What i hate even more about people spaming for new server's is . People in other server's that are like a year old ready to troll the troll's reply's and demand there be no new server's cuase they dont want one . well i think it's not just about you old player's it's also about new active people i do aggree with not spaming server's every 2 week's . but I HAVNT PLAYED IN OVER 2 MONTH'S CUASE OF NO NEW server . I MEAN MY GOD if r2 doesnt make a new server this week that will be over 2 months and 2 week's which would make this GAME DEAD AND ONLY LIVE to the mostly free playin old player's in other server's that doesnt even spend closeeeeee to new active player's but most of the new active player's anyways dont even look at this site anymore and alot of them gave up and moved on to other game's so while R2 aggree's with the old player's sayin no new server . well ok that's fine ill go on to soul guardian 2 or cyber monster's or everlight and spend my 100-200 buck's there . since this game is freakin dead . AND ONLY STILL ALIVE FOR THE OLD PLAYER'S THAT BARLY BUY CRYSTALS NOW AND MOSTLY PLAY FOR FREE CUASE THERE SUPER HIGH LVL R2 like's them more then peope wantin a good start a game they love and not HAVE TO WAIT 3 FREAKIN MONTH'S for another server . im sure the old troll's will get on and disaggree with what i say like they do with everyone pstin new server which is very very sad . they dont care about your game play at all they just want there game not to bug up maybe once every 2 month's for about 5-10mins lmao like oooh no that kill's us !!! . that's fine though guess more and more people will quit R2 crystal saga most of stoped even lookin for new server's now we just go play other games
No announcement yet.
The real truth
A member of the community has been trying to drum up support for a new server here: http://forum.r2games.com/showthread....erver-Creation
If you think the game is dead on an old server, imagine the population on a new server after a month right now.
I know the long and complicated real reason for there being no new servers right now- the simple version is that it's just not economical at this moment in time. So, the best chance everyone has for a new server is to join together in a big thread where a lot of people are requesting a new server, while keeping in mind that the next new server might not be your preferred type and time zone.New R2 Community Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VFMzFDqKq5
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Originally posted by chosenxxzzxx View PostWhat i hate even more about people spaming for new server's is . People in other server's that are like a year old ready to troll the troll's reply's and demand there be no new server's cuase they dont want one . well i think it's not just about you old player's it's also about new active people i do aggree with not spaming server's every 2 week's . but I HAVNT PLAYED IN OVER 2 MONTH'S CUASE OF NO NEW server . I MEAN MY GOD if r2 doesnt make a new server this week that will be over 2 months and 2 week's which would make this GAME DEAD AND ONLY LIVE to the mostly free playin old player's in other server's that doesnt even spend closeeeeee to new active player's but most of the new active player's anyways dont even look at this site anymore and alot of them gave up and moved on to other game's so while R2 aggree's with the old player's sayin no new server . well ok that's fine ill go on to soul guardian 2 or cyber monster's or everlight and spend my 100-200 buck's there . since this game is freakin dead . AND ONLY STILL ALIVE FOR THE OLD PLAYER'S THAT BARLY BUY CRYSTALS NOW AND MOSTLY PLAY FOR FREE CUASE THERE SUPER HIGH LVL R2 like's them more then peope wantin a good start a game they love and not HAVE TO WAIT 3 FREAKIN MONTH'S for another server . im sure the old troll's will get on and disaggree with what i say like they do with everyone pstin new server which is very very sad . they dont care about your game play at all they just want there game not to bug up maybe once every 2 month's for about 5-10mins lmao like oooh no that kill's us !!! . that's fine though guess more and more people will quit R2 crystal saga most of stoped even lookin for new server's now we just go play other games
You want a new server?
after that what? you play for a few months and quit because cashers are overpowering you
and then? beg for another server you cant be the best in this game if you dont cash
so if you're just a plain player dont expect to be one of the best because there are cashers going to dominate you(S31)CardinalSin
Eidolon 3x
"Spend time, not money, on your children"
"Money can be earned again , Time just passes once"
s62 is the newest server and its barely a month and 2 weeks old and rly new servers wont make u a better player you are as you will always be there will always be others that are better than you the sooner you accept that the sooner you can just be happy as for the point that newer members wont join cause theres no new servers first off i think older servers are more attractive to newer members cause of lower prices in things they rly need to get started up on and secondly newer servers are more chaotic to start with as ppl are still vying for power and there is no clear winner this makes for a volatile environment that most new players probably wont like anyways. face it the real reason you ask for a new server is cause its that one small glimmer of hope that maybe just this once you will be the strong and be top in server but sorry to burst ur bubble if u keep server hopping ull never be a strong player because strong players not only invest some money but also a lot of time in developing their characters they dont go from server to server hoping for an opportunity to be stronger they work at being a strong player just my two cents
idk wer u got ur information from but ur dead wrong,new players prefer old servers cas items cost less????? *** and u can be one of the strongest if u dont cash by doin all events all battlegrounds grindin etc. youll be as strong or stronger than some cashers,of course not all but some and there are more ppl askin for new server than there are ppl that dont want 1
Originally posted by R26550987 View Postwe people are different vastilos we are rich people and want new server's to spend on it i don't want old server's because of the gap level and boring because of few players so i hope you understandbecause ur poor and don't want new server just ****
And on that note, when you try to insult someone, make sure you use proper grammar, it helps to get your point across. You just typed 1 big run on sentence, which shows that you haven't gotten out of elementary school. And if you have, you're probably still doing grade 7 for the 7th time.
Have a nice day.
Originally posted by Mjulius_12 View PostYou want a new server?
after that what? you play for a few months and quit because cashers are overpowering you
and then? beg for another server you cant be the best in this game if you dont cash
so if you're just a plain player dont expect to be one of the best because there are cashers going to dominate you