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  • idea's

    GM dont you not think in the coming future there should be more classes e.g necromancer,warden(summons creaturs to fight for it)' but GM i dont mean these idea's now what i mean is this game is already very popular and it will just get boring unless you do somthin like what im tryna say now and Gm ONE MORE THING i came up with an idea that sounds cool you might like it what if there was a 2nd set of weapons for each class knight:sword/spear/axe/duel axe/duel sword(meaning 1 sword in each hand) rogue dagger/kantana lol ranger bow/crossbow well GM my point is the game would be alot more fun if there were more stuff like this in it thank you

  • #2
    Any new classes is not an option until the original developers of the game decide to implement some.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #3
      I agree with that except I already picked an old class in the future


      • #4
        ik its there option of when there gonna make onebut what im trying to say is everyone is just gonna get bored of the same old classes and weapons
        Last edited by corypker; 08-04-2012, 02:10 PM.

