demon eggs.

        Teeka eggs are a common drop in Treasure Trove.

        Firelord eggs are obtainable by Survival of the Fittest (elite survivalist medal 3rd place or synth 3 rookies together)
        and answering 25 questions correctly in the daily quiz. (warrior's trial)

        The end.
        No cashing, just time.
        Last edited by adrimid; 04-18-2013, 03:25 AM.
        Ign: (S44)Euthanize
        Guild: (J1)Philippines
        Level: 150 Eidolon
        Class: Support Priest.

        I'm annoying.
        ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


        • #5
          Originally posted by xpert00 View Post
          hello I made 5 characters and please today to enter an event with babyangel/demon eggs taeka eggs and fire lord eggs
          not all eggs are found on servers and is that other players have a good pet
          more please!
          You know patience is a virtue?True that you can get 3 green dragon coin Daily you can stack them up so you have a chance of getting bound eggs, then try joining a lvl2 and lvl 3 guild so you can get bound eggs as a guild rewards, in that can case you can have a baby angel or a baby demon egg. Not all the time you need to buy, You just need to think.
          You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


          • #6
            SAVE THE EGGS!!!! xD

