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Indigo Blight Recommended Members and info

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  • Indigo Blight Recommended Members and info

    Recommended Members:1-2 tanks (2nd tank is also to take over the 1st tank's place if they die in the dungeon, most likely if they are killed by Devourzak.) 1-3 Priests for healing, 1-2 Ice Mages (To slow down enemies and the boss), and 1-2 Rogues to deal continous damage to enemies.
    Spirit Bird (Melee)
    Indigo Rumbler (Don't know if its real name, Melee)
    Phantom Hunter (Melee)
    Devourzak (Boss, Melee)
    If I forgot any Monsters, post the name and attack style on the thread.
    OPTIONAL:You can do this solo, but make sure you are ready and a good hardcore.
    Last edited by calebd02; 05-03-2013, 10:39 PM. Reason: So many posts about solos

  • #2
    Originally posted by calebd02 View Post
    Recommended Members:1-2 tanks (2nd tank is also to take over the 1st tank's place if they die in the dungeon, most likely if they are killed by Devourzak.) 1-3 Priests for healing, 1-2 Ice Mages (To slow down enemies and the boss), and 1-2 Rogues to deal continous damage to enemies.
    Spirit Bird (Melee)
    Indigo Rumbler (Don't know if its real name, Melee)
    Phantom Hunter (Melee)
    Devourzak (Boss, Melee)
    If I forgot any Monsters, post the name and attack style on the thread.
    dude, why we need party in indigo blight?? we can do solo.


    • #3
      level 25 priest+ level 25 knight is enough for this dungeon, and any class can solo this at level 30 by using the level 30 health potions. and to do it faster, go straight to the boss cuz its possible to avoid the mobs..that is all!
      Last edited by R21919277; 05-03-2013, 08:58 PM.


      • #4
        My level 25 hybrid knight can solo this with less than 20 hp potions and no mp potions.
        Originally posted by **aH2o138Mfg4J**
        This is how I got my name.
        **=All my friends have this in their names.
        a=First letter of alphabet.
        H2o=Chemical formula for water.
        138=13 is bad Luck 8 is how old my son was when I created this account.
        M=Master. Seems like another way to say boss.
        fg=Food, because we need it to live. Guardian, they protect you.
        4J=4 is how old my daughter is when I created this account. J is the first letter of my last name.
        **=All of my friends have this in their names.
        Yes, you can call me anything.


        • #5
          my lvl 25 priest can solo indigo less HP pots
          "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane


          • #6
            My ranger level 25 solo with no pots only HO.
            Never judge a book by its cover.


            • #7
              me too my lvl 25 hybrid priest can do solooo
              Game-Crystal Saga
              Server-(S43)Killers Den
              Level-60 weak one with 3.3k PATK and 1.5 PDEF
              Pet-Super Angel ,Super Demon, Teeka,Panda(Baby)
              Mount-Battle Bear
              Wings-Demigod Wings II
              Class-Hybrid Knight


              • #8
                My lvl 25 priest holy+the curses from blood+ full int can solo it with only HO and my lvl 26 nature ranger can solo it with full int with only HO and 10 pots
                1 WORD


                • #9
                  I tried soloing it with Health Orbs this time and no HP potions, still level 25. It works.
                  Originally posted by **aH2o138Mfg4J**
                  This is how I got my name.
                  **=All my friends have this in their names.
                  a=First letter of alphabet.
                  H2o=Chemical formula for water.
                  138=13 is bad Luck 8 is how old my son was when I created this account.
                  M=Master. Seems like another way to say boss.
                  fg=Food, because we need it to live. Guardian, they protect you.
                  4J=4 is how old my daughter is when I created this account. J is the first letter of my last name.
                  **=All of my friends have this in their names.
                  Yes, you can call me anything.


                  • #10
                    A very interesting thread
                    Name: (S1)GeoStigma
                    Class: Hybrid Mage
                    Honor: Emperor
                    Plane: Eidolon
                    Level: Unknown
                    Guild: Noypi

                    Waiting for you and waiting your love...
                    But you never came to me
                    And I am still waiting until my death...
                    But you hate me...
                    So I shall kill you..
                    And make you suffer...

                    Kill me..
                    Kiss me..
                    Bury me..
                    Just look at me....

