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Newgrounds server: Death commeth?

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  • Newgrounds server: Death commeth?

    With the surprising popularity of the game we experienced a boom of players almost from the start. However, now it seems that we are starting to lose players left and right and rumor has spread that the server will likely be dropped or merged with one with a better player base.

    Even now, I'm unsure as to what R2 games named the NewGrounds server or if it can be accessed through the R2 games main CS site. I've been playing the game since either late January or early February of this year. I forget. Time flies when you're having fun!

    I would however actually be remiss if the Newgrounds server were to in fact be dropped, and after spending all of this time leveling up and growing semi attached to the other players, I'd hate to have to start all over from scratch on another server that could very well share the same fate.

    The rebirth system, which I'm close to experiencing for myself will be somewhat tedious enough for my temperment, lol. Let alone having to "find my place" among a new server. Or a combined one, however that would work.

    And to speak on the behalf of those that are cash players on the Newgrounds server, I imagine they would be suitably upset if that server were to go up in smoke, knowing a few that have already spent at the very least $100+ on Firelord eggs alone. Not to mention those who have had VIP from the start and so on.

    I've somewhat lost what my original train of thought was, perhaps I merely wanted to call some vague attention to myown concerns. Though it's likely that my concerns are not only myown in speaking about this, being as eliquent as I ever dare to be in hopes to find an answer in the madness.

    Player: TEEG
    Level: 72 ( and a half!!! )
    Server:"Newgrounds server"
    Guild: Valhalla
    Guild Rank: Head Valkerie
    Honor Rank: Duke
    Build: Surprisingly-Effective-Hybrid

  • #2
    Originally posted by Diva_Ex_Machina View Post
    With the surprising popularity of the game we experienced a boom of players almost from the start. However, now it seems that we are starting to lose players left and right and rumor has spread that the server will likely be dropped or merged with one with a better player base.

    Even now, I'm unsure as to what R2 games named the NewGrounds server or if it can be accessed through the R2 games main CS site. I've been playing the game since either late January or early February of this year. I forget. Time flies when you're having fun!

    I would however actually be remiss if the Newgrounds server were to in fact be dropped, and after spending all of this time leveling up and growing semi attached to the other players, I'd hate to have to start all over from scratch on another server that could very well share the same fate.

    The rebirth system, which I'm close to experiencing for myself will be somewhat tedious enough for my temperment, lol. Let alone having to "find my place" among a new server. Or a combined one, however that would work.

    And to speak on the behalf of those that are cash players on the Newgrounds server, I imagine they would be suitably upset if that server were to go up in smoke, knowing a few that have already spent at the very least $100+ on Firelord eggs alone. Not to mention those who have had VIP from the start and so on.

    I've somewhat lost what my original train of thought was, perhaps I merely wanted to call some vague attention to myown concerns. Though it's likely that my concerns are not only myown in speaking about this, being as eliquent as I ever dare to be in hopes to find an answer in the madness.

    Player: TEEG
    Level: 72 ( and a half!!! )
    Server:"Newgrounds server"
    Guild: Valhalla
    Guild Rank: Head Valkerie
    Honor Rank: Duke
    Build: Surprisingly-Effective-Hybrid
    Since when was there a server called 'NewGrounds Server'??????????????And yes I do agree it does seem that alot of people are leaving due to the old servers not being merged with the new ones so now they have nothing to except fight or challenge the same pl over and over and over agin,which seems to be boring.
    Last edited by StaViper; 05-09-2013, 03:55 PM.
    1 WORD


    • #3
      There is a server that goes through for Crystal saga, however I have no idea what-so-ever what R2 games calls that particular server, it proved to be impossible to track down as they have added a new server or a few of them since that one was luanched in January of this year. If anyone happens to figure out what The "Newgrounds" server's true name is around here, I'd be more than happy to be privy to that information.


      • #4
        is Newgrounds a private server? or something?


        • #5
          I imagine "newgrounds" is like "DP" just another provider like R2 for crystal saga.

          our server merged with "DP1,2,3" it was a great merge we all got to meet new players to kill or befriend.

          im sure if you merge it will bring new experiences and/or new battles for top power players so its nothing to worry about, you should hope this happens it will breathe new life into the game for you

          good luck and enjoy
          Legends Praetorian

          Caesar's personal Assassin

          Married to the best priest in the game



          • #6
            some player said r2 will merge on it true or just rumors..?

            hope they merge as soon as possible since everyone in my sever kinda boring faced with same player each day

            :o Merp <3 Java :o

            I love you not because of anything you have,
            but because of something that I feel when I’m near you
            - JavaMerp -


            • #7
              Joyopark servers should be merging into R2 on May 13th.


              • #8
                Yup. That would be correct, CS has servers through, Kongregate and a few others aside from the main site in and of it's self. I just wish I knew what the actual name of this server is lol.

                And oh joy, more OP power players to maim my squishy little self. Well, I hold myown alright even though I haven't rebirthed yet. XDDD


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne82444 View Post
                  Joyopark servers should be merging into R2 on May 13th.
                  how do u know..?no announcement from gm lol

                  :o Merp <3 Java :o

                  I love you not because of anything you have,
                  but because of something that I feel when I’m near you
                  - JavaMerp -


                  • #10
                    No announcement from GM here, our forums have info about it.
                    Dear Crystal Saga players,

                    Finally the merger comes to us, are you ready? Follow the guidelines below to enjoy crystal saga further.

                    1. Your data on joyopark will be fully reserved for the merger.
                    2. Players who use paypal recurring payment method need to stop it before merger. How to? How to stop your VIP automatic payments.

                    1. The merger will be carried out on May.13th (Server time), estimated server down time is 3~4 hours.
                    2. After the merger, players can still login joyopark and find the NPC ingame for connection to the aim server website ( By clicking the NPC and there will pop up a page to request players to register a new account, then follow the steps to finish the connection.
                    3. Use the new registered account to login on R2games after joyopark website not available.
                    4. Players can still visit and it will redirect you to

                    1. [Joypark S1-S2-S4] + [R2GAMES S35-S39-S44-S48-S53]
                    Server:US West/PVP
                    After merger Joypark S1-S2-S4 char name prefix changed as J1 J2 J4.

                    2. [Joypark S6-S7-S8] + [R2GAMES S52-S55-S57-S59]
                    Server:US East/PVP
                    After merger Joypark S6-S7-S8 char name prefix changed as J6 J7 J8.

                    3. [Joypark S3-S5] + [R2GAMES S60]
                    Server:US East/PVE
                    After merger Joypark S3-S5char name prefix changed asJ3 J5.

                    @The NPC lasts 24 hours after the mergrer so don't be hestitated to login the game and done the connection.

                    @The account needs to be brand new without playing before on R2games

                    @More details refer to the previous merger announcement of each server's forum section as it's the same.

                    P.S Don't forget to tell your friends about this news if they still want to play their crystal saga char here because players need to login the game to do the linking operation.
                    Joyopark forums announcement

                    Also the brand new account thing is kind of annoying for me, since I already have an R2 account that uses the same e-mail my main account is on.

