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  • Dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc

    My ISP is GLOBE. i keep dc'ing for every 5 minutes or less. i cant even last for 10 minutes inside the game. are there any solutions for this? we really cant play. this happened to me after the last maintenance... i hope you fix this i know its about the isp thingy but the only thing i get confuse is WHY JUST Crystal Saga? I CAN browse very fast through other websites buff videos, i even downloaded a movie worth 2.7gb ... why just CS.. anyone can answer me with a good and spefic answer. thank you so much! dont post links about the thread issue of globe, coz i read it a lot of times and theres no damn solution! i even change my dns server but useless. thanks!

  • #2
    The solution is to pick up your phone and call your ISP to tell them you're having issues.

    As for why it wouldn't affect all the websites you go to, here's an explanation:
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage


